import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { ToasterService } from "angular2-toaster"; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from "@angular/router"; import { ScalarClientApiService } from "../../shared/services/scalar-client-api.service"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import { ScalarServerApiService } from "../../shared/services/scalar-server-api.service"; import { DimensionApiService } from "../../shared/services/dimension-api.service"; import { Integration, IntegrationRequirement } from "../../shared/models/integration"; import { IntegrationService } from "../../shared/services/integration.service"; import { SessionStorage } from "../../shared/SessionStorage"; const CATEGORY_MAP = { "Widgets": ["widget"], "Bots": ["complex-bot", "bot"], "Bridges": ["bridge"], }; @Component({ selector: "my-riot-home", templateUrl: "./home.component.html", styleUrls: ["./home.component.scss"], }) export class RiotHomeComponent { public isLoading = true; public isError = false; public errorMessage: string; public isRoomEncrypted: boolean; private roomId: string; private userId: string; private requestedScreen: string = null; private requestedIntegrationId: string = null; public integrationsForCategory: { [category: string]: Integration[] } = {}; private categoryMap: { [categoryName: string]: string[] } = CATEGORY_MAP; constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private scalarApi: ScalarServerApiService, private scalar: ScalarClientApiService, private dimensionApi: DimensionApiService, private toaster: ToasterService, private router: Router) { let params: any = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams; this.requestedScreen = params.screen; this.requestedIntegrationId = params.integ_id; if (SessionStorage.roomId && SessionStorage.userId) { this.roomId = SessionStorage.roomId; this.userId = SessionStorage.userId; console.log("Already checked scalar token and other params - continuing startup"); this.prepareIntegrations(); return; } if (!params.scalar_token || !params.room_id) { console.error("Unable to load Dimension. Missing room ID or scalar token."); this.isError = true; this.isLoading = false; this.errorMessage = "Unable to load Dimension - missing room ID or token."; } else { this.roomId = params.room_id; SessionStorage.scalarToken = params.scalar_token; SessionStorage.roomId = this.roomId; this.scalarApi.getAccount().then(response => { const userId = response.user_id; SessionStorage.userId = userId; if (!userId) { console.error("No user returned for token. Is the token registered in Dimension?"); this.isError = true; this.isLoading = false; this.errorMessage = "Could not verify your token. Please try logging out of Riot and back in. Be sure to back up your encryption keys!"; } else { this.userId = userId; console.log("Scalar token belongs to " + userId); this.prepareIntegrations(); } }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.isError = true; this.isLoading = false; this.errorMessage = "Unable to communicate with Dimension due to an unknown error."; }); } } public hasIntegrations(): boolean { for (const category of this.getCategories()) { if (this.getIntegrationsIn(category).length > 0) return true; } return false; } public getCategories(): string[] { return Object.keys(this.categoryMap); } public getIntegrationsIn(category: string): Integration[] { return this.integrationsForCategory[category]; } private getIntegrations(): Integration[] { const result: Integration[] = []; for (const category of this.getCategories()) { for (const integration of this.getIntegrationsIn(category)) { result.push(integration); } } return result; } public modifyIntegration(integration: Integration) { SessionStorage.editIntegration = integration; SessionStorage.editsRequested++; console.log(this.userId + " is trying to modify " + integration.displayName); if (integration.category === "bot") { // It's a bot // TODO: "Are you sure?" dialog // let promise = null; const promise = Promise.resolve(); // if (!integration._inRoom) { // promise = this.scalar.inviteUser(this.roomId, integration.userId); // } else promise = this.api.removeIntegration(this.roomId, integration.type, integration.integrationType, this.scalarToken); // We set this ahead of the promise for debouncing integration._inRoom = !integration._inRoom; integration._isUpdating = true; promise.then(() => { integration._isUpdating = false; if (integration._inRoom) this.toaster.pop("success", integration.displayName + " was invited to the room"); else this.toaster.pop("success", integration.displayName + " was removed from the room"); }).catch(err => { integration._inRoom = !integration._inRoom; // revert the status change integration._isUpdating = false; console.error(err); let errorMessage = null; if (err.json) errorMessage = err.json().error; if (err.response && err.response.error) errorMessage = err.response.error.message; if (!errorMessage) errorMessage = "Could not update integration status"; this.toaster.pop("error", errorMessage); }); } else { // TODO: Navigate to edit screen console.log("EDIT SCREEN FOR " + integration.displayName); this.router.navigate(['riot-app', integration.category, integration.type]); } } private prepareIntegrations() { this.scalar.isRoomEncrypted(this.roomId).then(payload => { this.isRoomEncrypted = payload.response; return this.dimensionApi.getIntegrations(this.roomId); }).then(response => { const integrations: Integration[] = _.flatten(Object.keys(response).map(k => response[k])); const supportedIntegrations: Integration[] = _.filter(integrations, i => IntegrationService.isSupported(i)); // Flag integrations that aren't supported in encrypted rooms if (this.isRoomEncrypted) { for (const integration of supportedIntegrations) { if (!integration.isEncryptionSupported) { integration._isSupported = false; integration._notSupportedReason = "This integration is not supported in encrypted rooms"; } } } // Set up the categories for (const category of Object.keys(this.categoryMap)) { const supportedTypes = this.categoryMap[category]; this.integrationsForCategory[category] = _.filter(supportedIntegrations, i => supportedTypes.indexOf(i.category) !== -1); } let promises = => this.updateIntegrationState(i)); return Promise.all(promises); }).then(() => { this.isLoading = false; // HACK: We wait for the digest cycle so we actually have components to look at setTimeout(() => this.tryOpenConfigScreen(), 20); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); this.isError = true; this.isLoading = false; this.errorMessage = "Unable to set up Dimension. This version of Riot may not supported or there may be a problem with the server."; }); } private tryOpenConfigScreen() { let category = null; let type = null; if (!this.requestedScreen) return; const targetIntegration = IntegrationService.getIntegrationForScreen(this.requestedScreen); if (targetIntegration) { category = targetIntegration.category; type = targetIntegration.type; } else { console.log("Unknown screen requested: " + this.requestedScreen); } console.log("Searching for integration for requested screen"); for (const integration of this.getIntegrations()) { if (integration.category === category && integration.type === type) { console.log("Configuring integration " + this.requestedIntegrationId + " category=" + category + " type=" + type); SessionStorage.editIntegration = integration; SessionStorage.editIntegrationId = this.requestedIntegrationId; this.modifyIntegration(integration); return; } } console.log("Failed to find integration component for category=" + category + " type=" + type); } private updateIntegrationState(integration: Integration) { if (!integration.requirements) return; let promises = => this.checkRequirement(r)); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { integration._isSupported = true; integration._notSupportedReason = null; }, error => { console.error(error); integration._isSupported = false; integration._notSupportedReason = error; }); } private checkRequirement(requirement: IntegrationRequirement) { switch (requirement.condition) { case "publicRoom": return this.scalar.getJoinRule(this.roomId).then(payload => { if (!payload.response) { return Promise.reject("Could not communicate with Riot"); } const isPublic = payload.response.join_rule === "public"; if (isPublic !== requirement.expectedValue) { return Promise.reject("The room must be " + (isPublic ? "non-public" : "public") + " to use this integration"); } else return Promise.resolve(); }); case "canSendEventTypes": const processPayload = payload => { const response = payload.response; if (response === true) return Promise.resolve(); if (response.error || response.error.message) return Promise.reject("You cannot modify widgets in this room"); return Promise.reject("Error communicating with Riot"); }; let promiseChain = Promise.resolve(); requirement.argument.forEach(e => promiseChain = promiseChain.then(() => this.scalar.canSendEvent(this.roomId, e.type, e.isState).then(processPayload).catch(processPayload))); return promiseChain.then(() => { if (!requirement.expectedValue) return Promise.reject("Expected to not be able to send specific event types"); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); if (requirement.expectedValue) return Promise.reject("Expected to be able to send specific event types"); }); default: return Promise.reject("Requirement '" + requirement.condition + "' not found"); } } }