import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"; import * as randomString from "random-string"; import { CanSendEventResponse, JoinRuleStateResponse, MembershipStateResponse, RoomEncryptionStatusResponse, ScalarSuccessResponse, WidgetsResponse } from "./models/scalar_responses"; import { EditableWidget } from "./models/widget"; @Injectable() export class ScalarService { private static actionMap: { [key: string]: { resolve: (obj: any) => void, reject: (obj: any) => void } } = {}; public static getAndRemoveActionHandler(requestKey: string): { resolve: (obj: any) => void, reject: (obj: any) => void } { let handler = ScalarService.actionMap[requestKey]; ScalarService.actionMap[requestKey] = null; return handler; } constructor() { } public inviteUser(roomId: string, userId): Promise { return this.callAction("invite", { room_id: roomId, user_id: userId }); } public getMembershipState(roomId: string, userId: string): Promise { return this.callAction("membership_state", { room_id: roomId, user_id: userId }); } public getJoinRule(roomId: string): Promise { return this.callAction("join_rules_state", { room_id: roomId }); } public getWidgets(roomId: string): Promise { return this.callAction("get_widgets", { room_id: roomId }); } public setWidget(roomId: string, widget: EditableWidget): Promise { return this.callAction("set_widget", { room_id: roomId, widget_id:, type: widget.type, url: widget.url, name:, data: }); } public deleteWidget(roomId: string, widget: EditableWidget): Promise { return this.callAction("set_widget", { room_id: roomId, widget_id:, type: widget.type, // required for some reason url: "" }); } public close(): void { this.callAction("close_scalar", {}); } public canSendEvent(roomId: string, eventType: string, isState: boolean): Promise { return this.callAction("can_send_event", { room_id: roomId, event_type: eventType, is_state: isState, }); } public isRoomEncrypted(roomId: string): Promise { return this.callAction("get_room_enc_state", { room_id: roomId, }); } private callAction(action, payload): Promise { let requestKey = randomString({length: 20}); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!window.opener) { // Mimic an error response from scalar reject({response: {error: {message: "No window.opener", _error: new Error("No window.opener")}}}); return; } ScalarService.actionMap[requestKey] = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; let request = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload)); request["request_id"] = requestKey; request["action"] = action; window.opener.postMessage(request, "*"); }); } } // Register the event listener here to ensure it gets created window.addEventListener("message", event => { if (! return; let requestKey =["request_id"]; if (!requestKey) return; let action = ScalarService.getAndRemoveActionHandler(requestKey); if (!action) return; if ( && action.reject(; else action.resolve(; });