
126 lines
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port module ShowPage exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view)
import Css
import Css.Media as Media
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Input
import Process
import Task
type alias Model =
{ copied : Bool
, uuid : String
init : String -> Model
init uuid =
{ copied = False
, uuid = uuid
headerStyles : Css.Style
headerStyles =
[ Css.margin (Css.px 0)
descriptionStyles : Css.Style
descriptionStyles =
Css.batch []
copyLineStyles : Css.Style
copyLineStyles =
[ Css.displayFlex
, Media.withMedia
[ Media.only Media.screen [ Media.maxWidth (Css.px 500) ] ]
[ Css.display Css.block ]
homeSectionStyles : Css.Style
homeSectionStyles =
Css.paddingTop (Css.px 10)
homeStyles : Css.Style
homeStyles =
[ Css.color (Css.hex "c92a60")
, [ Css.color (Css.hex "c92a60") ]
, Css.focus [ Css.color (Css.hex "c92a60") ]
, Css.hover [ Css.color (Css.hex "9d2a60") ]
, Css.visited
[ Css.color (Css.hex "c92a60")
, Css.hover [ Css.color (Css.hex "9d2a60") ]
view : String -> Model -> Html Msg
view origin model =
dogLink =
origin ++ "/link/" ++ model.uuid
div []
[ h3 [ Attr.css [ headerStyles ] ] [ text "Doglink created!" ]
, p [ Attr.css [ descriptionStyles ] ]
[ text "Here's your Doglink! You can copy this and paste it wherever you might find useful. Maybe on twitter! I'm not your boss." ]
, div [ Attr.css [ copyLineStyles ] ]
[ Input.text [ "copy-doglink", Attr.value dogLink ] []
, Input.copyButton [ Events.onClick ClickedCopy ]
[ if model.copied then
text "Copied!"
text "Copy"
, div [ Attr.css [ homeSectionStyles ] ]
[ a [ Attr.css [ homeStyles ], Attr.href "/" ] [ text "Return Home" ]
type Msg
= ClickedCopy
| LinkCopied
| ExpiredCopy
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ClickedCopy ->
( model, copyLink () )
LinkCopied ->
( { model | copied = True }, expireCopy )
ExpiredCopy ->
( { model | copied = False }, Cmd.none )
expireCopy : Cmd Msg
expireCopy =
Task.perform (\_ -> ExpiredCopy) (Process.sleep 3000)
port copyLink : () -> Cmd msg
port linkCopied : (() -> msg) -> Sub msg
subscriptions : Sub Msg
subscriptions =
linkCopied (\_ -> LinkCopied)