FROM arm64v8/ruby:2.6-alpine3.10 # Set up git remote ARG TAG ARG GIT_REPOSITORY ARG BUILD_DATE # Tell rails to serve static files ENV RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES="true" ENV RAILS_ENV="production" ENV NODE_ENV="production" # Install helper scripts COPY root/ / # Install build dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache whois nodejs yarn ca-certificates git bash \ gcc g++ make libc-dev file sed \ imagemagick protobuf-dev libpq ffmpeg icu-dev libidn-dev yaml-dev \ readline-dev postgresql-dev curl tini python && \ update-ca-certificates # Create the mastodon user ARG UID=1001 ARG GID=1001 RUN echo "Etc/UTC" > /etc/localtime && \ mkdir -p /opt/mastodon && \ addgroup --gid $GID mastodon && \ adduser -D -u $UID -G mastodon -h /opt/mastodon mastodon && \ echo "mastodon:`head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 24 | mkpasswd -s -m sha-256`" | chpasswd && \ chown -R mastodon:mastodon /opt/mastodon # Install mastodon USER mastodon RUN git clone -b ${TAG} ${GIT_REPOSITORY} /opt/mastodon && \ rm -rf /opt/mastodon/.git # Install dependencies WORKDIR /opt/mastodon RUN mkdir -p /opt/mastodon/.config/yarn/global && \ touch /opt/mastodon/.config/yarn/global/.yarnclean && \ gem install bundler:1.17.2 && \ bundle config set deployment 'true' && \ bundle install -j$(nproc) --without development test --with production && \ yarn install --pure-lockfile # Compile assets RUN OTP_SECRET=precompile_placeholder SECRET_KEY_BASE=precompile_placeholder \ bundle exec rake assets:precompile ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"]