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* This file is part of Background Jobs.
2019-05-25 20:26:12 +00:00
* Copyright © 2019 Riley Trautman
* Background Jobs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Background Jobs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Background Jobs. If not, see <>.
//! # Background Jobs
//! This crate provides tooling required to run some processes asynchronously from a usually
//! synchronous application. The standard example of this is Web Services, where certain things
//! need to be processed, but processing them while a user is waiting for their browser to respond
//! might not be the best experience.
//! ### Usage
//! #### Add Background Jobs to your project
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
2018-12-16 19:44:25 +00:00
//! background-jobs = "0.4"
//! failure = "0.1"
//! futures = "0.1"
//! tokio = "0.1"
//! ```
//! #### To get started with Background Jobs, first you should define a job.
//! Jobs are a combination of the data required to perform an operation, and the logic of that
//! operation. They implment the `Job`, `serde::Serialize`, and `serde::DeserializeOwned`.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
//! pub struct MyJob {
//! some_usize: usize,
//! other_usize: usize,
//! }
//! impl MyJob {
//! pub fn new(some_usize: usize, other_usize: usize) -> Self {
//! MyJob {
//! some_usize,
//! other_usize,
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl Job for MyJob {
2018-11-18 21:05:03 +00:00
//! fn run(self, _: ()) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = Error> + Send> {
//! info!("args: {:?}", self);
//! Box::new(Ok(()).into_future())
//! }
//! }
//! ```
2018-11-18 21:05:03 +00:00
//! The run method for a job takes an additional argument, which is the state the job expects to
//! use. The state for all jobs defined in an application must be the same. By default, the state
//! is an empty tuple, but it's likely you'll want to pass in some Actix address, or something
//! else.
//! Let's re-define the job to care about some application state.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
//! pub struct MyState {
//! pub app_name: String,
//! }
//! impl Job<MyState> for MyJob {
//! fn run(self, state: MyState) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = Error> + Send> {
//! info!("{}: args, {:?}", state.app_name, self);
//! Box::new(Ok(()).into_future())
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! #### Next, define a Processor.
//! Processors are types that define default attributes for jobs, as well as containing some logic
//! used internally to perform the job. Processors must implement `Proccessor` and `Clone`.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
//! pub struct MyProcessor;
2018-11-18 21:05:03 +00:00
//! impl Processor<MyState> for MyProcessor {
//! // The kind of job this processor should execute
//! type Job = MyJob;
//! // The name of the processor. It is super important that each processor has a unique name,
//! // because otherwise one processor will overwrite another processor when they're being
//! // registered.
//! const NAME: &'static str = "IncrementProcessor";
//! // The queue that this processor belongs to
//! //
//! // Workers have the option to subscribe to specific queues, so this is important to
//! // determine which worker will call the processor
//! //
//! // Jobs can optionally override the queue they're spawned on
//! const QUEUE: &'static str = "default";
//! // The number of times background-jobs should try to retry a job before giving up
//! //
//! // Jobs can optionally override this value
//! const MAX_RETRIES: MaxRetries = MaxRetries::Count(1);
//! // The logic to determine how often to retry this job if it fails
//! //
//! // Jobs can optionally override this value
//! const BACKOFF_STRATEGY: Backoff = Backoff::Exponential(2);
//! }
//! ```
//! #### Running jobs
//! By default, this crate ships with the `background-jobs-server` feature enabled. This uses the
//! `background-jobs-server` crate to spin up a Server and Workers, and provides a mechanism for
//! spawning new jobs.
//! `background-jobs-server` uses LMDB to keep track of local state. LMDB is a memory-mapped
//! storage mechanism, so the jobs information it keeps track of is all stored locally on-disk. In
//! the future, the storage mechanism may be made generic so implementors can bring their own
//! storage.
//! `background-jobs-server` also uses ZeroMQ to transfer data between the spawner, server, and
//! workers. If you plan to run two or more of these pieces from the same process, look at the
//! documentation for the methods `new_with_context` and `init_with_context`. It is important that
//! ZeroMQ contexts are shared when possible to avoid spinning up multiple ZeroMQ instances for the
//! same application.
//! With that out of the way, back to the examples:
//! ##### Starting the job server
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use background_jobs::ServerConfig;
//! use failure::Error;
//! use server_jobs_example::queue_set;
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! // Run our job server
//! tokio::run(ServerConfig::init(
//! "",
//! 5555,
//! 1,
//! queue_set(),
//! "example-db",
//! ));
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ##### Starting the job worker
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use background_jobs::WorkerConfig;
//! use failure::Error;
//! use server_jobs_example::{queue_map, MyProcessor};
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! // Create the worker config
2018-11-18 21:05:03 +00:00
//! let mut worker = WorkerConfig::new(
//! MyState {
//! app_name: "My Example Application".to_owned(),
//! },
//! "localhost".to_owned(),
//! 5555,
//! queue_map()
//! );
//! // Register our processor
//! worker.register_processor(MyProcessor);
//! // Spin up the workers
//! tokio::run(;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ##### Queuing jobs
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use background_jobs::SpawnerConfig;
//! use futures::{future::lazy, Future};
//! use server_jobs_example::{MyJob, MyProcessor};
//! fn main() {
//! // Create 50 new jobs, each with two consecutive values of the fibonacci sequence
//! let (_, _, jobs) = (1..50).fold((0, 1, Vec::new()), |(x, y, mut acc), _| {
//! acc.push(MyJob::new(x, y));
//! (y, x + y, acc)
//! });
//! // Create the spawner
//! let spawner = SpawnerConfig::new("localhost", 5555);
//! // Queue each job
//! tokio::run(lazy(move || {
//! for job in jobs {
2018-12-16 19:44:25 +00:00
//! tokio::spawn(spawner.queue::<MyProcessor, _>(job).map_err(|_| ()));
//! }
//! Ok(())
//! }));
//! }
//! ```
//! ##### Complete Example
//! For the complete example project, see
//! [the examples folder](
//! #### Using on Windows
//! `background-jobs-server` depends by default on
//! [`tokio-zmq`](, which only works on unix (and unix-like)
//! systems. This might mean it works on the Windows Subsystem for Linux, but it's untested and
//! hard to say. You can override this behavior by specifying the following in your Cargo.toml
//! ```toml
//! [Dependencies.background-jobs]
2018-12-16 19:44:25 +00:00
//! version = "0.4"
//! default-features = false
2018-12-16 19:44:25 +00:00
//! features = ["no_unix"]
//! ```
//! [`futures-zmq`]( Is designed to be a drop-in replacement
//! for tokio-zmq that works on non-unix and non-tokio platforms. The reason why it isn't enabled
//! by default is that it's slower than tokio-zmq, and in all likelihood, the production
//! environment for projects depending on this one will be linux.
2018-12-16 19:44:25 +00:00
//! #### Actix
//! Another implementation of a jobs processor is also provided by this library under a feature flag.
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies.background-jobs]
//! version = "0.4"
//! default-features = false
//! features = ["actix"]
//! ```
//! This provides an in-process implementation of a jobs server and worker setup. Here's some example usage.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use background_jobs::{Processor, ServerConfig, WorkerConfig};
//! let sys = actix::System::new("my-actix-thing");
//! let queue_handle = ServerConfig::new(1, db_path.into()).start::<MyState>();
//! let state = MyState {
//! queue_handle: queue_handle.clone(),
//! };
//! let mut worker_config = WorkerConfig::new(state);
//! WorkerConfig::register(&mut worker_config, FetchProcessor);
//! WorkerConfig::register(&mut worker_config, InstanceProcessor);
//! WorkerConfig::register(&mut worker_config, OpenProcessor);
//! WorkerConfig::set_processor_count(
//! &mut worker_config,
//! <InstanceProcessor as Processor<MyState>>::QUEUE,
//! 16,
//! );
//! WorkerConfig::start(worker_config, queue_handle.clone());
//! let _ =;
//! ```
//! #### Bringing your own server/worker implementation
//! If you want to create your own jobs processor based on this idea, you can depend on the
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//! `background-jobs-core` crate, which provides the LMDB storage, Processor and Job traits, as well as some
//! other useful types for implementing a jobs processor.
pub use background_jobs_core::{Backoff, Job, JobStat, MaxRetries, Processor, Stats};
2018-11-07 02:01:43 +00:00
2018-12-16 18:43:44 +00:00
#[cfg(feature = "background-jobs-actix")]
pub use background_jobs_actix::{QueueHandle, ServerConfig, WorkerConfig};
#[cfg(feature = "background-jobs-sled-storage")]
pub use background_jobs_sled_storage::{SledStorage, Error as SledStorageError};