# rustls-channel-resolver _A simple channel-like resolver for live-reloading TLS certificates_ ### Usage #### Add the dependency to your project ```bash cargo add rustls-channel-resolver ``` #### Configure live-reloading for your certificate file ```rust use std::time::Duration; use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer}; async fn index() -> &'static str { "Hewwo Mr Obama" } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let initial_key = read_key().await?.unwrap(); let (tx, rx) = rustls_channel_resolver::channel::<32>(initial_key); let handle = actix_web::rt::spawn(async move { let mut interval = actix_web::rt::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(30)); interval.tick().await; loop { interval.tick().await; match read_key().await { Ok(Some(key)) => tx.update(key), Ok(None) => eprintln!("No key in keyfile"), Err(e) => { eprintln!("Failed to read key from fs {e}"); } } } }); let server_config = rustls::ServerConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_no_client_auth() .with_cert_resolver(rx); HttpServer::new(|| App::new().route("/", web::get().to(index))) .bind_rustls_0_22("", server_config)? .bind("")? .run() .await?; handle.abort(); let _ = handle.await; Ok(()) } async fn read_key() -> Result, Box> { let cert_bytes = tokio::fs::read("./out/example.crt").await?; let certs = rustls_pemfile::certs(&mut cert_bytes.as_slice()) .collect::, _>>()?; let key_bytes = tokio::fs::read("./out/example.key").await?; let Some(private_key) = rustls_pemfile::private_key(&mut key_bytes.as_slice())? else { return Ok(None); }; let private_key = rustls::crypto::ring::sign::any_supported_type(&private_key)?; Ok(Some(rustls::sign::CertifiedKey::new(certs, private_key))) } ``` ### Contributing Feel free to open issues for anything you find an issue with. Please note that any contributed code will be licensed under the AGPLv3. ### License Copyright © 2024 asonix rustls-channel-resolver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. rustls-channel-resolver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. This file is part of rustls-channel-resolver. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with rustls-channel-resolver. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).