use crate::{ details::MaybeHumanDate, repo::{ Alias, AliasAlreadyExists, AliasRepo, BaseRepo, DeleteToken, Details, FullRepo, HashAlreadyExists, HashRepo, Identifier, IdentifierRepo, JobId, MigrationRepo, QueueRepo, SettingsRepo, UploadId, UploadRepo, UploadResult, }, serde_str::Serde, store::StoreError, stream::from_iterator, }; use futures_util::{Future, Stream}; use sled::{transaction::TransactionError, Db, IVec, Transactional, Tree}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf, pin::Pin, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, RwLock, }, time::Instant, }; use tokio::{sync::Notify, task::JoinHandle}; use url::Url; use super::{AliasAccessRepo, ProxyRepo, RepoError, VariantAccessRepo}; macro_rules! b { ($self:ident.$ident:ident, $expr:expr) => {{ let $ident = $self.$ident.clone(); let span = tracing::Span::current(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || span.in_scope(|| $expr)) .await .map_err(SledError::from) .map_err(RepoError::from)? .map_err(SledError::from) .map_err(RepoError::from)? }}; } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub(crate) enum SledError { #[error("Error in database")] Sled(#[from] sled::Error), #[error("Invalid details json")] Details(#[from] serde_json::Error), #[error("Error formatting timestamp")] Format(#[source] time::error::Format), #[error("Error parsing variant key")] VariantKey(#[from] VariantKeyError), #[error("Operation panicked")] Panic, #[error("Another process updated this value before us")] Conflict, } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct SledRepo { healthz_count: Arc, healthz: Tree, settings: Tree, identifier_details: Tree, hashes: Tree, hash_aliases: Tree, hash_identifiers: Tree, hash_variant_identifiers: Tree, hash_motion_identifiers: Tree, aliases: Tree, alias_hashes: Tree, alias_delete_tokens: Tree, queue: Tree, job_state: Tree, alias_access: Tree, inverse_alias_access: Tree, variant_access: Tree, inverse_variant_access: Tree, proxy: Tree, inverse_proxy: Tree, queue_notifier: Arc>>>, uploads: Tree, migration_identifiers: Tree, cache_capacity: u64, export_path: PathBuf, db: Db, } impl SledRepo { #[tracing::instrument] pub(crate) fn build( path: PathBuf, cache_capacity: u64, export_path: PathBuf, ) -> color_eyre::Result { let db = Self::open(path, cache_capacity)?; Ok(SledRepo { healthz_count: Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)), healthz: db.open_tree("pict-rs-healthz-tree")?, settings: db.open_tree("pict-rs-settings-tree")?, identifier_details: db.open_tree("pict-rs-identifier-details-tree")?, hashes: db.open_tree("pict-rs-hashes-tree")?, hash_aliases: db.open_tree("pict-rs-hash-aliases-tree")?, hash_identifiers: db.open_tree("pict-rs-hash-identifiers-tree")?, hash_variant_identifiers: db.open_tree("pict-rs-hash-variant-identifiers-tree")?, hash_motion_identifiers: db.open_tree("pict-rs-hash-motion-identifiers-tree")?, aliases: db.open_tree("pict-rs-aliases-tree")?, alias_hashes: db.open_tree("pict-rs-alias-hashes-tree")?, alias_delete_tokens: db.open_tree("pict-rs-alias-delete-tokens-tree")?, queue: db.open_tree("pict-rs-queue-tree")?, job_state: db.open_tree("pict-rs-job-state-tree")?, alias_access: db.open_tree("pict-rs-alias-access-tree")?, inverse_alias_access: db.open_tree("pict-rs-inverse-alias-access-tree")?, variant_access: db.open_tree("pict-rs-variant-access-tree")?, inverse_variant_access: db.open_tree("pict-rs-inverse-variant-access-tree")?, proxy: db.open_tree("pict-rs-proxy-tree")?, inverse_proxy: db.open_tree("pict-rs-inverse-proxy-tree")?, queue_notifier: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())), uploads: db.open_tree("pict-rs-uploads-tree")?, migration_identifiers: db.open_tree("pict-rs-migration-identifiers-tree")?, cache_capacity, export_path, db, }) } fn open(mut path: PathBuf, cache_capacity: u64) -> Result { path.push("v0.5.0"); let db = ::sled::Config::new() .cache_capacity(cache_capacity) .path(path) .open()?; Ok(db) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] pub(crate) async fn mark_accessed(&self) -> Result<(), StoreError> { use futures_util::StreamExt; let mut stream = self.hashes().await; while let Some(res) = { let hash = res?; for (variant, _) in self.variants::(hash.clone()).await? { if !self.contains_variant(hash.clone(), variant.clone()).await? { VariantAccessRepo::accessed(self, hash.clone(), variant).await?; } } } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "warn", skip_all)] pub(crate) async fn export(&self) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let path = self .export_path .join(MaybeHumanDate::HumanDate(time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc()).to_string()); let export_db = Self::open(path, self.cache_capacity)?; let this = self.db.clone(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let export = this.export(); export_db.import(export); }) .await .map_err(SledError::from)?; Ok(()) } } impl BaseRepo for SledRepo { type Bytes = IVec; } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl FullRepo for SledRepo { async fn health_check(&self) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let next = self.healthz_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); b!(self.healthz, { healthz.insert("healthz", &next.to_be_bytes()[..]) }); self.healthz.flush_async().await.map_err(SledError::from)?; b!(self.healthz, healthz.get("healthz")); Ok(()) } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl ProxyRepo for SledRepo { async fn relate_url(&self, url: Url, alias: Alias) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let proxy = self.proxy.clone(); let inverse_proxy = self.inverse_proxy.clone(); actix_web::web::block(move || { proxy.insert(url.as_str().as_bytes(), alias.to_bytes())?; inverse_proxy.insert(alias.to_bytes(), url.as_str().as_bytes())?; Ok(()) as Result<(), SledError> }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)??; Ok(()) } async fn related(&self, url: Url) -> Result, RepoError> { let opt = b!(self.proxy, proxy.get(url.as_str().as_bytes())); Ok(opt.and_then(|ivec| Alias::from_slice(&ivec))) } async fn remove_relation(&self, alias: Alias) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let proxy = self.proxy.clone(); let inverse_proxy = self.inverse_proxy.clone(); actix_web::web::block(move || { if let Some(url) = inverse_proxy.remove(alias.to_bytes())? { proxy.remove(url)?; } Ok(()) as Result<(), SledError> }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)??; Ok(()) } } type IterValue = Option<(sled::Iter, Result)>; pub(crate) struct IterStream { iter: Option, next: Option>, } impl futures_util::Stream for IterStream { type Item = Result; fn poll_next( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll> { if let Some(ref mut next) = { let res = std::task::ready!(Pin::new(next).poll(cx));; let opt = match res { Ok(opt) => opt, Err(_) => return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(RepoError::Canceled))), }; if let Some((iter, res)) = opt { self.iter = Some(iter); std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(res)) } else { std::task::Poll::Ready(None) } } else if let Some(mut iter) = self.iter.take() { = Some(actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let opt = iter .next() .map(|res| res.map_err(SledError::from).map_err(RepoError::from));|res| (iter,|(_, value)| value))) })); self.poll_next(cx) } else { std::task::Poll::Ready(None) } } } pub(crate) struct AliasAccessStream { iter: IterStream, } pub(crate) struct VariantAccessStream { iter: IterStream, } impl futures_util::Stream for AliasAccessStream { type Item = Result; fn poll_next( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll> { match std::task::ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.iter).poll_next(cx)) { Some(Ok(bytes)) => { if let Some(alias) = Alias::from_slice(&bytes) { std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(alias))) } else { self.poll_next(cx) } } Some(Err(e)) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))), None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None), } } } impl futures_util::Stream for VariantAccessStream { type Item = Result<(IVec, String), RepoError>; fn poll_next( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll> { match std::task::ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.iter).poll_next(cx)) { Some(Ok(bytes)) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some( parse_variant_access_key(bytes) .map_err(SledError::from) .map_err(RepoError::from), )), Some(Err(e)) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))), None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None), } } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl AliasAccessRepo for SledRepo { type AliasAccessStream = AliasAccessStream; #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] async fn accessed(&self, alias: Alias) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let now_string = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc() .format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339) .map_err(SledError::Format)?; let alias_access = self.alias_access.clone(); let inverse_alias_access = self.inverse_alias_access.clone(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { if let Some(old) = alias_access.insert(alias.to_bytes(), now_string.as_bytes())? { inverse_alias_access.remove(old)?; } inverse_alias_access.insert(now_string, alias.to_bytes())?; Ok(()) as Result<(), SledError> }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)? .map_err(RepoError::from) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] async fn older_aliases( &self, timestamp: time::OffsetDateTime, ) -> Result { let time_string = timestamp .format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339) .map_err(SledError::Format)?; let inverse_alias_access = self.inverse_alias_access.clone(); let iter = actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || inverse_alias_access.range(..=time_string)) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; Ok(AliasAccessStream { iter: IterStream { iter: Some(iter), next: None, }, }) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] async fn remove_access(&self, alias: Alias) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let alias_access = self.alias_access.clone(); let inverse_alias_access = self.inverse_alias_access.clone(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { if let Some(old) = alias_access.remove(alias.to_bytes())? { inverse_alias_access.remove(old)?; } Ok(()) as Result<(), SledError> }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)? .map_err(RepoError::from) } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl VariantAccessRepo for SledRepo { type VariantAccessStream = VariantAccessStream; #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(hash = %hex::encode(&hash), variant = %variant))] async fn accessed(&self, hash: Self::Bytes, variant: String) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let key = variant_access_key(&hash, &variant); let now_string = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc() .format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339) .map_err(SledError::Format)?; let variant_access = self.variant_access.clone(); let inverse_variant_access = self.inverse_variant_access.clone(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { if let Some(old) = variant_access.insert(&key, now_string.as_bytes())? { inverse_variant_access.remove(old)?; } inverse_variant_access.insert(now_string, key)?; Ok(()) as Result<(), SledError> }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)? .map_err(RepoError::from) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(hash = %hex::encode(&hash), variant = %variant))] async fn contains_variant( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, variant: String, ) -> Result { let key = variant_access_key(&hash, &variant); let timestamp = b!(self.variant_access, variant_access.get(key)); Ok(timestamp.is_some()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] async fn older_variants( &self, timestamp: time::OffsetDateTime, ) -> Result { let time_string = timestamp .format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339) .map_err(SledError::Format)?; let inverse_variant_access = self.inverse_variant_access.clone(); let iter = actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || inverse_variant_access.range(..=time_string)) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; Ok(VariantAccessStream { iter: IterStream { iter: Some(iter), next: None, }, }) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(hash = %hex::encode(&hash), variant = %variant))] async fn remove_access(&self, hash: Self::Bytes, variant: String) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let key = variant_access_key(&hash, &variant); let variant_access = self.variant_access.clone(); let inverse_variant_access = self.inverse_variant_access.clone(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { if let Some(old) = variant_access.remove(key)? { inverse_variant_access.remove(old)?; } Ok(()) as Result<(), SledError> }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)? .map_err(RepoError::from) } } #[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] enum InnerUploadResult { Success { alias: Serde, token: Serde, }, Failure { message: String, }, } impl From for InnerUploadResult { fn from(u: UploadResult) -> Self { match u { UploadResult::Success { alias, token } => InnerUploadResult::Success { alias: Serde::new(alias), token: Serde::new(token), }, UploadResult::Failure { message } => InnerUploadResult::Failure { message }, } } } impl From for UploadResult { fn from(i: InnerUploadResult) -> Self { match i { InnerUploadResult::Success { alias, token } => UploadResult::Success { alias: Serde::into_inner(alias), token: Serde::into_inner(token), }, InnerUploadResult::Failure { message } => UploadResult::Failure { message }, } } } struct PushMetricsGuard { queue: &'static str, armed: bool, } struct PopMetricsGuard { queue: &'static str, start: Instant, armed: bool, } impl PushMetricsGuard { fn guard(queue: &'static str) -> Self { Self { queue, armed: true } } fn disarm(mut self) { self.armed = false; } } impl PopMetricsGuard { fn guard(queue: &'static str) -> Self { Self { queue, start: Instant::now(), armed: true, } } fn disarm(mut self) { self.armed = false; } } impl Drop for PushMetricsGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { metrics::increment_counter!("pict-rs.queue.push", "completed" => (!self.armed).to_string(), "queue" => self.queue); } } impl Drop for PopMetricsGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { metrics::histogram!("pict-rs.queue.pop.duration", self.start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(), "completed" => (!self.armed).to_string(), "queue" => self.queue); metrics::increment_counter!("pict-rs.queue.pop", "completed" => (!self.armed).to_string(), "queue" => self.queue); } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl UploadRepo for SledRepo { #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn create(&self, upload_id: UploadId) -> Result<(), RepoError> { b!(self.uploads, uploads.insert(upload_id.as_bytes(), b"1")); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn wait(&self, upload_id: UploadId) -> Result { let mut subscriber = self.uploads.watch_prefix(upload_id.as_bytes()); let bytes = upload_id.as_bytes().to_vec(); let opt = b!(self.uploads, uploads.get(bytes)); if let Some(bytes) = opt { if bytes != b"1" { let result: InnerUploadResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes).map_err(SledError::from)?; return Ok(result.into()); } } else { return Err(RepoError::AlreadyClaimed); } while let Some(event) = (&mut subscriber).await { match event { sled::Event::Remove { .. } => { return Err(RepoError::AlreadyClaimed); } sled::Event::Insert { value, .. } => { if value != b"1" { let result: InnerUploadResult = serde_json::from_slice(&value).map_err(SledError::from)?; return Ok(result.into()); } } } } Err(RepoError::Canceled) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn claim(&self, upload_id: UploadId) -> Result<(), RepoError> { b!(self.uploads, uploads.remove(upload_id.as_bytes())); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, result))] async fn complete(&self, upload_id: UploadId, result: UploadResult) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let result: InnerUploadResult = result.into(); let result = serde_json::to_vec(&result).map_err(SledError::from)?; b!(self.uploads, uploads.insert(upload_id.as_bytes(), result)); Ok(()) } } enum JobState { Pending, Running([u8; 8]), } impl JobState { const fn pending() -> Self { Self::Pending } fn running() -> Self { Self::Running( time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc() .unix_timestamp() .to_be_bytes(), ) } fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { match self { Self::Pending => b"pend", Self::Running(ref bytes) => bytes, } } } fn job_key(queue: &'static str, job_id: JobId) -> Arc<[u8]> { let mut key = queue.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend(job_id.as_bytes()); Arc::from(key) } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl QueueRepo for SledRepo { #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, job), fields(job = %String::from_utf8_lossy(&job)))] async fn push(&self, queue_name: &'static str, job: Self::Bytes) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let metrics_guard = PushMetricsGuard::guard(queue_name); let id = JobId::gen(); let key = job_key(queue_name, id); let queue = self.queue.clone(); let job_state = self.job_state.clone(); let res = actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { (&queue, &job_state).transaction(|(queue, job_state)| { let state = JobState::pending(); queue.insert(&key[..], &job)?; job_state.insert(&key[..], state.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) }) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; if let Err(TransactionError::Abort(e) | TransactionError::Storage(e)) = res { return Err(RepoError::from(SledError::from(e))); } if let Some(notifier) = { notifier.notify_one(); metrics_guard.disarm(); return Ok(()); } self.queue_notifier .write() .unwrap() .entry(queue_name) .or_insert_with(|| Arc::new(Notify::new())) .notify_one(); metrics_guard.disarm(); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn pop(&self, queue_name: &'static str) -> Result<(JobId, Self::Bytes), RepoError> { let metrics_guard = PopMetricsGuard::guard(queue_name); let now = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc(); loop { let queue = self.queue.clone(); let job_state = self.job_state.clone(); let opt = actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { // Job IDs are generated with Uuid version 7 - defining their first bits as a // timestamp. Scanning a prefix should give us jobs in the order they were queued. for res in job_state.scan_prefix(queue_name) { let (key, value) = res?; if value.len() == 8 { let unix_timestamp = i64::from_be_bytes(value[0..8].try_into().expect("Verified length")); let timestamp = time::OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp(unix_timestamp) .expect("Valid timestamp"); // heartbeats should update every 5 seconds, so 30 seconds without an // update is 6 missed beats if timestamp.saturating_add(time::Duration::seconds(30)) > now { // job hasn't expired continue; } } let state = JobState::running(); match job_state.compare_and_swap(&key, Some(value), Some(state.as_bytes())) { Ok(_) => { // acquired job } Err(_) => { // someone else acquired job continue; } } let id_bytes = &key[queue_name.len()..]; let id_bytes: [u8; 16] = id_bytes.try_into().expect("Key length"); let job_id = JobId::from_bytes(id_bytes); let opt = queue.get(&key)?.map(|job_bytes| (job_id, job_bytes)); return Ok(opt) as Result, SledError>; } Ok(None) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)??; if let Some(tup) = opt { metrics_guard.disarm(); return Ok(tup); } let opt = self .queue_notifier .read() .unwrap() .get(&queue_name) .map(Arc::clone); let notify = if let Some(notify) = opt { notify } else { let mut guard = self.queue_notifier.write().unwrap(); let entry = guard .entry(queue_name) .or_insert_with(|| Arc::new(Notify::new())); Arc::clone(entry) }; notify.notified().await } } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn heartbeat(&self, queue_name: &'static str, job_id: JobId) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let key = job_key(queue_name, job_id); let job_state = self.job_state.clone(); actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { if let Some(state) = job_state.get(&key)? { let new_state = JobState::running(); match job_state.compare_and_swap(&key, Some(state), Some(new_state.as_bytes()))? { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(_) => Err(SledError::Conflict), } } else { Ok(()) } }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)??; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn complete_job(&self, queue_name: &'static str, job_id: JobId) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let key = job_key(queue_name, job_id); let queue = self.queue.clone(); let job_state = self.job_state.clone(); let res = actix_rt::task::spawn_blocking(move || { (&queue, &job_state).transaction(|(queue, job_state)| { queue.remove(&key[..])?; job_state.remove(&key[..])?; Ok(()) }) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; if let Err(TransactionError::Abort(e) | TransactionError::Storage(e)) = res { return Err(RepoError::from(SledError::from(e))); } Ok(()) } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl SettingsRepo for SledRepo { #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(value))] async fn set(&self, key: &'static str, value: Self::Bytes) -> Result<(), RepoError> { b!(self.settings, settings.insert(key, value)); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn get(&self, key: &'static str) -> Result, RepoError> { let opt = b!(self.settings, settings.get(key)); Ok(opt) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn remove(&self, key: &'static str) -> Result<(), RepoError> { b!(self.settings, settings.remove(key)); Ok(()) } } fn variant_access_key(hash: &[u8], variant: &str) -> Vec { let variant = variant.as_bytes(); let hash_len: u64 = u64::try_from(hash.len()).expect("Length is reasonable"); let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(8 + hash.len() + variant.len()); let hash_length_bytes: [u8; 8] = hash_len.to_be_bytes(); out.extend(hash_length_bytes); out.extend(hash); out.extend(variant); out } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub(crate) enum VariantKeyError { #[error("Bytes too short to be VariantAccessKey")] TooShort, #[error("Prefix Length is longer than backing bytes")] InvalidLength, #[error("Invalid utf8 in Variant")] Utf8, } fn parse_variant_access_key(bytes: IVec) -> Result<(IVec, String), VariantKeyError> { if bytes.len() < 8 { return Err(VariantKeyError::TooShort); } let hash_len = u64::from_be_bytes(bytes[..8].try_into().expect("Verified length")); let hash_len: usize = usize::try_from(hash_len).expect("Length is reasonable"); if (hash_len + 8) > bytes.len() { return Err(VariantKeyError::InvalidLength); } let hash = bytes.subslice(8, hash_len); let variant_len = bytes.len().saturating_sub(8).saturating_sub(hash_len); if variant_len == 0 { return Ok((hash, String::new())); } let variant_start = 8 + hash_len; let variant = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes[variant_start..]) .map_err(|_| VariantKeyError::Utf8)? .to_string(); Ok((hash, variant)) } fn variant_key(hash: &[u8], variant: &str) -> Vec { let mut bytes = hash.to_vec(); bytes.push(b'/'); bytes.extend_from_slice(variant.as_bytes()); bytes } fn variant_from_key(hash: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> Option { let prefix_len = hash.len() + 1; let variant_bytes = key.get(prefix_len..)?.to_vec(); String::from_utf8(variant_bytes).ok() } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl IdentifierRepo for SledRepo { #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, identifier), fields(identifier = identifier.string_repr()))] async fn relate_details( &self, identifier: &I, details: &Details, ) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let key = identifier.to_bytes()?; let details = serde_json::to_vec(&details) .map_err(SledError::from) .map_err(RepoError::from)?; b!( self.identifier_details, identifier_details.insert(key, details) ); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, identifier), fields(identifier = identifier.string_repr()))] async fn details(&self, identifier: &I) -> Result, StoreError> { let key = identifier.to_bytes()?; let opt = b!(self.identifier_details, identifier_details.get(key));|ivec| serde_json::from_slice(&ivec)) .transpose() .map_err(SledError::from) .map_err(RepoError::from) .map_err(StoreError::from) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, identifier), fields(identifier = identifier.string_repr()))] async fn cleanup(&self, identifier: &I) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let key = identifier.to_bytes()?; b!(self.identifier_details, identifier_details.remove(key)); Ok(()) } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl MigrationRepo for SledRepo { async fn is_continuing_migration(&self) -> Result { Ok(!self.migration_identifiers.is_empty()) } async fn mark_migrated( &self, old_identifier: &I1, new_identifier: &I2, ) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let key = new_identifier.to_bytes()?; let value = old_identifier.to_bytes()?; b!( self.migration_identifiers, migration_identifiers.insert(key, value) ); Ok(()) } async fn is_migrated(&self, identifier: &I) -> Result { let key = identifier.to_bytes()?; Ok(b!(self.migration_identifiers, migration_identifiers.get(key)).is_some()) } async fn clear(&self) -> Result<(), RepoError> { b!(self.migration_identifiers, migration_identifiers.clear()); Ok(()) } } type StreamItem = Result; type LocalBoxStream<'a, T> = Pin + 'a>>; #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl HashRepo for SledRepo { type Stream = LocalBoxStream<'static, StreamItem>; async fn size(&self) -> Result { Ok(b!( self.hashes, Ok(u64::try_from(hashes.len()).expect("Length is reasonable")) as Result )) } async fn hashes(&self) -> Self::Stream { let iter = self .hashes .iter() .keys() .map(|res| res.map_err(SledError::from).map_err(RepoError::from)); Box::pin(from_iterator(iter, 8)) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn create( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, identifier: &I, ) -> Result, StoreError> { let identifier: sled::IVec = identifier.to_bytes()?.into(); let hashes = self.hashes.clone(); let hash_identifiers = self.hash_identifiers.clone(); let res = actix_web::web::block(move || { (&hashes, &hash_identifiers).transaction(|(hashes, hash_identifiers)| { if hashes.get(&hash)?.is_some() { return Ok(Err(HashAlreadyExists)); } hashes.insert(&hash, &hash)?; hash_identifiers.insert(&hash, &identifier)?; Ok(Ok(())) }) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; match res { Ok(res) => Ok(res), Err(TransactionError::Abort(e) | TransactionError::Storage(e)) => { Err(StoreError::from(RepoError::from(SledError::from(e)))) } } } async fn update_identifier( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, identifier: &I, ) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let identifier = identifier.to_bytes()?; b!( self.hash_identifiers, hash_identifiers.insert(hash, identifier) ); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn identifier( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, ) -> Result, StoreError> { let Some(ivec) = b!(self.hash_identifiers, hash_identifiers.get(hash)) else { return Ok(None); }; Ok(Some(I::from_bytes(ivec.to_vec())?)) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash, identifier), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash), identifier = identifier.string_repr()))] async fn relate_variant_identifier( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, variant: String, identifier: &I, ) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let key = variant_key(&hash, &variant); let value = identifier.to_bytes()?; b!( self.hash_variant_identifiers, hash_variant_identifiers.insert(key, value) ); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn variant_identifier( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, variant: String, ) -> Result, StoreError> { let key = variant_key(&hash, &variant); let opt = b!( self.hash_variant_identifiers, hash_variant_identifiers.get(key) );|ivec| I::from_bytes(ivec.to_vec())).transpose() } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn variants( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, ) -> Result, StoreError> { let vec = b!( self.hash_variant_identifiers, Ok(hash_variant_identifiers .scan_prefix(&hash) .filter_map(|res| res.ok()) .filter_map(|(key, ivec)| { let identifier = I::from_bytes(ivec.to_vec()).ok(); if identifier.is_none() { tracing::warn!( "Skipping an identifier: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&ivec) ); } let variant = variant_from_key(&hash, &key); if variant.is_none() { tracing::warn!("Skipping a variant: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&key)); } Some((variant?, identifier?)) }) .collect::>()) as Result, SledError> ); Ok(vec) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn remove_variant(&self, hash: Self::Bytes, variant: String) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let key = variant_key(&hash, &variant); b!( self.hash_variant_identifiers, hash_variant_identifiers.remove(key) ); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash, identifier), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash), identifier = identifier.string_repr()))] async fn relate_motion_identifier( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, identifier: &I, ) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let bytes = identifier.to_bytes()?; b!( self.hash_motion_identifiers, hash_motion_identifiers.insert(hash, bytes) ); Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn motion_identifier( &self, hash: Self::Bytes, ) -> Result, StoreError> { let opt = b!( self.hash_motion_identifiers, hash_motion_identifiers.get(hash) );|ivec| I::from_bytes(ivec.to_vec())).transpose() } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self, hash), fields(hash = hex::encode(&hash)))] async fn cleanup(&self, hash: Self::Bytes) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let hashes = self.hashes.clone(); let hash_identifiers = self.hash_identifiers.clone(); let hash_motion_identifiers = self.hash_motion_identifiers.clone(); let hash_variant_identifiers = self.hash_variant_identifiers.clone(); let hash2 = hash.clone(); let variant_keys = b!(self.hash_variant_identifiers, { let v = hash_variant_identifiers .scan_prefix(hash2) .keys() .filter_map(Result::ok) .collect::>(); Ok(v) as Result, SledError> }); let res = actix_web::web::block(move || { ( &hashes, &hash_identifiers, &hash_motion_identifiers, &hash_variant_identifiers, ) .transaction( |( hashes, hash_identifiers, hash_motion_identifiers, hash_variant_identifiers, )| { hashes.remove(&hash)?; hash_identifiers.remove(&hash)?; hash_motion_identifiers.remove(&hash)?; for key in &variant_keys { hash_variant_identifiers.remove(key)?; } Ok(()) }, ) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; match res { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(TransactionError::Abort(e) | TransactionError::Storage(e)) => { Err(SledError::from(e).into()) } } } } fn hash_alias_key(hash: &IVec, alias: &IVec) -> Vec { let mut v = hash.to_vec(); v.extend_from_slice(alias); v } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl AliasRepo for SledRepo { #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn create( &self, alias: &Alias, delete_token: &DeleteToken, hash: Self::Bytes, ) -> Result, RepoError> { let alias: sled::IVec = alias.to_bytes().into(); let delete_token: sled::IVec = delete_token.to_bytes().into(); let aliases = self.aliases.clone(); let alias_hashes = self.alias_hashes.clone(); let hash_aliases = self.hash_aliases.clone(); let alias_delete_tokens = self.alias_delete_tokens.clone(); let res = actix_web::web::block(move || { (&aliases, &alias_hashes, &hash_aliases, &alias_delete_tokens).transaction( |(aliases, alias_hashes, hash_aliases, alias_delete_tokens)| { if aliases.get(&alias)?.is_some() { return Ok(Err(AliasAlreadyExists)); } aliases.insert(&alias, &alias)?; alias_hashes.insert(&alias, &hash)?; hash_aliases.insert(hash_alias_key(&hash, &alias), &alias)?; alias_delete_tokens.insert(&alias, &delete_token)?; Ok(Ok(())) }, ) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; match res { Ok(res) => Ok(res), Err(TransactionError::Abort(e) | TransactionError::Storage(e)) => { Err(SledError::from(e).into()) } } } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn delete_token(&self, alias: &Alias) -> Result, RepoError> { let key = alias.to_bytes(); let Some(ivec) = b!(self.alias_delete_tokens, alias_delete_tokens.get(key)) else { return Ok(None); }; let Some(token) = DeleteToken::from_slice(&ivec) else { return Ok(None); }; Ok(Some(token)) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))] async fn hash(&self, alias: &Alias) -> Result, RepoError> { let key = alias.to_bytes(); let opt = b!(self.alias_hashes, alias_hashes.get(key)); Ok(opt) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn for_hash(&self, hash: Self::Bytes) -> Result, RepoError> { let v = b!(self.hash_aliases, { Ok(hash_aliases .scan_prefix(hash) .values() .filter_map(Result::ok) .filter_map(|ivec| Alias::from_slice(&ivec)) .collect::>()) as Result<_, sled::Error> }); Ok(v) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn cleanup(&self, alias: &Alias) -> Result<(), RepoError> { let alias: IVec = alias.to_bytes().into(); let aliases = self.aliases.clone(); let alias_hashes = self.alias_hashes.clone(); let hash_aliases = self.hash_aliases.clone(); let alias_delete_tokens = self.alias_delete_tokens.clone(); let res = actix_web::web::block(move || { (&aliases, &alias_hashes, &hash_aliases, &alias_delete_tokens).transaction( |(aliases, alias_hashes, hash_aliases, alias_delete_tokens)| { aliases.remove(&alias)?; if let Some(hash) = alias_hashes.remove(&alias)? { hash_aliases.remove(hash_alias_key(&hash, &alias))?; } alias_delete_tokens.remove(&alias)?; Ok(()) }, ) }) .await .map_err(|_| RepoError::Canceled)?; match res { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(TransactionError::Abort(e)) | Err(TransactionError::Storage(e)) => { Err(SledError::from(e).into()) } } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for SledRepo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SledRepo").finish() } } impl From for SledError { fn from(_: actix_rt::task::JoinError) -> Self { SledError::Panic } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn round_trip() { let hash = sled::IVec::from(b"some hash value"); let variant = String::from("some string value"); let key = super::variant_access_key(&hash, &variant); let (out_hash, out_variant) = super::parse_variant_access_key(sled::IVec::from(key)).expect("Parsed bytes"); assert_eq!(out_hash, hash); assert_eq!(out_variant, variant); } }