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* Copyright 2016 Nathan Fiedler
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// extern crate bindgen;
use std::env;
use std::fs::{copy, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
// use bindgen::Builder;
// static HEADER: &'static str = "#include <wand/MagickWand.h>\n";
// static LIBPATH: &'static str = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib";
// fn run_bindgen(out_dir: &PathBuf, bindings_path_str: &PathBuf) {
// // Get the compiler flags for the MagickWand library.
// let mw_cflags_output = Command::new("pkg-config")
// .arg("--cflags")
// .arg("MagickWand")
// .output().expect("pkg-config --cflags MagickWand");
// let mw_cflags = std::str::from_utf8(&mw_cflags_output.stdout).unwrap().trim();
// println!("CFLAGS={:?}", mw_cflags);
// // Extract the library name for use with the --link option below.
// // This just happens to be the first argument from the output of
// // pkg-config when given the --libs-only-l option. We lop off the
// // leading "-l" since we only need the name (e.g. "MagickWand-6").
// let mw_ldflags_output = Command::new("pkg-config")
// .arg("--libs-only-l")
// .arg("MagickWand")
// .output().expect("pkg-config --libs-only-l MagickWand");
// let mw_ldflags = std::str::from_utf8(&mw_ldflags_output.stdout).unwrap().trim();
// println!("LDFLAGS={:?}", mw_ldflags);
// let mw_ldflags_arr: Vec<&str> = mw_ldflags.split_whitespace().collect();
// let link_arg = &mw_ldflags_arr[0][2..];
// let gen_h_path = out_dir.join("gen.h");
// // Create the header file that rust-bindgen needs as input.
// let mut gen_h = File::create(&gen_h_path).expect("could not create file");
// gen_h.write_all(HEADER.as_bytes()).expect("could not write header file");
// // TODO: is this still needed for MacOS?
// // cmd.env("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", LIBPATH);
// // TODO: need to fix the Rust enums (i.e. no more "--no-rust-enums" option)
// // TODO: is this still needed for MacOS?
// // // Work around issue #361 in rust-bindgen for the time being.
// // cmd.arg("-U__BLOCKS__");
// let bindings = Builder::default()
// .emit_builtins()
// .no_unstable_rust()
// .ctypes_prefix("libc")
// .header(gen_h_path.to_str().unwrap())
// .clang_arg(mw_cflags)
// .link(link_arg)
// .generate()
// .expect("Unable to generate bindings");
// bindings
// .write_to_file(bindings_path_str)
// .expect("could not write bindings");
// std::fs::remove_file(&gen_h_path).expect("could not remove header file");
// }
fn assert_mw_version() {
// This build script depeneds heavily on the pkg-config utility.
if !Command::new("which")
.status().unwrap().success() {
panic!("Cannot find pkg-config, see the README");
// Check that MagickWand is installed before proceeding.
if !Command::new("pkg-config")
.status().unwrap().success() {
panic!("MagickWand library must be installed");
// So far there is only 6.9 and then 7.x, so comparing to 6.10 should
// work for now. Such a release may very well work, but we will have to
// look at that when the time comes.
if !Command::new("pkg-config")
.status().unwrap().success() {
panic!("MagickWand version must be at least 6.9");
if !Command::new("pkg-config")
.status().unwrap().success() {
panic!("MagickWand version must be no higher than 6.9");
fn main() {
// Assert that the appropriate version of MagickWand is installed,
// since we are very dependent on the particulars of MagickWand.
// If the MagickWand bindings are missing, generate them using
// rust-bindgen.
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let bindings_path_str = out_dir.join("");
2016-05-16 15:57:06 +00:00
if !Path::new(&bindings_path_str).exists() {
// TODO: binding generation is broken
// Using rust-bindgen has become much too difficult for generating
// MagickWand bindings. There are numerous problems, not the least
// of which is I cannot get it to find the MagickWand headers.
if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") {
copy("", &bindings_path_str).expect("cp to out_dir");
// We need to hack the library path to `cargo test` can find
// the MagickWand libraries.
} else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
copy("", &bindings_path_str).expect("cp to out_dir");
// We need to hack the library path to `cargo test` can find
// the MagickWand libraries.
} else {
// run_bindgen(&out_dir, &bindings_path_str);
panic!("Sorry, no bindings for you.");
// Work around the include! issue in rustc (as described in the
// rust-bindgen README file) by wrapping the generated code in a
// `pub mod` declaration; see issue #359 in rust-bindgen.
let mut bind_f = File::open(&bindings_path_str).expect("could not open bindings file");
let mut bind_text = String::new();
bind_f.read_to_string(&mut bind_text).expect("could not read bindings file");
let mut file = File::create(&bindings_path_str).expect("could not create bindings file");
file.write(b"pub mod bindings {\n").unwrap();