# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe RequestPool do subject { described_class.new } describe '#with' do it 'returns a HTTP client for a host' do subject.with('http://example.com') do |http_client| expect(http_client).to be_a HTTP::Client end end it 'returns the same instance of HTTP client within the same thread for the same host' do test_client = nil subject.with('http://example.com') { |http_client| test_client = http_client } expect(test_client).to_not be_nil subject.with('http://example.com') { |http_client| expect(http_client).to be test_client } end it 'returns different HTTP clients for different hosts' do test_client = nil subject.with('http://example.com') { |http_client| test_client = http_client } expect(test_client).to_not be_nil subject.with('http://example.org') { |http_client| expect(http_client).to_not be test_client } end it 'grows to the number of threads accessing it' do stub_request(:get, 'http://example.com/').to_return(status: 200, body: 'Hello!') subject threads = Array.new(20) do |_i| Thread.new do 20.times do subject.with('http://example.com') do |http_client| http_client.get('/').flush end end end end threads.map(&:join) expect(subject.size).to be > 1 end it 'closes idle connections' do stub_request(:get, 'http://example.com/').to_return(status: 200, body: 'Hello!') subject.with('http://example.com') do |http_client| http_client.get('/').flush end expect(subject.size).to eq 1 sleep RequestPool::MAX_IDLE_TIME + 30 + 1 expect(subject.size).to eq 0 end end end