import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { ToasterService } from "angular2-toaster"; import { AdminNebApiService } from "../../shared/services/admin/admin-neb-api.service"; import { AdminUpstreamApiService } from "../../shared/services/admin/admin-upstream-api.service"; import { AdminAppserviceApiService } from "../../shared/services/admin/admin-appservice-api.service"; import { FE_Appservice, FE_NebConfiguration, FE_Upstream } from "../../shared/models/admin_responses"; @Component({ templateUrl: "./neb.component.html", styleUrls: ["./neb.component.scss"], }) export class AdminNebComponent { public isLoading = true; public isAddingModularNeb = false; public hasModularNeb = false; public upstreams: FE_Upstream[]; public appservices: FE_Appservice[]; public configurations: FE_NebConfiguration[]; constructor(private nebApi: AdminNebApiService, private upstreamApi: AdminUpstreamApiService, private appserviceApi: AdminAppserviceApiService, private toaster: ToasterService) { this.reload().then(() => this.isLoading = false).catch(error => { console.error(error); this.toaster.pop("error", "Error loading go-neb configuration"); }); } private reload(): Promise { return Promise.all([ this.loadAppservices(), this.loadConfigurations(), this.loadUpstreams(), ]); } private loadUpstreams(): Promise { return this.upstreamApi.getUpstreams().then(upstreams => { this.upstreams = upstreams; }); } private loadAppservices(): Promise { return this.appserviceApi.getAppservices().then(appservices => { this.appservices = appservices; }); } private loadConfigurations(): Promise { return this.nebApi.getConfigurations().then(nebConfigs => { this.configurations = nebConfigs; this.isLoading = false; this.hasModularNeb = false; for (const neb of this.configurations) { if (neb.upstreamId) { this.hasModularNeb = true; break; } } }); } public showAppserviceConfig(neb: FE_NebConfiguration) { console.log(neb); } public addSelfHostedNeb() { console.log("ADD Hosted"); } public addModularHostedNeb() { this.isAddingModularNeb = true; const createNeb = (upstream: FE_Upstream) => { this.nebApi.newUpstreamConfiguration(upstream).then(neb => { this.configurations.push(neb); this.toaster.pop("success", "'s go-neb added", "Click the pencil icon to enable the bots."); this.isAddingModularNeb = false; this.hasModularNeb = true; }).catch(error => { console.error(error); this.isAddingModularNeb = false; this.toaster.pop("error", "Error adding's go-neb"); }); }; const vectorUpstreams = this.upstreams.filter(u => u.type === "vector"); if (vectorUpstreams.length === 0) { console.log("Creating default scalar upstream"); const scalarUrl = ""; this.upstreamApi.newUpstream("modular", "vector", scalarUrl, scalarUrl).then(upstream => { this.upstreams.push(upstream); createNeb(upstream); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.toaster.pop("error", "Error creating go-neb"); }); } else createNeb(vectorUpstreams[0]); } }