use crate::{ accepted, apub::{AcceptedActors, AcceptedObjects, ValidTypes}, db_actor::Db, error::MyError, requests::Requests, state::{State, UrlKind}, }; use activitystreams::{ activity::apub::{Accept, Announce, Follow, Undo}, context, object::properties::ObjectProperties, primitives::XsdAnyUri, }; use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse}; use futures::join; use http_signature_normalization_actix::middleware::SignatureVerified; use log::error; use std::convert::TryInto; fn public() -> XsdAnyUri { "" .parse() .unwrap() } pub async fn inbox( db: web::Data, state: web::Data, client: web::Data, input: web::Json, verified: SignatureVerified, ) -> Result { let input = input.into_inner(); let actor = client.fetch_actor(&; let (is_blocked, is_whitelisted, is_listener) = join!( state.is_blocked(&, state.is_whitelisted(&, state.is_listener(actor.inbox()) ); if is_blocked { return Err(MyError::Blocked(; } if !is_whitelisted { return Err(MyError::Whitelist(; } if input.kind != ValidTypes::Follow && !is_listener { return Err(MyError::NotSubscribed(actor.inbox().to_string())); } if != verified.key_id() { error!("Bad actor, more info: {:?}", input); return Err(MyError::BadActor(, verified.key_id().to_owned(), )); } match input.kind { ValidTypes::Announce | ValidTypes::Create => { handle_announce(&state, &client, input, actor).await } ValidTypes::Follow => handle_follow(&db, &state, &client, input, actor, is_listener).await, ValidTypes::Delete | ValidTypes::Update => { handle_forward(&state, &client, input, actor).await } ValidTypes::Undo => handle_undo(&db, &state, &client, input, actor).await, } } async fn handle_undo( db: &Db, state: &State, client: &Requests, input: AcceptedObjects, actor: AcceptedActors, ) -> Result { match input.object.kind() { Some("Follow") | Some("Announce") | Some("Create") => (), _ => { return Err(MyError::Kind( input.object.kind().unwrap_or("unknown").to_owned(), )); } } if !input.object.is_kind("Follow") { return handle_forward(state, client, input, actor).await; } let my_id: XsdAnyUri = state.generate_url(UrlKind::Actor).parse()?; if !input.object.child_object_is(&my_id) && !input.object.child_object_is(&public()) { return Err(MyError::WrongActor(; } let inbox = actor.inbox().to_owned(); db.remove_listener(inbox).await?; let undo = generate_undo_follow(state, &, &my_id)?; let client2 = client.clone(); let inbox = actor.inbox().clone(); let undo2 = undo.clone(); actix::Arbiter::spawn(async move { let _ = client2.deliver(inbox, &undo2).await; }); Ok(accepted(undo)) } async fn handle_forward( state: &State, client: &Requests, input: AcceptedObjects, actor: AcceptedActors, ) -> Result { let object_id =; let inboxes = get_inboxes(state, &actor, &object_id).await?; client.deliver_many(inboxes, input.clone()); Ok(accepted(input)) } async fn handle_announce( state: &State, client: &Requests, input: AcceptedObjects, actor: AcceptedActors, ) -> Result { let object_id =; if state.is_cached(object_id).await { return Err(MyError::Duplicate); } let activity_id: XsdAnyUri = state.generate_url(UrlKind::Activity).parse()?; let announce = generate_announce(state, &activity_id, object_id)?; let inboxes = get_inboxes(state, &actor, &object_id).await?; client.deliver_many(inboxes, announce.clone()); state.cache(object_id.to_owned(), activity_id).await; Ok(accepted(announce)) } async fn handle_follow( db: &Db, state: &State, client: &Requests, input: AcceptedObjects, actor: AcceptedActors, is_listener: bool, ) -> Result { let my_id: XsdAnyUri = state.generate_url(UrlKind::Actor).parse()?; if ! && ! { return Err(MyError::WrongActor(; } if !is_listener { let inbox = actor.inbox().to_owned(); db.add_listener(inbox).await?; // if following relay directly, not just following 'public', followback if { let follow = generate_follow(state, &, &my_id)?; let client2 = client.clone(); let inbox = actor.inbox().clone(); let follow2 = follow.clone(); actix::Arbiter::spawn(async move { let _ = client2.deliver(inbox, &follow2).await; }); } } let accept = generate_accept_follow(state, &, &, &my_id)?; let client2 = client.clone(); let inbox = actor.inbox().clone(); let accept2 = accept.clone(); actix::Arbiter::spawn(async move { let _ = client2.deliver(inbox, &accept2).await; }); Ok(accepted(accept)) } // Generate a type that says "I want to stop following you" fn generate_undo_follow( state: &State, actor_id: &XsdAnyUri, my_id: &XsdAnyUri, ) -> Result { let mut undo = Undo::default(); undo.undo_props .set_actor_xsd_any_uri(my_id.clone())? .set_object_object_box({ let mut follow = Follow::default(); follow .object_props .set_id(state.generate_url(UrlKind::Activity))?; follow .follow_props .set_actor_xsd_any_uri(actor_id.clone())? .set_object_xsd_any_uri(actor_id.clone())?; follow })?; prepare_activity(undo, state.generate_url(UrlKind::Actor), actor_id.clone()) } // Generate a type that says "Look at this object" fn generate_announce( state: &State, activity_id: &XsdAnyUri, object_id: &XsdAnyUri, ) -> Result { let mut announce = Announce::default(); announce .announce_props .set_object_xsd_any_uri(object_id.clone())? .set_actor_xsd_any_uri(state.generate_url(UrlKind::Actor))?; prepare_activity( announce, activity_id.clone(), state.generate_url(UrlKind::Followers), ) } // Generate a type that says "I want to follow you" fn generate_follow( state: &State, actor_id: &XsdAnyUri, my_id: &XsdAnyUri, ) -> Result { let mut follow = Follow::default(); follow .follow_props .set_object_xsd_any_uri(actor_id.clone())? .set_actor_xsd_any_uri(my_id.clone())?; prepare_activity( follow, state.generate_url(UrlKind::Activity), actor_id.clone(), ) } // Generate a type that says "I accept your follow request" fn generate_accept_follow( state: &State, actor_id: &XsdAnyUri, input_id: &XsdAnyUri, my_id: &XsdAnyUri, ) -> Result { let mut accept = Accept::default(); accept .accept_props .set_actor_xsd_any_uri(my_id.clone())? .set_object_object_box({ let mut follow = Follow::default(); follow.object_props.set_id(input_id.clone())?; follow .follow_props .set_object_xsd_any_uri(my_id.clone())? .set_actor_xsd_any_uri(actor_id.clone())?; follow })?; prepare_activity( accept, state.generate_url(UrlKind::Activity), actor_id.clone(), ) } fn prepare_activity( mut t: T, id: impl TryInto, to: impl TryInto, ) -> Result where T: AsMut, MyError: From + From, { t.as_mut() .set_id(id.try_into()?)? .set_many_to_xsd_any_uris(vec![to.try_into()?])? .set_context_xsd_any_uri(context())?; Ok(t) } async fn get_inboxes( state: &State, actor: &AcceptedActors, object_id: &XsdAnyUri, ) -> Result, MyError> { let domain = object_id .as_url() .host() .ok_or(MyError::Domain)? .to_string(); let inbox = actor.inbox(); Ok(state.listeners_without(&inbox, &domain).await) }