require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe UserRole, type: :model do subject { described_class.create(name: 'Foo', position: 1) } describe '#can?' do context 'with a single flag' do it 'returns true if any of them are present' do subject.permissions = UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_reports] expect(subject.can?(:manage_reports)).to be true end it 'returns false if it is not set' do expect(subject.can?(:manage_reports)).to be false end end context 'with multiple flags' do it 'returns true if any of them are present' do subject.permissions = UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_users] expect(subject.can?(:manage_reports, :manage_users)).to be true end it 'returns false if none of them are present' do expect(subject.can?(:manage_reports, :manage_users)).to be false end end context 'with an unknown flag' do it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.can?(:foo) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end end describe '#overrides?' do it 'returns true if other role has lower position' do expect(subject.overrides?( subject.position - 1))).to be true end it 'returns true if other role is nil' do expect(subject.overrides?(nil)).to be true end it 'returns false if other role has higher position' do expect(subject.overrides?( subject.position + 1))).to be false end end describe '#permissions_as_keys' do before do subject.permissions = UserRole::FLAGS[:invite_users] | UserRole::FLAGS[:view_dashboard] | UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_reports] end it 'returns an array' do expect(subject.permissions_as_keys).to match_array %w(invite_users view_dashboard manage_reports) end end describe '#permissions_as_keys=' do let(:input) {} before do subject.permissions_as_keys = input end context 'with a single value' do let(:input) { %w(manage_users) } it 'sets permission flags' do expect(subject.permissions).to eq UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_users] end end context 'with multiple values' do let(:input) { %w(manage_users manage_reports) } it 'sets permission flags' do expect(subject.permissions).to eq UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_users] | UserRole::FLAGS[:manage_reports] end end context 'with an unknown value' do let(:input) { %w(foo) } it 'does not set permission flags' do expect(subject.permissions).to eq UserRole::Flags::NONE end end end describe '#computed_permissions' do context 'when the role is nobody' do let(:subject) { described_class.nobody } it 'returns none' do expect(subject.computed_permissions).to eq UserRole::Flags::NONE end end context 'when the role is everyone' do let(:subject) { described_class.everyone } it 'returns permissions' do expect(subject.computed_permissions).to eq subject.permissions end end context 'when role has the administrator flag' do before do subject.permissions = UserRole::FLAGS[:administrator] end it 'returns all permissions' do expect(subject.computed_permissions).to eq UserRole::Flags::ALL end end context do it 'returns permissions combined with the everyone role' do expect(subject.computed_permissions).to eq described_class.everyone.permissions end end end describe '.everyone' do subject { described_class.everyone } it 'returns a role' do expect(subject).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'is identified as the everyone role' do expect(subject.everyone?).to be true end it 'has default permissions' do expect(subject.permissions).to eq UserRole::FLAGS[:invite_users] end it 'has negative position' do expect(subject.position).to eq -1 end end describe '.nobody' do subject { described_class.nobody } it 'returns a role' do expect(subject).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'is identified as the nobody role' do expect(subject.nobody?).to be true end it 'has no permissions' do expect(subject.permissions).to eq UserRole::Flags::NONE end it 'has negative position' do expect(subject.position).to eq -1 end end describe '#everyone?' do it 'returns true when id is -99' do = -99 expect(subject.everyone?).to be true end it 'returns false when id is not -99' do = 123 expect(subject.everyone?).to be false end end describe '#nobody?' do it 'returns true when id is nil' do = nil expect(subject.nobody?).to be true end it 'returns false when id is not nil' do = 123 expect(subject.nobody?).to be false end end end