* Add blurhash

* Use fallback color for spoiler when blurhash missing

* Federate the blurhash and accept it as long as it's at most 5x5

* Display unknown media attachments as blurhash placeholders

* Improve style of embed actions and spoiler button

* Change blurhash resolution from 3x3 to 4x4

* Improve dependency definitions

* Fix code style issues
This commit is contained in:
Eugen Rochko 2019-04-27 03:24:09 +02:00 revīziju iesūtīja GitHub
vecāks c008911249
revīzija fba96c808d
Šim parakstam datu bāzē netika atrasta zināma atslēga
GPG atslēgas ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
22 mainīti faili ar 234 papildinājumiem un 60 dzēšanām

Parādīt failu

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ gem 'fog-openstack', '~> 0.3', require: false
gem 'paperclip', '~> 6.0'
gem 'paperclip-av-transcoder', '~> 0.6'
gem 'streamio-ffmpeg', '~> 3.0'
gem 'blurhash', '~> 0.1'
gem 'active_model_serializers', '~> 0.10'
gem 'addressable', '~> 2.6'

Parādīt failu

@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ GEM
rack (>= 0.9.0)
binding_of_caller (0.8.0)
debug_inspector (>= 0.0.1)
blurhash (0.1.2)
ffi (~> 1.10.0)
bootsnap (1.4.4)
msgpack (~> 1.0)
brakeman (4.5.0)
@ -661,6 +663,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
aws-sdk-s3 (~> 1.36)
better_errors (~> 2.5)
binding_of_caller (~> 0.7)
blurhash (~> 0.1)
bootsnap (~> 1.4)
brakeman (~> 4.5)

Parādīt failu

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { isIOS } from '../is_mobile';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { autoPlayGif, displayMedia } from '../initial_state';
import { decode } from 'blurhash';
const messages = defineMessages({
toggle_visible: { id: 'media_gallery.toggle_visible', defaultMessage: 'Toggle visibility' },
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ class Item extends React.PureComponent {
size: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
displayWidth: PropTypes.number,
visible: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
static defaultProps = {
@ -29,6 +31,10 @@ class Item extends React.PureComponent {
size: 1,
state = {
loaded: false,
handleMouseEnter = (e) => {
if (this.hoverToPlay()) {
@ -62,8 +68,40 @@ class Item extends React.PureComponent {
componentDidMount () {
if (this.props.attachment.get('blurhash')) {
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
if (prevProps.attachment.get('blurhash') !== this.props.attachment.get('blurhash') && this.props.attachment.get('blurhash')) {
_decode () {
const hash = this.props.attachment.get('blurhash');
const pixels = decode(hash, 32, 32);
if (pixels) {
const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
const imageData = new ImageData(pixels, 32, 32);
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
setCanvasRef = c => {
this.canvas = c;
handleImageLoad = () => {
this.setState({ loaded: true });
render () {
const { attachment, index, size, standalone, displayWidth } = this.props;
const { attachment, index, size, standalone, displayWidth, visible } = this.props;
let width = 50;
let height = 100;
@ -116,12 +154,20 @@ class Item extends React.PureComponent {
let thumbnail = '';
if (attachment.get('type') === 'image') {
if (attachment.get('type') === 'unknown') {
return (
<div className={classNames('media-gallery__item', { standalone })} key={attachment.get('id')} style={{ left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, width: `${width}%`, height: `${height}%` }}>
<a className='media-gallery__item-thumbnail' href={attachment.get('remote_url')} target='_blank' style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} >
<canvas width={32} height={32} ref={this.setCanvasRef} className='media-gallery__preview' />
} else if (attachment.get('type') === 'image') {
const previewUrl = attachment.get('preview_url');
const previewWidth = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'small', 'width']);
const originalUrl = attachment.get('url');
const originalWidth = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'original', 'width']);
const originalUrl = attachment.get('url');
const originalWidth = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'original', 'width']);
const hasSize = typeof originalWidth === 'number' && typeof previewWidth === 'number';
@ -147,6 +193,7 @@ class Item extends React.PureComponent {
style={{ objectPosition: `${x}% ${y}%` }}
@ -176,7 +223,8 @@ class Item extends React.PureComponent {
return (
<div className={classNames('media-gallery__item', { standalone })} key={attachment.get('id')} style={{ left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, width: `${width}%`, height: `${height}%` }}>
<canvas width={32} height={32} ref={this.setCanvasRef} className={classNames('media-gallery__preview', { 'media-gallery__preview--hidden': visible && this.state.loaded })} />
{visible && thumbnail}
@ -225,6 +273,7 @@ class MediaGallery extends React.PureComponent {
if (node /*&& this.isStandaloneEligible()*/) {
// offsetWidth triggers a layout, so only calculate when we need to
if (this.props.cacheWidth) this.props.cacheWidth(node.offsetWidth);
width: node.offsetWidth,
@ -242,7 +291,7 @@ class MediaGallery extends React.PureComponent {
const width = this.state.width || defaultWidth;
let children;
let children, spoilerButton;
const style = {};
@ -256,35 +305,28 @@ class MediaGallery extends React.PureComponent {
style.height = height;
if (!visible) {
let warning;
const size = media.take(4).size;
if (sensitive) {
warning = <FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_warning' defaultMessage='Sensitive content' />;
} else {
warning = <FormattedMessage id='status.media_hidden' defaultMessage='Media hidden' />;
if (this.isStandaloneEligible()) {
children = <Item standalone onClick={this.handleClick} attachment={media.get(0)} displayWidth={width} visible={visible} />;
} else {
children = media.take(4).map((attachment, i) => <Item key={attachment.get('id')} onClick={this.handleClick} attachment={attachment} index={i} size={size} displayWidth={width} visible={visible} />);
children = (
<button type='button' className='media-spoiler' onClick={this.handleOpen} style={style} ref={this.handleRef}>
<span className='media-spoiler__warning'>{warning}</span>
<span className='media-spoiler__trigger'><FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_toggle' defaultMessage='Click to view' /></span>
if (visible) {
spoilerButton = <IconButton title={intl.formatMessage(messages.toggle_visible)} icon={visible ? 'eye' : 'eye-slash'} overlay onClick={this.handleOpen} />;
} else {
spoilerButton = (
<button type='button' onClick={this.handleOpen} className='spoiler-button__overlay'>
<span className='spoiler-button__overlay__label'>{sensitive ? <FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_warning' defaultMessage='Sensitive content' /> : <FormattedMessage id='status.media_hidden' defaultMessage='Media hidden' />}</span>
} else {
const size = media.take(4).size;
if (this.isStandaloneEligible()) {
children = <Item standalone onClick={this.handleClick} attachment={media.get(0)} displayWidth={width} />;
} else {
children = media.take(4).map((attachment, i) => <Item key={attachment.get('id')} onClick={this.handleClick} attachment={attachment} index={i} size={size} displayWidth={width} />);
return (
<div className='media-gallery' style={style} ref={this.handleRef}>
<div className={classNames('spoiler-button', { 'spoiler-button--visible': visible })}>
<IconButton title={intl.formatMessage(messages.toggle_visible)} icon={visible ? 'eye' : 'eye-slash'} overlay onClick={this.handleOpen} />
<div className={classNames('spoiler-button', { 'spoiler-button--minified': visible })}>

Parādīt failu

@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class Status extends ImmutablePureComponent {
if (status.get('poll')) {
media = <PollContainer pollId={status.get('poll')} />;
} else if (status.get('media_attachments').size > 0) {
if (this.props.muted || status.get('media_attachments').some(item => item.get('type') === 'unknown')) {
if (this.props.muted) {
media = (
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ class Status extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{Component => (

Parādīt failu

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export default class StatusCheckBox extends React.PureComponent {
{Component => (

Parādīt failu

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Avatar from '../../../components/avatar';
import DisplayName from '../../../components/display_name';
import StatusContent from '../../../components/status_content';
import MediaGallery from '../../../components/media_gallery';
import AttachmentList from '../../../components/attachment_list';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { FormattedDate, FormattedNumber } from 'react-intl';
import Card from './card';
@ -109,14 +108,13 @@ export default class DetailedStatus extends ImmutablePureComponent {
if (status.get('poll')) {
media = <PollContainer pollId={status.get('poll')} />;
} else if (status.get('media_attachments').size > 0) {
if (status.get('media_attachments').some(item => item.get('type') === 'unknown')) {
media = <AttachmentList media={status.get('media_attachments')} />;
} else if (status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0, 'type']) === 'video') {
if (status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0, 'type']) === 'video') {
const video = status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0]);
media = (

Parādīt failu

@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ class MediaModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
return (

Parādīt failu

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export default class VideoModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {

Parādīt failu

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import classNames from 'classnames';
import { isFullscreen, requestFullscreen, exitFullscreen } from '../ui/util/fullscreen';
import { displayMedia } from '../../initial_state';
import Icon from 'mastodon/components/icon';
import { decode } from 'blurhash';
const messages = defineMessages({
play: { id: 'video.play', defaultMessage: 'Play' },
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
inline: PropTypes.bool,
cacheWidth: PropTypes.func,
intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
blurhash: PropTypes.string,
state = {
@ -139,6 +141,7 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
setVideoRef = c => {
this.video = c;
if (this.video) {
this.setState({ volume: this.video.volume, muted: this.video.muted });
@ -152,6 +155,10 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
this.volume = c;
setCanvasRef = c => {
this.canvas = c;
handleClickRoot = e => e.stopPropagation();
handlePlay = () => {
@ -170,7 +177,6 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
handleVolumeMouseDown = e => {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseVolSlide, true);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleVolumeMouseUp, true);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMouseVolSlide, true);
@ -190,7 +196,6 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
handleMouseVolSlide = throttle(e => {
const rect = this.volume.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = (e.clientX - rect.left) / this.volWidth; //x position within the element.
@ -261,6 +266,10 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', this.handleFullscreenChange, true);
document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', this.handleFullscreenChange, true);
document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', this.handleFullscreenChange, true);
if (this.props.blurhash) {
componentWillUnmount () {
@ -270,6 +279,24 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
document.removeEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', this.handleFullscreenChange, true);
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
if (prevProps.blurhash !== this.props.blurhash && this.props.blurhash) {
_decode () {
const hash = this.props.blurhash;
const pixels = decode(hash, 32, 32);
if (pixels) {
const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
const imageData = new ImageData(pixels, 32, 32);
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
handleFullscreenChange = () => {
this.setState({ fullscreen: isFullscreen() });
@ -314,6 +341,7 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
handleOpenVideo = () => {
const { src, preview, width, height, alt } = this.props;
const media = fromJS({
type: 'video',
url: src,
@ -351,6 +379,7 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
let preload;
if (startTime || fullscreen || dragging) {
preload = 'auto';
} else if (detailed) {
@ -360,6 +389,7 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
let warning;
if (sensitive) {
warning = <FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_warning' defaultMessage='Sensitive content' />;
} else {
@ -377,7 +407,9 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
<canvas width={32} height={32} ref={this.setCanvasRef} className={classNames('media-gallery__preview', { 'media-gallery__preview--hidden': revealed })} />
{revealed && <video
@ -397,12 +429,13 @@ class Video extends React.PureComponent {
<button type='button' className={classNames('video-player__spoiler', { active: !revealed })} onClick={this.toggleReveal}>
<span className='video-player__spoiler__title'>{warning}</span>
<span className='video-player__spoiler__subtitle'><FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_toggle' defaultMessage='Click to view' /></span>
<div className={classNames('spoiler-button', { 'spoiler-button--hidden': revealed })}>
<button type='button' className='spoiler-button__overlay' onClick={this.toggleReveal}>
<span className='spoiler-button__overlay__label'>{warning}</span>
<div className={classNames('video-player__controls', { active: paused || hovered })}>
<div className='video-player__seek' onMouseDown={this.handleMouseDown} ref={this.setSeekRef}>

Parādīt failu

@ -2412,7 +2412,7 @@ a.account__display-name {
& > div {
background: rgba($base-shadow-color, 0.6);
border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 12px 9px;
flex: 0 0 auto;
display: flex;
@ -2423,19 +2423,18 @@ a.account__display-name {
a {
display: inline;
color: $primary-text-color;
color: $secondary-text-color;
background: transparent;
border: 0;
padding: 0 5px;
padding: 0 8px;
text-decoration: none;
opacity: 0.6;
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 18px;
&:focus {
opacity: 1;
color: $primary-text-color;
@ -2932,15 +2931,49 @@ a.status-card.compact:hover {
.spoiler-button {
display: none;
left: 4px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px $base-shadow-color, 1px 0 1px $base-shadow-color;
top: 4px;
z-index: 100;
&.spoiler-button--visible {
&--minified {
display: block;
left: 4px;
top: 4px;
width: auto;
height: auto;
&--hidden {
display: none;
&__overlay {
display: block;
background: transparent;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: 0;
&__label {
display: inline-block;
background: rgba($base-overlay-background, 0.5);
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 8px 12px;
color: $primary-text-color;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 14px;
&:active {
.spoiler-button__overlay__label {
background: rgba($base-overlay-background, 0.8);
@ -4313,6 +4346,8 @@ a.status-card.compact:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: $secondary-text-color;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
img {
@ -4325,6 +4360,21 @@ a.status-card.compact:hover {
.media-gallery__preview {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 0;
background: $base-overlay-background;
&--hidden {
display: none;
.media-gallery__gifv {
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;

Parādīt failu

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class ActivityPub::Activity::Create < ActivityPub::Activity
next if attachment['url'].blank?
href = Addressable::URI.parse(attachment['url']).normalize.to_s
media_attachment = MediaAttachment.create(account: @account, remote_url: href, description: attachment['name'].presence, focus: attachment['focalPoint'])
media_attachment = MediaAttachment.create(account: @account, remote_url: href, description: attachment['name'].presence, focus: attachment['focalPoint'], blurhash: supported_blurhash?(attachment['blurhash']) ? attachment['blurhash'] : nil)
media_attachments << media_attachment
next if unsupported_media_type?(attachment['mediaType']) || skip_download?
@ -369,6 +369,11 @@ class ActivityPub::Activity::Create < ActivityPub::Activity
mime_type.present? && !(MediaAttachment::IMAGE_MIME_TYPES + MediaAttachment::VIDEO_MIME_TYPES).include?(mime_type)
def supported_blurhash?(blurhash)
components = blurhash.blank? ? nil : Blurhash.components(blurhash)
components.present? && components.none? { |comp| comp > 5 }
def skip_download?
return @skip_download if defined?(@skip_download)
@skip_download ||= DomainBlock.find_by(domain: @account.domain)&.reject_media?

Parādīt failu

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class ActivityPub::Adapter < ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::Base
conversation: { 'ostatus' => 'http://ostatus.org#', 'inReplyToAtomUri' => 'ostatus:inReplyToAtomUri', 'conversation' => 'ostatus:conversation' },
focal_point: { 'toot' => 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', 'focalPoint' => { '@container' => '@list', '@id' => 'toot:focalPoint' } },
identity_proof: { 'toot' => 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', 'IdentityProof' => 'toot:IdentityProof' },
blurhash: { 'toot' => 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', 'blurhash' => 'toot:blurhash' },
def self.default_key_transform

Parādīt failu

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# account_id :bigint(8)
# description :text
# scheduled_status_id :bigint(8)
# blurhash :string
class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
@ -32,6 +33,11 @@ class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
VIDEO_MIME_TYPES = ['video/webm', 'video/mp4', 'video/quicktime'].freeze
VIDEO_CONVERTIBLE_MIME_TYPES = ['video/webm', 'video/quicktime'].freeze
x_comp: 4,
y_comp: 4,
original: {
pixels: 1_638_400, # 1280x1280px
@ -41,6 +47,7 @@ class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
small: {
pixels: 160_000, # 400x400px
file_geometry_parser: FastGeometryParser,
@ -53,6 +60,8 @@ class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
format: 'png',
time: 0,
file_geometry_parser: FastGeometryParser,
@ -166,11 +175,11 @@ class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
def file_processors(f)
if f.file_content_type == 'image/gif'
[:gif_transcoder, :blurhash_transcoder]
elsif VIDEO_MIME_TYPES.include? f.file_content_type
[:video_transcoder, :blurhash_transcoder]
[:lazy_thumbnail, :blurhash_transcoder]

Parādīt failu

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class ActivityPub::NoteSerializer < ActivityPub::Serializer
context_extensions :atom_uri, :conversation, :sensitive,
:hashtag, :emoji, :focal_point
:hashtag, :emoji, :focal_point, :blurhash
attributes :id, :type, :summary,
:in_reply_to, :published, :url,
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class ActivityPub::NoteSerializer < ActivityPub::Serializer
class MediaAttachmentSerializer < ActivityPub::Serializer
include RoutingHelper
attributes :type, :media_type, :url, :name
attributes :type, :media_type, :url, :name, :blurhash
attribute :focal_point, if: :focal_point?
def type

Parādīt failu

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class REST::MediaAttachmentSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :type, :url, :preview_url,
:remote_url, :text_url, :meta,
:description, :blurhash
def id

Parādīt failu

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- elsif !status.media_attachments.empty?
- if status.media_attachments.first.video?
- video = status.media_attachments.first
= react_component :video, src: video.file.url(:original), preview: video.file.url(:small), sensitive: !current_account&.user&.show_all_media? && status.sensitive? || current_account&.user&.hide_all_media?, width: 670, height: 380, detailed: true, inline: true, alt: video.description do
= react_component :video, src: video.file.url(:original), preview: video.file.url(:small), blurhash: video.blurhash, sensitive: !current_account&.user&.show_all_media? && status.sensitive? || current_account&.user&.hide_all_media?, width: 670, height: 380, detailed: true, inline: true, alt: video.description do
= render partial: 'stream_entries/attachment_list', locals: { attachments: status.media_attachments }
- else
= react_component :media_gallery, height: 380, sensitive: !current_account&.user&.show_all_media? && status.sensitive? || current_account&.user&.hide_all_media?, standalone: true, 'autoPlayGif': current_account&.user&.setting_auto_play_gif || autoplay, 'reduceMotion': current_account&.user&.setting_reduce_motion, media: status.media_attachments.map { |a| ActiveModelSerializers::SerializableResource.new(a, serializer: REST::MediaAttachmentSerializer).as_json } do

Parādīt failu

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- elsif !status.media_attachments.empty?
- if status.media_attachments.first.video?
- video = status.media_attachments.first
= react_component :video, src: video.file.url(:original), preview: video.file.url(:small), sensitive: !current_account&.user&.show_all_media? && status.sensitive? || current_account&.user&.hide_all_media?, width: 610, height: 343, inline: true, alt: video.description do
= react_component :video, src: video.file.url(:original), preview: video.file.url(:small), blurhash: video.blurhash, sensitive: !current_account&.user&.show_all_media? && status.sensitive? || current_account&.user&.hide_all_media?, width: 610, height: 343, inline: true, alt: video.description do
= render partial: 'stream_entries/attachment_list', locals: { attachments: status.media_attachments }
- else
= react_component :media_gallery, height: 343, sensitive: !current_account&.user&.show_all_media? && status.sensitive? || current_account&.user&.hide_all_media?, 'autoPlayGif': current_account&.user&.setting_auto_play_gif || autoplay, media: status.media_attachments.map { |a| ActiveModelSerializers::SerializableResource.new(a, serializer: REST::MediaAttachmentSerializer).as_json } do

Parādīt failu

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class AddBlurhashToMediaAttachments < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
add_column :media_attachments, :blurhash, :string

Parādīt failu

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_04_09_054914) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_04_20_025523) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_04_09_054914) do
t.bigint "account_id"
t.text "description"
t.bigint "scheduled_status_id"
t.string "blurhash"
t.index ["account_id"], name: "index_media_attachments_on_account_id"
t.index ["scheduled_status_id"], name: "index_media_attachments_on_scheduled_status_id"
t.index ["shortcode"], name: "index_media_attachments_on_shortcode", unique: true

Parādīt failu

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Paperclip
class BlurhashTranscoder < Paperclip::Processor
def make
return @file unless options[:style] == :small
pixels = convert(':source RGB:-', source: File.expand_path(@file.path)).unpack('C*')
geometry = options.fetch(:file_geometry_parser).from_file(@file)
attachment.instance.blurhash = Blurhash.encode(geometry.width, geometry.height, pixels, options[:blurhash] || {})

Parādīt failu

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
"babel-plugin-react-intl": "^3.0.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types": "^0.4.24",
"babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
"blurhash": "^1.0.0",
"classnames": "^2.2.5",
"compression-webpack-plugin": "^2.0.0",
"cross-env": "^5.1.4",

Parādīt failu

@ -1743,6 +1743,11 @@ bluebird@^3.5.1, bluebird@^3.5.3:
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/bluebird/-/bluebird-3.5.3.tgz#7d01c6f9616c9a51ab0f8c549a79dfe6ec33efa7"
integrity sha512-/qKPUQlaW1OyR51WeCPBvRnAlnZFUJkCSG5HzGnuIqhgyJtF+T94lFnn33eiazjRm2LAHVy2guNnaq48X9SJuw==
version "1.0.0"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/blurhash/-/blurhash-1.0.0.tgz#9087bc5cc4d482f1305059d7410df4133adcab2e"
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