use safe_executor::Executor; fn spawn(runtime: &Executor) { println!("Spawning futures"); let task1 = runtime.spawn(async move { println!("Henlo from first spawn"); "A" }); let task2 = runtime.spawn(async move { println!("Henlo from second spawn"); "B" }); let run2m = runtime.clone(); runtime.spawn(async move { let res1 = task1.await; let res2 = task2.await; println!("Henlo from third spawn, {:?}, {:?}", res1, res2); let res3 = run2m .spawn(async move { println!("Henlo from inner spawn"); "D" }) .await; println!("Henlo again from third spawn, {:?}", res3); }); } fn main() { let runtime = Executor::new(); // This creates 3 new tasks spawn(&runtime); while runtime.any_woken() { println!("Ticking"); runtime.tick(); } // This reclaims the first 3 tasks println!("Pruning"); runtime.prune(); // This creates 3 new tasks spawn(&runtime); while runtime.any_woken() { println!("Ticking"); runtime.tick(); } // This re-uses the 3 tasks created prior spawn(&runtime); // This doesn't reclaim any tasks, since we've spawned 3 more futures println!("Pruning"); runtime.prune(); while runtime.any_woken() { println!("Ticking"); runtime.tick(); // This reclaims tasks as their futures resolve on each tick println!("Pruning"); runtime.prune(); } println!("Hewwo Mr Obama"); }