asonix 934ddd76ff Server: Update to latest Toolkit & Profile apis
Reorganize files a bit
Add a Pagination trait to guide with paging in the future
Add extension traits for Profile, Comment, and Submission
Async-ify more things, but not all things
2021-01-21 23:47:47 -06:00

289 lines
6.8 KiB

use crate::State;
use actix_web::{
client::Client, http::StatusCode, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, ResponseError, Scope,
use hyaenidae_profiles::pictrs::ImageInfo;
use hyaenidae_toolkit::Image;
use url::Url;
pub(crate) use hyaenidae_profiles::pictrs::ImageType;
pub(crate) struct IconImage {
key: String,
title: String,
pub(crate) struct FullImage {
key: String,
title: String,
pub(crate) struct BannerImage {
key: String,
title: String,
impl Image for IconImage {
fn src(&self) -> String {
largest_icon(&self.key, ImageType::Png)
fn title(&self) -> String {
fn jpeg_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
fn png_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(icon_srcset(&self.key, ImageType::Png))
fn webp_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(icon_srcset(&self.key, ImageType::Webp))
impl Image for FullImage {
fn src(&self) -> String {
largest_image(&self.key, ImageType::Png)
fn title(&self) -> String {
fn jpeg_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
fn png_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(image_srcset(&self.key, ImageType::Png))
fn webp_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(image_srcset(&self.key, ImageType::Webp))
impl Image for BannerImage {
fn src(&self) -> String {
largest_banner(&self.key, ImageType::Jpeg)
fn title(&self) -> String {
fn png_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
fn jpeg_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(banner_srcset(&self.key, ImageType::Jpeg))
fn webp_srcset(&self) -> Option<String> {
Some(banner_srcset(&self.key, ImageType::Webp))
impl IconImage {
pub(crate) fn new(key: &str, title: &str) -> Self {
IconImage {
key: key.to_owned(),
title: title.to_owned(),
impl FullImage {
pub(crate) fn new(key: &str, title: &str) -> Self {
FullImage {
key: key.to_owned(),
title: title.to_owned(),
impl BannerImage {
pub(crate) fn new(key: &str, title: &str) -> Self {
BannerImage {
key: key.to_owned(),
title: title.to_owned(),
pub(super) struct Images {
base_url: Url,
impl Images {
pub(super) fn new(base_url: Url) -> Self {
Images { base_url }
impl ImageInfo for Images {
fn image_url(&self, key: &str) -> Url {
let mut url = self.base_url.clone();
url.set_path(&format!("/image/full/{}", key));
pub(super) fn scope() -> Scope {
async fn serve(
req: HttpRequest,
key: web::Path<String>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
state: web::Data<State>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, actix_web::Error> {
state.profiles.pictrs.serve_full(&req, &key, &client).await
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("Invalid image size requested: {0}px")]
struct SizeError(u64);
impl ResponseError for SizeError {
fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
pub(crate) fn image_srcset(key: &str, kind: ImageType) -> String {
.map(|size| format!("{} {}w", image_path(key, *size, kind), size))
.join(", ")
pub(crate) fn icon_srcset(key: &str, kind: ImageType) -> String {
.map(|size| format!("{} {}w", icon_path(key, *size, kind), size))
.join(", ")
pub(crate) fn banner_srcset(key: &str, kind: ImageType) -> String {
.map(|size| format!("{} {}w", banner_path(key, *size, kind), size))
.join(", ")
pub(crate) fn largest_image(key: &str, kind: ImageType) -> String {
image_path(key, 5040, kind)
pub(crate) fn largest_banner(key: &str, kind: ImageType) -> String {
banner_path(key, 1680, kind)
pub(crate) fn largest_icon(key: &str, kind: ImageType) -> String {
icon_path(key, 512, kind)
fn icon_path(key: &str, size: u64, kind: ImageType) -> String {
format!("/image/icon/{}.{}?src={}", size, kind, key)
fn banner_path(key: &str, size: u64, kind: ImageType) -> String {
format!("/image/banner/{}.{}?src={}", size, kind, key)
fn image_path(key: &str, size: u64, kind: ImageType) -> String {
format!("/image/thumbnail/{}.{}?src={}", size, kind, key)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct SrcQuery {
src: String,
static VALID_IMAGE_SIZES: &[u64] = &[420, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040];
async fn serve_image(
req: HttpRequest,
path: web::Path<(u64, ImageType)>,
src: web::Query<SrcQuery>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
state: web::Data<State>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, actix_web::Error> {
let (size, kind) = path.into_inner();
if !VALID_IMAGE_SIZES.contains(&size) {
return Err(SizeError(size).into());
.serve_thumbnail(&req, &src.src, kind, size, &client)
static VALID_ICON_SIZES: &[u64] = &[64, 128, 256, 512];
async fn serve_icon(
req: HttpRequest,
path: web::Path<(u64, ImageType)>,
src: web::Query<SrcQuery>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
state: web::Data<State>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, actix_web::Error> {
let (size, kind) = path.into_inner();
if !VALID_ICON_SIZES.contains(&size) {
return Err(SizeError(size).into());
.serve_icon(&req, &src.src, kind, size, &client)
static VALID_BANNER_SIZES: &[u64] = &[420, 840, 1260, 1680];
async fn serve_banner(
req: HttpRequest,
path: web::Path<(u64, ImageType)>,
src: web::Query<SrcQuery>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
state: web::Data<State>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, actix_web::Error> {
let (size, kind) = path.into_inner();
if !VALID_BANNER_SIZES.contains(&size) {
return Err(SizeError(size).into());
.serve_banner(&req, &src.src, kind, size, &client)