FROM arm64v8/alpine:3.10 AS lottieconverter WORKDIR /build RUN apk add --no-cache git build-base cmake \ && git clone \ && cd rlottie \ && mkdir build \ && cd build \ && cmake .. \ && make -j2 \ && make install \ && cd ../.. RUN apk add --no-cache libpng libpng-dev zlib zlib-dev \ && git clone \ && cd LottieConverter \ && git checkout 543c1d23ac9322f4f03c7fb6612ea7d026d44ac0 \ && make FROM arm64v8/alpine:3.11 ARG TAG ENV UID=1337 \ GID=1337 \ FFMPEG_BINARY=/usr/bin/ffmpeg COPY --from=lottieconverter /usr/lib/librlottie* /usr/lib/ COPY --from=lottieconverter /build/LottieConverter/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux/lottieconverter /usr/local/bin/lottieconverter RUN apk add git --no-cache \ && git clone -b ${TAG} /opt/mautrix-telegram \ && rm -rf /opt/mautrix-telegram/.git WORKDIR /opt/mautrix-telegram RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \ python3-dev \ libffi-dev \ build-base \ git \ && apk add --no-cache \ py3-virtualenv \ py3-pillow \ py3-aiohttp \ py3-magic \ py3-sqlalchemy \ py3-psycopg2 \ py3-ruamel.yaml \ # Indirect dependencies py3-idna \ #commonmark py3-future \ #alembic py3-mako \ py3-dateutil \ py3-markupsafe \ #moviepy py3-decorator \ py3-tqdm \ py3-requests \ #imageio py3-numpy \ #telethon py3-rsa \ # cryptg py3-cffi \ # Other dependencies ffmpeg \ ca-certificates \ su-exec \ netcat-openbsd \ # lottieconverter zlib \ libpng \ && pip3 install .[speedups,hq_thumbnails,metrics] \ # pip installs the sources to /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages, so we don't need them here && rm -rf /opt/mautrix-telegram/mautrix_telegram \ && apk del .build-deps VOLUME /data CMD ["/opt/mautrix-telegram/"]