use crate::{ bytes_stream::BytesStream, error_code::ErrorCode, future::WithMetrics, store::Store, stream::LocalBoxStream, sync::DropHandle, }; use actix_web::{ error::BlockingError, http::{ header::{ByteRangeSpec, Range, CONTENT_LENGTH}, StatusCode, }, rt::task::JoinError, web::Bytes, }; use base64::{prelude::BASE64_STANDARD, Engine}; use futures_core::Stream; use reqwest::{header::RANGE, Body, Response}; use reqwest_middleware::{ClientWithMiddleware, RequestBuilder}; use rusty_s3::{ actions::{CreateMultipartUpload, S3Action}, Bucket, BucketError, Credentials, UrlStyle, }; use std::{string::FromUtf8Error, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use streem::IntoStreamer; use tracing::Instrument; use url::Url; use super::StoreError; const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 8_388_608; // 8 Mebibytes, min is 5 (5_242_880); #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub(crate) enum ObjectError { #[error("Failed to generate request")] S3(#[from] BucketError), #[error("IO Error")] IO(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("Error making request")] RequestMiddleware(#[from] reqwest_middleware::Error), #[error("Error in request response")] Request(#[from] reqwest::Error), #[error("Failed to parse string")] Utf8(#[from] FromUtf8Error), #[error("Failed to parse xml")] Xml(#[source] XmlError), #[error("Invalid length")] Length, #[error("Invalid etag response")] Etag, #[error("Task cancelled")] Canceled, #[error("Invalid status {0} for {2:?} - {1}")] Status(StatusCode, String, Option>), } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct XmlError { inner: Box, } impl XmlError { fn new(e: E) -> Self { XmlError { inner: Box::new(e) } } } impl std::fmt::Display for XmlError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { self.inner.fmt(f) } } impl std::error::Error for XmlError { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> { self.inner.source() } } impl ObjectError { pub(super) const fn error_code(&self) -> ErrorCode { match self { Self::S3(_) | Self::RequestMiddleware(_) | Self::Request(_) | Self::Xml(_) | Self::Length | Self::Etag | Self::Status(_, _, _) => ErrorCode::OBJECT_REQUEST_ERROR, Self::IO(_) => ErrorCode::OBJECT_IO_ERROR, Self::Utf8(_) => ErrorCode::PARSE_OBJECT_ID_ERROR, Self::Canceled => ErrorCode::PANIC, } } } impl From for ObjectError { fn from(_: JoinError) -> Self { Self::Canceled } } impl From for ObjectError { fn from(_: BlockingError) -> Self { Self::Canceled } } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct ObjectStore { bucket: Bucket, credentials: Credentials, client: ClientWithMiddleware, signature_expiration: Duration, client_timeout: Duration, public_endpoint: Option, } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct ObjectStoreConfig { bucket: Bucket, credentials: Credentials, signature_expiration: u64, client_timeout: u64, public_endpoint: Option, } impl ObjectStoreConfig { pub(crate) fn build(self, client: ClientWithMiddleware) -> ObjectStore { ObjectStore { bucket: self.bucket, credentials: self.credentials, client, signature_expiration: Duration::from_secs(self.signature_expiration), client_timeout: Duration::from_secs(self.client_timeout), public_endpoint: self.public_endpoint, } } } fn payload_to_io_error(e: reqwest::Error) -> std::io::Error { std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e.to_string()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(stream))] async fn read_chunk(stream: &mut S) -> Result where S: Stream> + Unpin, { let mut buf = BytesStream::new(); let mut stream = stream.into_streamer(); while buf.len() < CHUNK_SIZE { tracing::trace!("read_chunk: looping"); if let Some(bytes) = stream.try_next().await? { buf.add_bytes(bytes) } else { break; } } tracing::debug!( "BytesStream with {} chunks, avg length {}", buf.chunks_len(), buf.len() / buf.chunks_len() ); Ok(buf) } async fn status_error(response: Response, object: Option>) -> StoreError { let status = response.status(); let body = match response.text().await { Err(e) => return ObjectError::Request(e).into(), Ok(body) => body, }; ObjectError::Status(status, body, object).into() } impl Store for ObjectStore { async fn health_check(&self) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let response = self .head_bucket_request() .await? .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_HEAD_BUCKET_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, None).await); } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn save_stream( &self, stream: S, content_type: mime::Mime, extension: Option<&str>, ) -> Result, StoreError> where S: Stream>, { match self .start_upload( crate::stream::error_injector(stream), content_type.clone(), extension, ) .await? { UploadState::Single(first_chunk) => { let (req, object_id) = self .put_object_request(first_chunk.len(), content_type, extension) .await?; let response = req .body(Body::wrap_stream(first_chunk.into_io_stream())) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_PUT_OBJECT_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, None).await); } return Ok(object_id); } UploadState::Multi(object_id, upload_id, futures) => { // hack-ish: use async block as Result boundary let res = async { let mut etags = Vec::new(); for future in futures { etags.push(future.await.map_err(ObjectError::from)??); } let response = self .send_complete_multipart_request( &object_id, &upload_id, etags.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()), ) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, None).await); } Ok(()) as Result<(), StoreError> } .await; if let Err(e) = res { self.create_abort_multipart_request(&object_id, &upload_id) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_ABORT_MULTIPART_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; return Err(e); } Ok(object_id) } } } fn public_url(&self, identifier: &Arc) -> Option { self.public_endpoint.clone().and_then(|mut endpoint| { endpoint .path_segments_mut() .ok()? .pop_if_empty() .extend(identifier.as_ref().split('/')); Some(endpoint) }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn to_stream( &self, identifier: &Arc, from_start: Option, len: Option, ) -> Result>, StoreError> { let response = self .get_object_request(identifier, from_start, len) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_GET_OBJECT_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, Some(identifier.clone())).await); } Ok(Box::pin(crate::stream::error_injector( crate::stream::metrics( crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_GET_OBJECT_REQUEST_STREAM, crate::stream::map_err(response.bytes_stream(), payload_to_io_error), ), ))) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn len(&self, identifier: &Arc) -> Result { let response = self .head_object_request(identifier) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_HEAD_OBJECT_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, Some(identifier.clone())).await); } let length = response .headers() .get(CONTENT_LENGTH) .ok_or(ObjectError::Length)? .to_str() .map_err(|_| ObjectError::Length)? .parse::() .map_err(|_| ObjectError::Length)?; Ok(length) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] async fn remove(&self, identifier: &Arc) -> Result<(), StoreError> { let response = self .delete_object_request(identifier) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_DELETE_OBJECT_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, Some(identifier.clone())).await); } Ok(()) } } enum UploadState { Single(BytesStream), Multi( Arc, String, Vec>>, ), } impl ObjectStore { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[tracing::instrument(skip(access_key, secret_key, session_token))] pub(crate) async fn build( endpoint: Url, bucket_name: String, url_style: UrlStyle, region: String, access_key: String, secret_key: String, session_token: Option, signature_expiration: u64, client_timeout: u64, public_endpoint: Option, ) -> Result { Ok(ObjectStoreConfig { bucket: Bucket::new(endpoint, url_style, bucket_name, region) .map_err(ObjectError::from)?, credentials: if let Some(token) = session_token { Credentials::new_with_token(access_key, secret_key, token) } else { Credentials::new(access_key, secret_key) }, signature_expiration, client_timeout, public_endpoint, }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn start_upload( &self, stream: S, content_type: mime::Mime, extension: Option<&str>, ) -> Result where S: Stream>, { let mut stream = std::pin::pin!(stream); let first_chunk = read_chunk(&mut stream).await?; if first_chunk.len() < CHUNK_SIZE { return Ok(UploadState::Single(first_chunk)); } let mut first_chunk = Some(first_chunk); let (req, object_id) = self .create_multipart_request(content_type, extension) .await?; let response = req .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_CREATE_MULTIPART_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, None).await); } let body = response.text().await.map_err(ObjectError::Request)?; let body = CreateMultipartUpload::parse_response(&body) .map_err(XmlError::new) .map_err(ObjectError::Xml)?; let upload_id = body.upload_id(); // hack-ish: use async block as Result boundary let res = async { let mut complete = false; let mut part_number = 0; let mut futures = Vec::new(); while !complete { tracing::trace!("save_stream: looping"); part_number += 1; let buf = if let Some(buf) = first_chunk.take() { buf } else { read_chunk(&mut stream).await? }; complete = buf.len() < CHUNK_SIZE; let this = self.clone(); let object_id2 = object_id.clone(); let upload_id2 = upload_id.to_string(); let handle = crate::sync::abort_on_drop(crate::sync::spawn( "upload-multipart-part", async move { let response = this .create_upload_part_request( buf.clone(), &object_id2, part_number, &upload_id2, ) .await? .body(Body::wrap_stream(buf.into_io_stream())) .send() .with_metrics( crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_CREATE_UPLOAD_PART_REQUEST, ) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; if !response.status().is_success() { return Err(status_error(response, None).await); } let etag = response .headers() .get("etag") .ok_or(ObjectError::Etag)? .to_str() .map_err(|_| ObjectError::Etag)? .to_string(); // early-drop response to close its tracing spans drop(response); Ok(etag) as Result } .instrument(tracing::Span::current()), )); futures.push(handle); } Ok(futures) } .await; match res { Ok(futures) => Ok(UploadState::Multi( object_id, upload_id.to_string(), futures, )), Err(e) => { self.create_abort_multipart_request(&object_id, upload_id) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_ABORT_MULTIPART_REQUEST) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; Err(e) } } } async fn head_bucket_request(&self) -> Result { let action = self.bucket.head_bucket(Some(&self.credentials)); Ok(self.build_request(action)) } async fn put_object_request( &self, length: usize, content_type: mime::Mime, extension: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(RequestBuilder, Arc), StoreError> { let path = self.next_file(extension); let mut action = self.bucket.put_object(Some(&self.credentials), &path); action .headers_mut() .insert("content-type", content_type.as_ref()); action .headers_mut() .insert("content-length", length.to_string()); Ok((self.build_request(action), Arc::from(path))) } async fn create_multipart_request( &self, content_type: mime::Mime, extension: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(RequestBuilder, Arc), StoreError> { let path = self.next_file(extension); let mut action = self .bucket .create_multipart_upload(Some(&self.credentials), &path); action .headers_mut() .insert("content-type", content_type.as_ref()); Ok((self.build_request(action), Arc::from(path))) } async fn create_upload_part_request( &self, buf: BytesStream, object_id: &Arc, part_number: u16, upload_id: &str, ) -> Result { use md5::Digest; let mut action = self.bucket.upload_part( Some(&self.credentials), object_id.as_ref(), part_number, upload_id, ); let length = buf.len(); let hashing_span = tracing::debug_span!("Hashing request body"); let hash_string = crate::sync::spawn_blocking("hash-buf", move || { let guard = hashing_span.enter(); let mut hasher = md5::Md5::new(); for bytes in buf { hasher.update(&bytes); } let hash = hasher.finalize(); let hash_string = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(hash); drop(guard); hash_string }) .await .map_err(ObjectError::from)?; action .headers_mut() .insert("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); action.headers_mut().insert("content-md5", hash_string); action .headers_mut() .insert("content-length", length.to_string()); Ok(self.build_request(action)) } async fn send_complete_multipart_request<'a, I: Iterator>( &'a self, object_id: &'a Arc, upload_id: &'a str, etags: I, ) -> Result { let mut action = self.bucket.complete_multipart_upload( Some(&self.credentials), object_id.as_ref(), upload_id, etags, ); action .headers_mut() .insert("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); let (req, action) = self.build_request_inner(action); let body: Vec = action.body().into(); req.header(CONTENT_LENGTH, body.len()) .body(body) .send() .with_metrics(crate::init_metrics::OBJECT_STORAGE_COMPLETE_MULTIPART_REQUEST) .await } fn create_abort_multipart_request( &self, object_id: &Arc, upload_id: &str, ) -> RequestBuilder { let action = self.bucket.abort_multipart_upload( Some(&self.credentials), object_id.as_ref(), upload_id, ); self.build_request(action) } fn build_request<'a, A: S3Action<'a>>(&'a self, action: A) -> RequestBuilder { let (req, _) = self.build_request_inner(action); req } fn build_request_inner<'a, A: S3Action<'a>>(&'a self, mut action: A) -> (RequestBuilder, A) { let method = match A::METHOD { rusty_s3::Method::Head => reqwest::Method::HEAD, rusty_s3::Method::Get => reqwest::Method::GET, rusty_s3::Method::Post => reqwest::Method::POST, rusty_s3::Method::Put => reqwest::Method::PUT, rusty_s3::Method::Delete => reqwest::Method::DELETE, }; let url = action.sign(self.signature_expiration); let req = self .client .request(method, url.as_str()) .timeout(self.client_timeout); let req = action .headers_mut() .iter() .fold(req, |req, (name, value)| req.header(name, value)); (req, action) } fn get_object_request( &self, identifier: &Arc, from_start: Option, len: Option, ) -> RequestBuilder { let action = self .bucket .get_object(Some(&self.credentials), identifier.as_ref()); let req = self.build_request(action); let start = from_start.unwrap_or(0); let end =|len| start + len - 1); req.header( RANGE, Range::Bytes(vec![if let Some(end) = end { ByteRangeSpec::FromTo(start, end) } else { ByteRangeSpec::From(start) }]) .to_string(), ) } fn head_object_request(&self, identifier: &Arc) -> RequestBuilder { let action = self .bucket .head_object(Some(&self.credentials), identifier.as_ref()); self.build_request(action) } fn delete_object_request(&self, identifier: &Arc) -> RequestBuilder { let action = self .bucket .delete_object(Some(&self.credentials), identifier.as_ref()); self.build_request(action) } fn next_file(&self, extension: Option<&str>) -> String { crate::file_path::generate_object(extension) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for ObjectStore { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ObjectStore") .field("bucket", & .field("region", &self.bucket.region()) .finish() } }