# pict-rs 0.4.3 ## Overview pict-rs 0.4.3 contains a single new feature and a few dependency upgrades. The primary motivation for publishing this release is to produce new docker images containing the libwebp CVE fix released within the last few days. ### Features - [External Validation](#external-validation) ## Upgrade Notes There's no significant changes from 0.4.2, so upgrading should be as simple as pulling a new version of pict-rs. ## Descriptions ### External Validation There is a new config option in the `[media]` section called `external_validation`. This setting exists to allow custom validation of uploaded images in pict-rs, allowing 3rd party applications to be developed for further filtering permitted uploads. When this value is set, pict-rs will upload each uploaded file after initial ingest processing to the provided URL. The `Content-Type` header is set to the file's media type, and the request's body is simply the uploaded file. The expected response is a simple 2XX for files that pass validation, and any other status code for files that do not (although I personally recommend a 4XX response). This new value is optional. There is no default value and no first-party application is provided for providing this extra validation.