use crate::{ apub::AcceptedActivities, config::{Config, UrlKind}, db::Actor, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, future::BoxFuture, jobs::{apub::prepare_activity, Deliver, JobState, QueryInstance, QueryNodeinfo}, }; use activitystreams::{ activity::{Accept as AsAccept, Follow as AsFollow}, iri_string::types::IriString, prelude::*, }; use background_jobs::Job; #[derive(Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub(crate) struct Follow { input: AcceptedActivities, actor: Actor, } impl std::fmt::Debug for Follow { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Follow") .field("input", &self.input.id_unchecked()) .field("actor", & .finish() } } impl Follow { pub fn new(input: AcceptedActivities, actor: Actor) -> Self { Follow { input, actor } } #[tracing::instrument(name = "Follow", skip(state))] async fn perform(self, state: JobState) -> Result<(), Error> { let my_id = state.config.generate_url(UrlKind::Actor); // if following relay directly, not just following 'public', followback if self.input.object_is(&my_id) && !state.state.db.is_connected( { let follow = generate_follow(&state.config, &, &my_id)?; state .job_server .queue(Deliver::new(, follow)?) .await?; } state.actors.add_connection(; let accept = generate_accept_follow( &state.config, &, self.input.id_unchecked().ok_or(ErrorKind::MissingId)?, &my_id, )?; state .job_server .queue(Deliver::new(, accept)?) .await?; state .job_server .queue(QueryInstance::new( .await?; state .job_server .queue(QueryNodeinfo::new( .await?; Ok(()) } } // Generate a type that says "I want to follow you" fn generate_follow( config: &Config, actor_id: &IriString, my_id: &IriString, ) -> Result { let follow = AsFollow::new(my_id.clone(), actor_id.clone()); prepare_activity( follow, config.generate_url(UrlKind::Activity), actor_id.clone(), ) } // Generate a type that says "I accept your follow request" fn generate_accept_follow( config: &Config, actor_id: &IriString, input_id: &IriString, my_id: &IriString, ) -> Result { let mut follow = AsFollow::new(actor_id.clone(), my_id.clone()); follow.set_id(input_id.clone()); let accept = AsAccept::new(my_id.clone(), follow.into_any_base()?); prepare_activity( accept, config.generate_url(UrlKind::Activity), actor_id.clone(), ) } impl Job for Follow { type State = JobState; type Error = Error; type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), Self::Error>>; const NAME: &'static str = "relay::jobs::apub::Follow"; const QUEUE: &'static str = "apub"; fn run(self, state: Self::State) -> Self::Future { Box::pin(self.perform(state)) } }