
222 lines
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use std::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use actix::{Actor, Addr, Arbiter, SyncArbiter};
use background_jobs_core::{Job, Processor, ProcessorMap, Stats, Storage};
use failure::Error;
use futures::Future;
mod every;
mod pinger;
mod server;
mod storage;
mod worker;
pub use self::{every::Every, server::Server, worker::LocalWorker};
use self::{
server::{CheckDb, GetStats, NewJob, RequestJob, ReturningJob},
storage::{ActixStorage, StorageWrapper},
pub struct ServerConfig<S> {
storage: S,
threads: usize,
impl<S> ServerConfig<S>
S: Storage + Sync + 'static,
/// Create a new ServerConfig
pub fn new(storage: S) -> Self {
ServerConfig {
threads: num_cpus::get(),
/// Set the number of threads to use for the server.
/// This is not related to the number of workers or the number of worker threads. This is
/// purely how many threads will be used to manage access to the job store.
/// By default, this is the number of processor cores available to the application. On systems
/// with logical cores (such as Intel hyperthreads), this will be the total number of logical
/// cores.
/// In certain cases, it may be beneficial to limit the server process count to 1.
/// When using actix-web, any configuration performed inside `HttpServer::new` closure will
/// happen on each thread started by the web server. In order to reduce the number of running
/// threads, one job server can be started per web server thread.
/// Another case to use a single server is if your job store has not locking guarantee, and you
/// want to enforce that no job can be requested more than once. The default storage
/// implementation does provide this guarantee, but other implementations may not.
pub fn thread_count(mut self, threads: usize) -> Self {
self.threads = threads;
/// Spin up the server processes
pub fn start(self) -> QueueHandle {
let ServerConfig { storage, threads } = self;
let server = SyncArbiter::start(threads, move || {
Pinger::new(server.clone(), threads).start();
QueueHandle { inner: server }
/// Worker Configuration
/// This type is used for configuring and creating workers to process jobs. Before starting the
/// workers, register `Processor` types with this struct. This worker registration allows for
/// different worker processes to handle different sets of workers.
pub struct WorkerConfig<State>
State: Clone + 'static,
processors: ProcessorMap<State>,
queues: BTreeMap<String, u64>,
impl<State> WorkerConfig<State>
State: Clone + 'static,
/// Create a new WorkerConfig
/// The supplied function should return the State required by the jobs intended to be
/// processed. The function must be sharable between threads, but the state itself does not
/// have this requirement.
pub fn new(state_fn: impl Fn() -> State + Send + Sync + 'static) -> Self {
WorkerConfig {
processors: ProcessorMap::new(Arc::new(state_fn)),
queues: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Register a `Processor` with the worker
/// This enables the worker to handle jobs associated with this processor. If a processor is
/// not registered, none of it's jobs will be run, even if another processor handling the same
/// job queue is registered.
pub fn register<P, J>(mut self, processor: P) -> Self
P: Processor<Job = J> + Send + Sync + 'static,
J: Job<State = State>,
self.queues.insert(P::QUEUE.to_owned(), 4);
/// Set the number of workers to run for a given queue
/// This does not spin up any additional threads. The `Arbiter` the workers are spawned onto
/// will handle processing all workers, regardless of how many are configured.
/// By default, 4 workers are spawned
pub fn set_processor_count(mut self, queue: &str, count: u64) -> Self {
self.queues.insert(queue.to_owned(), count);
/// Start the workers in the current arbiter
pub fn start(self, queue_handle: QueueHandle) {
let processors = self.processors.clone();
self.queues.into_iter().fold(0, |acc, (key, count)| {
(0..count).for_each(|i| {
acc + i + 1000,
acc + count
/// Start the workers in the provided arbiter
pub fn start_in_arbiter(self, arbiter: &Arbiter, queue_handle: QueueHandle) {
let processors = self.processors.clone();
self.queues.into_iter().fold(0, |acc, (key, count)| {
(0..count).for_each(|i| {
let processors = processors.clone();
let queue_handle = queue_handle.clone();
let key = key.clone();
LocalWorker::start_in_arbiter(arbiter, move |_| {
acc + i + 1000,
acc + count
/// A handle to the job server, used for queuing new jobs
/// `QueueHandle` should be stored in your application's state in order to allow all parts of your
/// application to spawn jobs.
pub struct QueueHandle {
inner: Addr<Server>,
impl QueueHandle {
/// Queues a job for execution
/// This job will be sent to the server for storage, and will execute whenever a worker for the
/// job's queue is free to do so.
pub fn queue<J>(&self, job: J) -> Result<(), Error>
J: Job,
/// Queues a job for recurring execution
/// This job will be added to it's queue on the server once every `Duration`. It will be
/// processed whenever workers are free to do so.
pub fn every<J>(&self, duration: Duration, job: J)
J: Job + Clone + 'static,
Every::new(self.clone(), duration, job).start();
/// Return an overview of the processor's statistics
pub fn get_stats(&self) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = Stats, Error = Error> + Send> {
fn coerce<I, E, F>(res: Result<Result<I, E>, F>) -> Result<I, E>
E: From<F>,
match res {
Ok(inner) => inner,
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),