# pict-rs 0.5.6 ## Overview pict-rs 0.5.6 adds more configuration for imagemagick security policies and updates the default value for `max_area` ### Features - [More Imagemagick Configuration](#more-imagemagick-configuration) ### Changes - [Imagemagick Area Defaults](#imagemagick-area-defaults) - [Imagemagick Frame Configuration](#imagemagick-frame-configuration) ## Upgrade Notes There's no significant changes from 0.5.5, so upgrading should be as simple as pulling a new version of pict-rs. ## Descriptions ### More Imagemagick Configuration Three new configuration values have been added to the imagemagick security configuration for pict-rs: `memory`, `map`, and `disk`. These options describe sizes for three tiers of storage that imagemagick is allowed to use when processing media. The first is `memory`, this is a simple value that represents how much RAM imagemagick is allowed to use to store image pixels. If this size is exceeded, it will start using the next tier of storage for image pixels, which is `map`. `map` represents space on disk that's mapped into RAM for quicker access. Since it's disk-backed, it can be larger than `memory`. Finally, if `map` is exceeded, imagemagick will start using the `disk` for storing pixels without mapping into memory. If the `disk` size is exceeded, media processing is aborted. The configuration for these values can be set via the pict-rs.toml file, via environment variables, or via the commandline. ```toml # pict-rs.toml # values are in MiB [media.magick] memory = 256 map = 512 disk = 1024 ``` ```bash # environment variables # values are in MiB PICTRS__MEDIA__MAGICK__MEMORY=256 PICTRS__MEDIA__MAGICK__MAP=512 PICTRS__MEDIA__MAGICK__DISK=1024 ``` ```bash # commandline # values are in MiB pict-rs run \ --media-magick-memory 256 \ --media-magick-map 512 \ --media-magick-disk 1024 ``` ### Imagemagick Area Defaults The default value for `max_area` has been decreased from 40 million to 20 thousand. The reason for this is it doesn't impose a hard limit on the area of uploaded images, it instead imposes a limit on how much of an image can be held in memory at a time, with the rest of the image residing on disk. ### Imagemagick Frame Configuration Imagemagick now inherits pict-rs' animation `max_frame_count` value to set it's maximum `list-length`, which should allow longer animations to be configured.