use crate::{Backoff, Job, MaxRetries}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, ser::Serialize}; use std::{ fmt::Debug, future::Future, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use tracing::{Instrument, Span}; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] /// The type produced when a task is dropped before completion as a result of being deliberately /// canceled, or it panicking pub struct JoinError; impl std::fmt::Display for JoinError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "Task has been canceled") } } impl std::error::Error for JoinError {} /// The mechanism used to spawn Unsend futures, making them Send pub trait UnsendSpawner { /// The Handle to the job, implements a Send future with the Job's output type Handle: Future> + Send + Unpin where T: Send; /// Spawn the unsend future producing a Send handle fn spawn(future: Fut) -> Self::Handle where Fut: Future + 'static, Fut::Output: Send + 'static; } /// The UnsendJob trait defines parameters pertaining to an instance of a background job /// /// This trait is used to implement generic Unsend Jobs in the background jobs library. It requires /// that implementors specify a spawning mechanism that can turn an Unsend future into a Send /// future pub trait UnsendJob: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static { /// The application state provided to this job at runtime. type State: Clone + 'static; /// The error type this job returns type Error: Into> + Send; /// The future returned by this job /// /// Importantly, this Future does not require Send type Future: Future>; /// The spawner type that will be used to spawn the unsend future type Spawner: UnsendSpawner; /// The name of the job /// /// This name must be unique!!! const NAME: &'static str; /// The name of the default queue for this job /// /// This can be overridden on an individual-job level, but if a non-existant queue is supplied, /// the job will never be processed. const QUEUE: &'static str = "default"; /// Define the default number of retries for this job /// /// Defaults to Count(5) /// Jobs can override const MAX_RETRIES: MaxRetries = MaxRetries::Count(5); /// Define the default backoff strategy for this job /// /// Defaults to Exponential(2) /// Jobs can override const BACKOFF: Backoff = Backoff::Exponential(2); /// Define how often a job should update its heartbeat timestamp /// /// This is important for allowing the job server to reap processes that were started but never /// completed. /// /// Defaults to 5 seconds /// Jobs can override const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: u64 = 5_000; /// Users of this library must define what it means to run a job. /// /// This should contain all the logic needed to complete a job. If that means queuing more /// jobs, sending an email, shelling out (don't shell out), or doing otherwise lengthy /// processes, that logic should all be called from inside this method. /// /// The state passed into this job is initialized at the start of the application. The state /// argument could be useful for containing a hook into something like r2d2, or the address of /// an actor in an actix-based system. fn run(self, state: Self::State) -> Self::Future; /// Generate a Span that the job will be processed within fn span(&self) -> Option { None } /// If this job should not use it's default queue, this can be overridden in /// user-code. fn queue(&self) -> &str { Self::QUEUE } /// If this job should not use it's default maximum retry count, this can be /// overridden in user-code. fn max_retries(&self) -> MaxRetries { Self::MAX_RETRIES } /// If this job should not use it's default backoff strategy, this can be /// overridden in user-code. fn backoff_strategy(&self) -> Backoff { Self::BACKOFF } /// Define how often a job should update its heartbeat timestamp /// /// This is important for allowing the job server to reap processes that were started but never /// completed. fn heartbeat_interval(&self) -> u64 { Self::HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL } } #[doc(hidden)] pub struct UnwrapFuture(F); impl Future for UnwrapFuture where F: Future> + Unpin, E: Debug, { type Output = T; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll(cx).map(|res| res.unwrap()) } } impl Job for T where T: UnsendJob, { type State = T::State; type Error = T::Error; type Future = UnwrapFuture<::Handle>>; const NAME: &'static str = ::NAME; const QUEUE: &'static str = ::QUEUE; const MAX_RETRIES: MaxRetries = ::MAX_RETRIES; const BACKOFF: Backoff = ::BACKOFF; const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: u64 = ::HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; fn run(self, state: Self::State) -> Self::Future { UnwrapFuture(T::Spawner::spawn( UnsendJob::run(self, state).instrument(Span::current()), )) } fn span(&self) -> Option { UnsendJob::span(self) } fn queue(&self) -> &str { UnsendJob::queue(self) } fn max_retries(&self) -> MaxRetries { UnsendJob::max_retries(self) } fn backoff_strategy(&self) -> Backoff { UnsendJob::backoff_strategy(self) } fn heartbeat_interval(&self) -> u64 { UnsendJob::heartbeat_interval(self) } }