# pict-rs 0.5.17-pre.1 pict-rs is a simple image hosting microservice, designed to handle storing and retrieving images, animations, and videos, as well as providing basic image processing functionality. ## Overview pict-rs 0.5.17-pre.1 is a dependency upgrade release. The primary change is the object storage implementation has been swapped from rusty-s3 with custom reqwest code, to an off-the-shelf option called object_store. Because this change is significant and might not fully respect existing configurations, I've decided to put out a prerelease. ### Changes - [Object Storage Rewrite](#object-storage-rewrite) - [Dependency Upgrades](#dependency-upgrades) ## Upgrade Notes The object storage backend has been rewritten since 0.5.16, and existing configurations are not guaranteed to work. If this release breaks your setup, please let me know. ## Descriptions ### Object Storage Rewrite In order to improve compatibility with existing implementations, and reduce maintenance burden, most of the object-storage code has been removed in favor of using an off-the-shelf library. The underlying technologies are largely the same as the previous implementation, so the impact on pict-rs' dependency tree is minimal. That said, object_store enforces the use of rustls-native-tls with reqwest, which could potentially cause issues in some environments. If this change breaks anyone I will work with upstream to resolve this. ### Dependency Upgrades Outside of the object storage changes, various dependencies have been updated to their latest versions. Notably, reqwest 0.12.5 removes the last dependency on rustls 0.22, allowing pict-rs to fully migrate to rustls 0.23. Additionally, pict-rs has dropped aws-lc-rs in favor of ring after the previous release which introduced aws-lc-rs. My reasoning is that the new object_store dependency pulls in ring anyway and there's no real reason to have two crypto providers in the same application.