# Scalar API (matrix.org) Scalar has a server-side component to assist in managing integrations. The known endpoints are documented below. All of them require a `scalar_token` provided from the vector.im scalar (`https://scalar.vector.im`). None of these are officially documented, and are subject to change. ## POST `/api/integrations/{type}?scalar_token=...` **Params**: `type` appears to be one of the following: * github * giphy * google * wikipedia * guggy * imgur * rssbot * travis-ci **Body**: ``` { "room_id": "!RtMvcvtjkfHeFbjzWM:t2l.io" } ``` **Response**: ``` { "bot_user_id":"@neb_giphy:matrix.org" } ``` ## POST `/api/removeIntegration?scalar_token=...` **Body**: ``` { "type":"giphy", "room_id":"!RtMvcvtjkfHeFbjzWM:t2l.io" } ```