import * as dns from "dns-then"; import { LogService } from "matrix-js-snippets"; import { Cache, CACHE_FEDERATION } from "../MemoryCache"; import * as request from "request"; import config from "../config"; import splitHost from 'split-host'; import * as isIP from "isipaddress"; import * as requestPromise from "request-promise"; export interface IFederationConnectionInfo { hostname: string; url: string; } export async function getFederationConnInfo(serverName: string): Promise { const expirationMs = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 2 hours // Check to see if we've cached the hostname at all already const cachedUrl = Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).get(serverName); if (cachedUrl) { LogService.verbose("matrix", "Cached federation URL for " + serverName + " is " + cachedUrl.url); return cachedUrl; } // Rely on the configuration for a federation URL if we can if (serverName === && config.homeserver.federationUrl) { let url = config.homeserver.federationUrl; if (url.endsWith("/")) { url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1); }"matrix", "Using configured federation URL for " + serverName); const fedObj = {url, hostname: serverName}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs); return fedObj; } // Dev note: The remainder of this is largely transcribed from matrix-media-repo const hp = splitHost(serverName); if (! throw new Error("No hostname provided"); let defaultPort = false; if (!hp.port) { defaultPort = true; hp.port = 8448; } // Step 1 of the discovery process: if the hostname is an IP, use that with explicit or default port if (isIP.test( { const fedUrl = `https://${}:${hp.port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname: serverName}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (IP address)`); return fedObj; } // Step 2: if the hostname is not an IP address, and an explicit port is given, use that if (!defaultPort) { const fedUrl = `https://${}:${hp.port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname:}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (explicit port)`); return fedObj; } // Step 3: if the hostname is not an IP address and no explicit port is given, do .well-known try { let result = await requestPromise(`https://${}/.well-known/matrix/server`); if (typeof (result) === 'string') result = JSON.parse(result); const wkServerAddr = result['m.server']; if (wkServerAddr) { const wkHp = splitHost(wkServerAddr); if (! { // noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS throw new Error("No hostname provided for m.server"); } let wkDefaultPort = false; if (!wkHp.port) { wkDefaultPort = true; wkHp.port = 8448; } // Step 3a: if the delegated host is an IP address, use that (regardless of port) if (isIP.test( { const fedUrl = `https://${}:${wkHp.port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname: wkServerAddr}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (WK; IP address)`); return fedObj; } // Step 3b: if the delegated host is not an IP and an explicit port is given, use that if (!wkDefaultPort) { const fedUrl = `https://${}:${wkHp.port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname:}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (WK; explicit port)`); return fedObj; } // Step 3c: if the delegated host is not an IP and doesn't have a port, start a SRV lookup and use that try { const records = await dns.resolveSrv("_matrix._tcp." +; if (records && records.length > 0) { const fedUrl = `https://${records[0].name}:${records[0].port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname:}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (WK; SRV)`); return fedObj; } } catch (e) { LogService.warn("matrix", "Non-fatal error looking up .well-known SRV for " + serverName); LogService.warn("matrix", e); } // Step 3d: use the delegated host as-is const fedUrl = `https://${}:${wkHp.port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname:}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (WK; fallback)`); return fedObj; } } catch (e) { LogService.warn("matrix", "Non-fatal error looking up .well-known for " + serverName); LogService.warn("matrix", e); } // Step 4: try resolving a hostname using SRV records and use that try { const records = await dns.resolveSrv("_matrix._tcp." +; if (records && records.length > 0) { const fedUrl = `https://${records[0].name}:${records[0].port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname:}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (SRV)`); return fedObj; } } catch (e) { LogService.warn("matrix", "Non-fatal error looking up SRV for " + serverName); LogService.warn("matrix", e); } // Step 5: use the target host as-is const fedUrl = `https://${}:${hp.port}`; const fedObj = {url: fedUrl, hostname:}; Cache.for(CACHE_FEDERATION).put(serverName, fedObj, expirationMs);"matrix", `Federation URL for ${serverName} is ${fedUrl} (SRV)`); return fedObj; } export async function doFederatedApiCall(method: string, serverName: string, endpoint: string, query?: object, body?: object): Promise { const federationInfo = await getFederationConnInfo(serverName);"matrix", "Doing federated API call: " + federationInfo.url + endpoint); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request({ method: method, url: federationInfo.url + endpoint, qs: query, json: body, headers: { "Host": federationInfo.hostname, }, }, (err, res, _body) => { if (err) { LogService.error("matrix", "Error calling " + endpoint); LogService.error("matrix", err); reject(err); } else if (res.statusCode !== 200) { LogService.error("matrix", "Got status code " + res.statusCode + " while calling federated endpoint " + endpoint); reject(new Error("Error in request: invalid status code")); } else { if (typeof (res.body) === "string") res.body = JSON.parse(res.body); resolve(res.body); } }); }); } export async function doClientApiCall(method: string, endpoint: string, query?: object, body?: object | Buffer, contentType = "application/octet-stream"): Promise { let url = config.homeserver.clientServerUrl; if (url.endsWith("/")) url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1);"matrix", "Doing client API call: " + url + endpoint); const requestOptions = { method: method, url: url + endpoint, qs: query, }; if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { requestOptions["body"] = body; requestOptions["headers"] = { "Content-Type": contentType, }; } else { requestOptions["json"] = true; requestOptions["body"] = body; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request(requestOptions, (err, res, _body) => { if (err) { LogService.error("matrix", "Error calling " + endpoint); LogService.error("matrix", err); reject(err); } else if (res.statusCode !== 200) { LogService.error("matrix", "Got status code " + res.statusCode + " while calling client endpoint " + endpoint); LogService.error("matrix", res.body); reject(new Error("Error in request: invalid status code")); } else { if (typeof (res.body) === "string") res.body = JSON.parse(res.body); resolve(res.body); } }); }); }