2024-05-24 13:31:34 -05:00

294 lines
6.6 KiB

# Editor
# Default editor is "vi".
# Whenever the key binding `OpenConfigEditor` is triggered it will
# use the value of the editor along with the rio configuration path.
editor = 'lvim'
# Cursor
# Default cursor is Block
# Other available options are: '_' and '|'
cursor = '▇'
# Blinking Cursor
# Default is false
blinking-cursor = false
# Ignore theme selection foreground color
# Default is false
# Example:
# ignore-selection-foreground-color = false
# Theme
# It makes Rio look for the specified theme in the themes folder
# (macos and linux: ~/.config/rio/themes/dracula.toml)
# (windows: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\rio\themes\dracula.toml)
# Example:
theme = "base16-eighties"
# Padding-x
# define x axis padding (default is 0)
# Example:
# padding-x = 10
# Option as Alt
# This config only works on MacOs.
# Possible choices: 'both', 'left' and 'right'.
# Example:
# option-as-alt = 'left'
# Startup directory
# Directory the shell is started in. If this is unset the working
# directory of the parent process will be used.
# This configuration only has effect if use-fork is disabled
# Example:
# working-dir = "/Users/raphael/Documents/"
# Environment variables
# The example below sets fish as the default SHELL using env vars
# please do not copy this if you do not need
# Example:
# env-vars = []
# Use fork
# Defaults for POSIX-based systems (Windows is not configurable):
# MacOS: spawn processes
# Linux/BSD: fork processes
# Example:
# use-fork = false
# Window configuration
# • width - define the intial window width.
# Default: 600
# • height - define the inital window height.
# Default: 400
# • mode - define how the window will be created
# - "Windowed" (default) is based on width and height
# - "Maximized" window is created with maximized
# - "Fullscreen" window is created with fullscreen
# • background-opacity - Set background opacity
# • foreground-opacity - Set foreground opacity
# • blur - Set blur on the window background. Changing this config requires restarting Rio to take effect.
# • decorations - Set window decorations, options: "Enabled", "Disabled", "Transparent", "Buttonless"
# Example:
# [window]
# width = 600
# height = 400
# mode = "Maximized"
# foreground-opacity = 1
# background-opacity = 0.98
# blur = true
# decorations = "Transparent"
# Renderer
# • Performance: Set WGPU rendering performance
# - High: Adapter that has the highest performance. This is often a discrete GPU.
# - Low: Adapter that uses the least possible power. This is often an integrated GPU.
# • Backend: Set WGPU rendering backend
# - Automatic: Leave Sugarloaf/WGPU to decide
# - GL: Supported on Linux/Android, and Windows and macOS/iOS via ANGLE
# - Vulkan: Supported on Windows, Linux/Android
# - DX12: Supported on Windows 10
# - DX11: Supported on Windows 7+
# - Metal: Supported on macOS/iOS
# • disable-renderer-when-unfocused: This property disable renderer processes while Rio is unfocused.
# Example:
# [renderer]
# performance = "High"
# backend = "Automatic"
# disable-renderer-when-unfocused = false
# Keyboard
# use-kitty-keyboard-protocol - Enable Kitty Keyboard protocol
# disable-ctlseqs-alt - Disable ctlseqs with ALT keys
# - For example: Terminal.app does not deal with ctlseqs with ALT keys
# Example:
# [keyboard]
# use-kitty-keyboard-protocol = false
# disable-ctlseqs-alt = false
# Fonts
# Configure fonts used by the terminal
# Note: You can set different font families but Rio terminal
# will always look for regular font bounds whene
# You can also set family on root to overwritte all fonts
family = "fantasque sans mono"
# You can also specify extra fonts to load
# [fonts]
# extras = [{ family = "Microsoft JhengHei" }]
# Example:
# [fonts]
# size = 18
# [fonts.regular]
# family = "cascadiamono"
# style = "normal"
# weight = 400
# [fonts.bold]
# family = "cascadiamono"
# style = "normal"
# weight = 800
# [fonts.italic]
# family = "cascadiamono"
# style = "italic"
# weight = 400
# [fonts.bold-italic]
# family = "cascadiamono"
# style = "italic"
# weight = 800
# Scroll
# You can change how many lines are scrolled each time by setting this option.
# Scroll calculation for canonical mode will be based on `lines = (accumulated scroll * multiplier / divider)`,
# If you want a quicker scroll, keep increasing the multiplier.
# If you want to reduce scroll speed you will need to increase the divider.
# You can use both properties also to find the best scroll for you.
# Multiplier default is 3.0.
# Divider default is 1.0.
# Example:
# [scroll]
# multiplier = 3.0
# divider = 1.0
# Navigation
# "mode" - Define navigation mode
# • NativeTab (MacOs only)
# • CollapsedTab
# • BottomTab
# • TopTab
# • Breadcrumb
# • Plain
# "clickable" - Enable click on tabs to switch.
# "use-current-path" - Use same path whenever a new tab is created.
# "color-automation" - Set a specific color for the tab whenever a specific program is running, or in a specific directory.
# Example:
mode = "BottomTab"
clickable = true
use-current-path = true
# color-automation = []
# Shell
# You can set `shell.program` to the path of your favorite shell, e.g. `/bin/fish`.
# Entries in `shell.args` are passed unmodified as arguments to the shell.
# Default:
# - (macOS) user login shell
# - (Linux/BSD) user login shell
# - (Windows) powershell
# Example 1 using fish shell from bin path:
# [shell]
# program = "/bin/fish"
# args = ["--login"]
# Example 2 for Windows using powershell
# [shell]
# program = "pwsh"
# args = []
# Example 3 for Windows using powershell with login
# [shell]
# program = "pwsh"
# args = ["-l"]
# Example 4 for MacOS with tmux installed by homebrew
# [shell]
# program = "/opt/homebrew/bin/tmux"
# args = ["new-session", "-c", "/var/www"]
# Colors
# Colors definition will overwrite any property in theme
# (considering if theme folder does exists and is being used)
# Example:
# [colors]
# background = '#0F0D0E'
# foreground = '#F9F4DA'
# cursor = '#F38BA3'
# tabs = '#443d40'
# tabs-active = '#F38BA3'
# green = '#0BA95B'
# red = '#ED203D'
# blue = '#12B5E5'
# yellow = '#FCBA28'
# Bindings
# Create custom Key bindings for Rio terminal
# More information in: raphamorim.io/rio/docs/custom-key-bindings
# Example:
# [bindings]
# keys = [
# { key = "q", with = "super", action = "Quit" },
# # Bytes[27, 91, 53, 126] is equivalent to "\x1b[5~"
# { key = "home", with = "super | shift", bytes = [27, 91, 53, 126] }
# ]
# Log level
# This property enables log level filter. Default is "OFF".
# Example:
# [developer]
# log-level = "OFF"