var request = require('request'); var log = require("../util/LogService"); var dns = require("dns-then"); var Promise = require("bluebird"); var config = require("config"); /** * Represents a lightweight matrix client with minimal functionality */ class MatrixLiteClient { /** * Creates a new matrix client * @param {OpenID} openId the open ID to use */ constructor(openId) { this._openId = openId; } /** * Gets the Matrix User ID that owns this open ID * @return {Promise} resolves to the mxid */ getSelfMxid() { return this._do("GET", "/_matrix/federation/v1/openid/userinfo", /*qs=*/null, /*body=*/null, /*allowSelfSigned=*/true).then((response, body) => { var json = JSON.parse(response.body); return json['sub']; }); } /** * Gets a URL preview from the media repo (as provided by the default homeserver) * @param {string} url The URL to get the preview of * @return {Promise<*>} resolves to the raw URL preview */ static getUrlPreview(url) { return MatrixLiteClient._do(, config.homeserver.accessToken, "GET", "/_matrix/media/r0/preview_url", {url: url}).then((response, body) => { return JSON.parse(response.body); }); } _do(method, endpoint, qs = null, body = null, allowSelfSigned = false) { return MatrixLiteClient._do(this._openId.matrix_server_name, this._openId.access_token, method, endpoint, qs, body, allowSelfSigned); } static _do(serverName, accessToken, method, endpoint, qs = null, body = null, allowSelfSigned = false) { // HACK: We have to wrap the dns promise in a Bluebird promise just to make sure it works var dnsPromise = dns.resolveSrv("_matrix._tcp." + serverName); return Promise.resolve(dnsPromise).then(records => { if (records && records.length > 0) serverName = records[0].name + ":" + records[0].port; }, err => { log.warn("MatrixLiteClient", "Failed to lookup SRV for " + serverName + " - assuming none available."); log.warn("MatrixLiteClient", err); }).then(() => { var url = "https://" + serverName + endpoint; log.verbose("MatrixLiteClient", "Performing request: " + url); if (!qs) qs = {}; if (accessToken) qs['access_token'] = accessToken; var params = { url: url, method: method, form: body, qs: qs, rejectUnauthorized: !allowSelfSigned }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request(params, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { log.error("MatrixLiteClient", err); reject(err); } else resolve(response, body); }); }); }); } } module.exports = MatrixLiteClient;