import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { BridgeComponent } from "../bridge.component"; import { TelegramApiService } from "../../../shared/services/integrations/telegram-api.service"; import { FE_PortalInfo } from "../../../shared/models/telegram"; import { Modal, overlayConfigFactory } from "ngx-modialog"; import { AskUnbridgeDialogContext, TelegramAskUnbridgeComponent } from "./ask-unbridge/ask-unbridge.component"; import { CannotUnbridgeDialogContext, TelegramCannotUnbridgeComponent } from "./cannot-unbridge/cannot-unbridge.component"; interface TelegramConfig { puppet: { advertise: boolean; linked: boolean; telegram: { username: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; phone: number; isBot: boolean; permissions: string[]; availableChats: { id: number; title: string; }[]; }; }; portalInfo: FE_PortalInfo; botUsername: string; linked: number[]; } @Component({ templateUrl: "telegram.bridge.component.html", styleUrls: ["telegram.bridge.component.scss"], }) export class TelegramBridgeConfigComponent extends BridgeComponent { public isUpdating: boolean; constructor(private telegram: TelegramApiService, private modal: Modal) { super("telegram"); } public get isBridged(): boolean { return this.bridge.config.linked.length > 0; } public get canUnbridge(): boolean { return this.bridge.config.portalInfo ? this.bridge.config.portalInfo.canUnbridge : false; } public get botUsername(): string { return this.bridge.config.botUsername; } public get chatName(): string { return this.bridge.config.portalInfo ? this.bridge.config.portalInfo.chatName : null; } public get chatId(): number { return this.bridge.config.portalInfo ? this.bridge.config.portalInfo.chatId : 0; } public set chatId(n: number) { if (!this.bridge.config.portalInfo) this.bridge.config.portalInfo = { chatId: n, chatName: null, canUnbridge: false, bridged: false, roomId: this.roomId, }; else this.bridge.config.portalInfo.chatId = n; } public bridgeRoom(): void { this.telegram.getPortalInfo(this.bridge.config.portalInfo.chatId, this.roomId).then(async (chatInfo) => { let forceUnbridge = false; if (chatInfo.bridged && chatInfo.canUnbridge) { const response = await, overlayConfigFactory({ isBlocking: true, size: 'lg', }, AskUnbridgeDialogContext)).result; if (response.unbridge) { forceUnbridge = true; } else { return {aborted: true}; } } else if (chatInfo.bridged) {, overlayConfigFactory({ isBlocking: true, size: 'lg', }, CannotUnbridgeDialogContext)); return {aborted: true}; } return this.telegram.bridgeRoom(this.roomId, this.bridge.config.portalInfo.chatId, forceUnbridge); }).then((portalInfo: FE_PortalInfo) => { if ((portalInfo).aborted) return; this.bridge.config.portalInfo = portalInfo; this.bridge.config.linked = [portalInfo.chatId]; this.isUpdating = false; this.toaster.pop("success", "Bridge updated"); }).catch(error => { this.isUpdating = false; console.error(error); const body = error.json ? error.json() : null; let message = "Error bridging room"; if (body) { if (body["dim_errcode"] === "CHAT_ALREADY_BRIDGED") message = "That Telegram chat is already bridged to another room"; if (body["dim_errcode"] === "ROOM_ALREADY_BRIDGED") message = "This room is already bridged to a Telegram chat"; if (body["dim_errcode"] === "BOT_NOT_IN_CHAT") message = "The Telegram bot has not been invited to the chat"; if (body["dim_errcode"] === "NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS") message = "You do not have permission to bridge that chat"; } this.toaster.pop("error", message); }); } public unbridgeRoom(): void { this.isUpdating = true; this.telegram.unbridgeRoom(this.roomId).then(portalInfo => { this.bridge.config.portalInfo = portalInfo; this.bridge.config.linked = []; this.isUpdating = false; this.toaster.pop("success", "Bridge removed"); }).catch(error => { this.isUpdating = false; console.error(error); const body = error.json ? error.json() : null; let message = "Error removing bridge"; if (body) { if (body["dim_errcode"] === "BOT_NOT_IN_CHAT") message = "The Telegram bot has not been invited to the chat"; if (body["dim_errcode"] === "NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSIONS") message = "You do not have permission to unbridge that chat"; } this.toaster.pop("error", message); }); } }