asonix 4ff824b92d Delete 'Back' in favor of mobile nav query
Add submissions to home page
Add drafts page
Validate handle, display name, description, submission: title, description
Add block checks to submission iterator
Add user info to submission page
Abstract dark preference to a single source, not yet configurable
2021-01-10 22:09:47 -06:00

26 lines
980 B

@use crate::{templates::layouts::home, nav::NavState};
@use hyaenidae_toolkit::{templates::{button_group, card, card_body, card_title, text_input, statics::button_js}, Button, Card, TextInput};
@(handle_input: &TextInput, nav_state: &NavState)
@:home("Create Profile", "Create a new profile on Hyaenidae", nav_state, {
<script src="/toolkit/@button_js.name"></script>
}, {
@:card(&Card::full_width().dark(nav_state.dark()), {
<form method="POST" action="/profiles/create/handle">
@:card_title({ Create a Handle })
A handle is how people on Hyaenidae will find your account. You can make this the
same as your username, but it isn't required.