import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { ToasterService } from "angular2-toaster"; import { DialogRef, ModalComponent } from "ngx-modialog"; import { BSModalContext } from "ngx-modialog/plugins/bootstrap"; import { AdminWebhooksApiService } from "../../../../shared/services/admin/admin-webhooks-api.service"; export class ManageSelfhostedWebhooksBridgeDialogContext extends BSModalContext { public provisionUrl: string; public sharedSecret: string; public allowTgPuppets = false; public allowMxPuppets = false; public bridgeId: number; } @Component({ templateUrl: "./manage-selfhosted.component.html", styleUrls: ["./manage-selfhosted.component.scss"], }) export class AdminWebhooksBridgeManageSelfhostedComponent implements ModalComponent { public isSaving = false; public provisionUrl: string; public sharedSecret: string; public bridgeId: number; public isAdding = false; constructor(public dialog: DialogRef, private webhooksApi: AdminWebhooksApiService, private toaster: ToasterService) { this.provisionUrl = dialog.context.provisionUrl; this.sharedSecret = dialog.context.sharedSecret; this.bridgeId = dialog.context.bridgeId; this.isAdding = !this.bridgeId; } public add() { this.isSaving = true; if (this.isAdding) { this.webhooksApi.newSelfhosted(this.provisionUrl, this.sharedSecret).then(() => { this.toaster.pop("success", "Webhook bridge added"); this.dialog.close(); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.isSaving = false; this.toaster.pop("error", "Failed to create Webhook bridge"); }); } else { this.webhooksApi.updateSelfhosted(this.bridgeId, this.provisionUrl, this.sharedSecret).then(() => { this.toaster.pop("success", "Webhook bridge updated"); this.dialog.close(); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.isSaving = false; this.toaster.pop("error", "Failed to update Webhook bridge"); }); } } }