asonix 934ddd76ff Server: Update to latest Toolkit & Profile apis
Reorganize files a bit
Add a Pagination trait to guide with paging in the future
Add extension traits for Profile, Comment, and Submission
Async-ify more things, but not all things
2021-01-21 23:47:47 -06:00

19 lines
734 B

@use crate::extensions::{ProfileExt, SubmissionExt};
@use crate::templates::layouts::home;
@use crate::{nav::NavState, submissions::ReportView};
@use hyaenidae_toolkit::{templates::button_group, Button};
@use hyaenidae_toolkit::{templates::{card, card_body, card_title}, Card};
@(view: &ReportView, nav_state: &NavState)
@:home("Submission Reported", &format!("Reported {}'s submission", view.author.name()), nav_state, {}, {
@:card(&Card::full_width().dark(nav_state.dark()), {
@:card_title({ Submission Reported })
Button::secondary("Back to Submission").href(&view.submission.view_path()).dark(nav_state.dark()),