import * as dns from "dns-then"; import * as Promise from "bluebird"; import { LogService } from "matrix-js-snippets"; import { MemoryCache } from "../MemoryCache"; import * as request from "request"; const federationUrlCache = new MemoryCache(); export function getFederationUrl(serverName: string): Promise { const cachedUrl = federationUrlCache.get(serverName); if (cachedUrl) { LogService.verbose("matrix", "Cached federation URL for " + serverName + " is " + cachedUrl); return Promise.resolve(cachedUrl); } let serverUrl = null; let expirationMs = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // default is 4 hours const dnsPromise = dns.resolveSrv("_matrix._tcp." + serverName); return Promise.resolve(dnsPromise).then(records => { if (records && records.length > 0) { serverUrl = "https://" + records[0].name + ":" + records[0].port; expirationMs = records[0].ttl * 1000; } }, _err => { // Not having the SRV record isn't bad, it just means that the server operator decided to not use SRV records. // When there's no SRV record we default to port 8448 (as per the federation rules) in the lower .then() // People tend to think that the lack of an SRV record is bad, but in reality it's only a problem if one was set and // it's not being found. Most people don't set up the SRV record, but some do. LogService.warn("matrix", "Could not find _matrix._tcp." + serverName + " DNS record. This is normal for most servers."); }).then(() => { if (!serverUrl) serverUrl = "https://" + serverName + ":8448"; LogService.verbose("matrix", "Federation URL for " + serverName + " is " + serverUrl + " - caching for " + expirationMs + " ms"); federationUrlCache.put(serverName, serverUrl, expirationMs); return serverUrl; }); } export function doFederatedApiCall(method: string, serverName: string, endpoint: string, query?: object, body?:object):Promise { return getFederationUrl(serverName).then(federationUrl => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request({ method: method, url: federationUrl + endpoint, qs: query, json: body, rejectUnauthorized: false, // allow self signed certs (for federation) }, (err, res, _body) => { if (err) { LogService.error("matrix", "Error calling " + endpoint); LogService.error("matrix", err); reject(err); } else if (res.statusCode !== 200) { LogService.error("matrix", "Got status code " + res.statusCode + " while calling " + endpoint); reject(new Error("Error in request: invalid status code")); } else { resolve(res.body); } }); }); }); }