
950 lines
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* Copyright 2016 Mattis Marjak
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use libc::c_void;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::{fmt, ptr, slice};
use super::{DrawingWand, PixelWand};
use bindings;
use conversions::*;
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
use libc::{size_t, ssize_t};
#[cfg(not(target_os = "freebsd"))]
use {size_t, ssize_t};
/// Resource type to use with [set_resource_limit](MagickWand::set_resource_limit)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ResourceType {
Undefined = bindings::ResourceType_UndefinedResource as isize,
Area = bindings::ResourceType_AreaResource as isize,
Disk = bindings::ResourceType_DiskResource as isize,
File = bindings::ResourceType_FileResource as isize,
Height = bindings::ResourceType_HeightResource as isize,
Map = bindings::ResourceType_MapResource as isize,
Memory = bindings::ResourceType_MemoryResource as isize,
Thread = bindings::ResourceType_ThreadResource as isize,
Throttle = bindings::ResourceType_ThrottleResource as isize,
Time = bindings::ResourceType_TimeResource as isize,
Width = bindings::ResourceType_WidthResource as isize,
ListLength = bindings::ResourceType_ListLengthResource as isize,
/// MagickWand is a Rustic wrapper to the Rust bindings to ImageMagick.
/// Instantiating a `MagickWand` will construct an ImageMagick "wand"
/// on which operations can be performed via the `MagickWand` functions.
/// When the `MagickWand` is dropped, the ImageMagick wand will be
/// destroyed as well.
impl MagickWand {
pub fn new_image(
columns: size_t,
rows: size_t,
pixel_wand: &PixelWand,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickNewImage(self.wand, columns, rows, pixel_wand.wand) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("Could not create image"),
pub fn set_resource_limit(resource: ResourceType, limit: u64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe {
resource as bindings::ResourceType,
limit as bindings::MagickSizeType,
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to set resource limit"),
pub fn set_option(&mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_key = CString::new(key).unwrap();
let c_value = CString::new(value).unwrap();
let result =
unsafe { bindings::MagickSetOption(self.wand, c_key.as_ptr(), c_value.as_ptr()) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to set option"),
pub fn annotate_image(
&mut self,
drawing_wand: &DrawingWand,
x: f64,
y: f64,
angle: f64,
text: &str,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_string = CString::new(text).map_err(|_| "could not convert to cstring")?;
match unsafe {
c_string.as_ptr() as *const _,
} {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("unable to annotate image"),
/// Add all images from another wand to this wand at the current index.
pub fn add_image(&mut self, other_wand: &MagickWand) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickAddImage(self.wand, other_wand.wand) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("unable to add images from another wand"),
pub fn append_all(&mut self, stack: bool) -> MagickWand {
unsafe { bindings::MagickResetIterator(self.wand) };
MagickWand {
wand: unsafe { bindings::MagickAppendImages(self.wand, stack.to_magick()) },
pub fn label_image(&self, label: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_label = CString::new(label).unwrap();
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickLabelImage(self.wand, c_label.as_ptr()) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to add label"),
pub fn write_images(&self, path: &str, adjoin: bool) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(path).unwrap();
let result =
unsafe { bindings::MagickWriteImages(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr(), adjoin.to_magick()) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to write images"),
/// Read the image data from the named file.
pub fn read_image(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(path).unwrap();
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickReadImage(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr()) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to read image"),
/// Read the image data from the vector of bytes.
pub fn read_image_blob<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, data: T) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let int_slice = data.as_ref();
let size = int_slice.len();
let result = unsafe {
int_slice.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
size as size_t,
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to read image"),
/// Same as read_image, but reads only the width, height, size and format of an image,
/// without reading data.
pub fn ping_image(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(path).unwrap();
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickPingImage(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr()) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to ping image"),
/// Same as read_image, but reads only the width, height, size and format of an image,
/// without reading data.
pub fn ping_image_blob<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, data: T) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let int_slice = data.as_ref();
let size = int_slice.len();
let result = unsafe {
int_slice.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
size as size_t,
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to ping image"),
/// Compare two images and return tuple `(distortion, diffImage)`
/// `diffImage` is `None` if `distortion == 0`
pub fn compare_images(
reference: &MagickWand,
metric: bindings::MetricType,
) -> (f64, Option<MagickWand>) {
let mut distortion: f64 = 0.0;
let result = unsafe {
bindings::MagickCompareImages(self.wand, reference.wand, metric, &mut distortion)
let wand = if result.is_null() {
} else {
Some(MagickWand { wand: result })
(distortion, wand)
/// Compose another image onto self at (x, y) using composition_operator
pub fn compose_images(
reference: &MagickWand,
composition_operator: bindings::CompositeOperator,
clip_to_self: bool,
x: isize,
y: isize,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let native_clip_to_self = if clip_to_self {
} else {
let result = unsafe {
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to compose images"),
// Replaces colors in the image from a color lookup table.
pub fn clut_image(
clut_wand: &MagickWand,
method: bindings::PixelInterpolateMethod,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickClutImage(self.wand, clut_wand.wand, method) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to replace colors in the image from color lookup table"),
pub fn hald_clut_image(&self, clut_wand: &MagickWand) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickHaldClutImage(self.wand, clut_wand.wand) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to replace colors in the image from color lookup table"),
pub fn fx(&mut self, expression: &str) -> MagickWand {
let c_expression = CString::new(expression).unwrap();
let wand = unsafe { bindings::MagickFxImage(self.wand, c_expression.as_ptr()) };
pub fn set_size(&self, columns: size_t, rows: size_t) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickSetSize(self.wand, columns, rows) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to set size of wand"),
// Define two 'quantum_range' functions because the bindings::QuantumRange symbol
// is not available if hdri is disabled in the compiled ImageMagick libs
#[cfg(not(feature = "disable-hdri"))]
fn quantum_range(&self) -> Result<f64, &'static str> {
return Ok(bindings::QuantumRange);
// with disable-hdri enabled we define our own quantum_range
// values lifted directly from magick-type.h
#[cfg(feature = "disable-hdri")]
fn quantum_range(&self) -> Result<f64, &'static str> {
8 => Ok(255.0f64),
16 => Ok(65535.0f64),
32 => Ok(4294967295.0f64),
64 => Ok(18446744073709551615.0f64),
_ => Err("Quantum depth must be one of 8, 16, 32 or 64"),
// Level an image. Black and white points are multiplied with QuantumRange to
// decrease dependencies on the end user.
pub fn level_image(
black_point: f64,
gamma: f64,
white_point: f64,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let quantum_range = self.quantum_range()?;
let result = unsafe {
black_point * quantum_range,
white_point * quantum_range,
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to set size of wand"),
/// Extend the image as defined by the geometry, gravity, and wand background color. Set the
/// (x,y) offset of the geometry to move the original wand relative to the extended wand.
pub fn extend_image(
width: usize,
height: usize,
x: isize,
y: isize,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickExtentImage(self.wand, width, height, x, y) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to extend image"),
pub fn profile_image<'a, T: Into<Option<&'a [u8]>>>(
name: &str,
profile: T,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let result = unsafe {
let profile = profile.into();
let profile_ptr = match profile {
Some(data) => data.as_ptr(),
None => ptr::null(),
} as *const c_void;
let profile_len = match profile {
Some(data) => data.len(),
None => 0,
bindings::MagickProfileImage(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr(), profile_ptr, profile_len)
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to profile image"),
pub fn flip_image(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickFlipImage(self.wand) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to flip image"),
pub fn negate_image(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe {
bindings::MagickNegateImage(self.wand, bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue)
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to flip image"),
pub fn flop_image(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickFlopImage(self.wand) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to flip image"),
pub fn blur_image(&self, radius: f64, sigma: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickBlurImage(self.wand, radius, sigma) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to blur image"),
pub fn gaussian_blur_image(&self, radius: f64, sigma: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickGaussianBlurImage(self.wand, radius, sigma) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to gaussian blur image"),
/// Adaptively resize the currently selected image.
pub fn adaptive_resize_image(&self, width: usize, height: usize) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickAdaptiveResizeImage(self.wand, width, height) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to adaptive-resize image"),
/// Rotate the currently selected image by the given number of degrees,
/// filling any empty space with the background color of a given PixelWand
pub fn rotate_image(&self, background: &PixelWand, degrees: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickRotateImage(self.wand, background.wand, degrees) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to rotate image"),
/// Trim the image removing the backround color from the edges.
pub fn trim_image(&self, fuzz: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickTrimImage(self.wand, fuzz) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to trim image"),
/// Retrieve the width of the image.
pub fn get_image_width(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { bindings::MagickGetImageWidth(self.wand) as usize }
/// Retrieve the height of the image.
pub fn get_image_height(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { bindings::MagickGetImageHeight(self.wand) as usize }
/// Retrieve the page geometry (width, height, x offset, y offset) of the image.
pub fn get_image_page(&self) -> (usize, usize, isize, isize) {
let (mut width, mut height, mut x, mut y) = (0usize, 0usize, 0isize, 0isize);
unsafe {
bindings::MagickGetImagePage(self.wand, &mut width, &mut height, &mut x, &mut y);
(width, height, x, y)
/// Reset the Wand page canvas and position.
pub fn reset_image_page(&self, page_geometry: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_page_geometry = CString::new(page_geometry).unwrap();
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickResetImagePage(self.wand, c_page_geometry.as_ptr()) };
if result == bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue {
} else {
Err("Resetting page geometry failed.")
/// Retrieve the named image property value.
pub fn get_image_property(&self, name: &str) -> Result<String, &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickGetImageProperty(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr()) };
let value = if result.is_null() {
Err("missing property")
} else {
// convert (and copy) the C string to a Rust string
let cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(result) };
unsafe {
bindings::MagickRelinquishMemory(result as *mut c_void);
/// Set the named image property.
pub fn set_image_property(&self, name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let c_value = CString::new(value).unwrap();
let result = unsafe {
bindings::MagickSetImageProperty(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr(), c_value.as_ptr())
if result == bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue {
} else {
Err("Setting image property failed.")
/// Returns a `PixelWand` instance for the pixel specified by x and y offests.
pub fn get_image_pixel_color(&self, x: isize, y: isize) -> Option<PixelWand> {
let pw = PixelWand::new();
unsafe {
if bindings::MagickGetImagePixelColor(self.wand, x, y, pw.wand)
== bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
} else {
/// Sets the image sampling factors.
/// samplingFactors: An array of floats representing the sampling factor for each color component (in RGB order).
pub fn set_sampling_factors(&self, samplingFactors: &[f64]) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe {
} {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("SetSamplingFactors returned false"),
/// Returns the image histogram as a vector of `PixelWand` instances for every unique color.
pub fn get_image_histogram(&self) -> Option<Vec<PixelWand>> {
let mut color_count: size_t = 0;
unsafe {
bindings::MagickGetImageHistogram(self.wand, &mut color_count)
.map(|ptrs| {
slice::from_raw_parts(ptrs, color_count)
.map(|raw_wand| PixelWand { wand: *raw_wand })
/// Sharpens an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the
/// given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the
/// radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and SharpenImage()
/// selects a suitable radius for you.
/// radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
/// sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
pub fn sharpen_image(&self, radius: f64, sigma: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickSharpenImage(self.wand, radius, sigma) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("SharpenImage returned false"),
/// Set the background color.
pub fn set_background_color(&self, pixel_wand: &PixelWand) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickSetBackgroundColor(self.wand, pixel_wand.wand) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("SetBackgroundColor returned false"),
/// Set the image background color.
pub fn set_image_background_color(&self, pixel_wand: &PixelWand) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickSetImageBackgroundColor(self.wand, pixel_wand.wand) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("SetImageBackgroundColor returned false"),
/// Returns the image resolution as a pair (horizontal resolution, vertical resolution)
pub fn get_image_resolution(&self) -> Result<(f64, f64), &'static str> {
let mut x_resolution = 0f64;
let mut y_resolution = 0f64;
unsafe {
if bindings::MagickGetImageResolution(self.wand, &mut x_resolution, &mut y_resolution)
== bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
Ok((x_resolution, y_resolution))
} else {
Err("GetImageResolution returned false")
/// Sets the image resolution
pub fn set_image_resolution(
x_resolution: f64,
y_resolution: f64,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
unsafe {
if bindings::MagickSetImageResolution(self.wand, x_resolution, y_resolution)
== bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
} else {
Err("SetImageResolution returned false")
/// Sets the wand resolution
pub fn set_resolution(&self, x_resolution: f64, y_resolution: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
unsafe {
if bindings::MagickSetResolution(self.wand, x_resolution, y_resolution)
== bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
} else {
Err("SetResolution returned false")
/// Returns the image resolution as a pair (horizontal resolution, vertical resolution)
pub fn sepia_tone_image(&self, threshold: f64) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
unsafe {
if bindings::MagickSepiaToneImage(self.wand, threshold * self.quantum_range()?)
== bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
} else {
Err("SepiaToneImage returned false")
/// Extracts pixel data from the image as a vector of 0..255 values defined by `map`.
/// See for more information.
pub fn export_image_pixels(
x: isize,
y: isize,
width: usize,
height: usize,
map: &str,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let c_map = CString::new(map).unwrap();
let capacity = width * height * map.len();
let mut pixels = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
unsafe {
pixels.set_len(capacity as usize);
if bindings::MagickExportImagePixels(
pixels.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
) == bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
} else {
/// Resize the image to the specified width and height, using the
/// specified filter type.
pub fn resize_image(&self, width: usize, height: usize, filter: bindings::FilterType) {
unsafe {
bindings::MagickResizeImage(self.wand, width as size_t, height as size_t, filter);
/// Extract a region of the image. The width and height is used as the size
/// of the region. X and Y is the offset.
pub fn crop_image(
width: usize,
height: usize,
x: isize,
y: isize,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickCropImage(self.wand, width, height, x, y) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to crop image"),
/// Sample the image to the target resolution
/// This is incredibly fast, as it does 1-1 pixel mapping for downscales, and box filtering for
/// upscales
pub fn sample_image(&self, width: usize, height: usize) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickSampleImage(self.wand, width, height) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to sample image"),
/// Resample the image to the specified horizontal and vertical resolution, using the
/// specified filter type.
pub fn resample_image(
x_resolution: f64,
y_resolution: f64,
filter: bindings::FilterType,
) {
unsafe {
bindings::MagickResampleImage(self.wand, x_resolution, y_resolution, filter);
/// Rescale the image using seam carving algorithm
pub fn liquid_rescale_image(
width: usize,
height: usize,
delta_x: f64,
rigidity: f64,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe {
bindings::MagickLiquidRescaleImage(self.wand, width, height, delta_x, rigidity)
} {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to liquid-rescale image"),
/// Implodes the image towards the center by the specified percentage
pub fn implode(
amount: f64,
method: bindings::PixelInterpolateMethod,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match unsafe { bindings::MagickImplodeImage(self.wand, amount, method) } {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to implode image"),
/// Resize the image to fit within the given dimensions, maintaining
/// the current aspect ratio.
pub fn fit(&self, width: size_t, height: size_t) {
let mut width_ratio = width as f64;
width_ratio /= self.get_image_width() as f64;
let mut height_ratio = height as f64;
height_ratio /= self.get_image_height() as f64;
let (new_width, new_height) = if width_ratio < height_ratio {
(self.get_image_height() as f64 * width_ratio) as size_t,
} else {
(self.get_image_width() as f64 * height_ratio) as size_t,
unsafe {
while bindings::MagickNextImage(self.wand) != bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickFalse {
/// Detect if the loaded image is not in top-left orientation, and
/// hence should be "auto" oriented so it is suitable for viewing.
pub fn requires_orientation(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
!= bindings::OrientationType_TopLeftOrientation
/// Automatically adjusts the loaded image so that its orientation is
/// suitable for viewing (i.e. top-left orientation).
/// Returns `true` if successful or `false` if an error occurred.
pub fn auto_orient(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
bindings::MagickAutoOrientImage(self.wand) == bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue
/// Write the current image to the provided path.
pub fn write_image(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let c_name = CString::new(path).unwrap();
let result = unsafe { bindings::MagickWriteImage(self.wand, c_name.as_ptr()) };
match result {
bindings::MagickBooleanType_MagickTrue => Ok(()),
_ => Err("failed to write image"),
/// Write the image in the desired format to a new blob.
/// The `format` argument may be any ImageMagick supported image
/// format (e.g. GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc).
pub fn write_image_blob(&self, format: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, &'static str> {
let c_format = CString::new(format).unwrap();
let mut length: size_t = 0;
let blob = unsafe {
bindings::MagickSetImageFormat(self.wand, c_format.as_ptr());
bindings::MagickGetImageBlob(self.wand, &mut length)
let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(length as usize);
unsafe {
bytes.set_len(length as usize);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(blob, bytes.as_mut_ptr(), length as usize);
bindings::MagickRelinquishMemory(blob as *mut c_void);
/// Write the images in the desired format to a new blob.
/// The `format` argument may be any ImageMagick supported image
/// format (e.g. GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc).
pub fn write_images_blob(&self, format: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, &'static str> {
let c_format = CString::new(format).unwrap();
let mut length: size_t = 0;
let blob = unsafe {
bindings::MagickSetIteratorIndex(self.wand, 0);
bindings::MagickSetImageFormat(self.wand, c_format.as_ptr());
bindings::MagickGetImagesBlob(self.wand, &mut length)
let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(length as usize);
unsafe {
bytes.set_len(length as usize);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(blob, bytes.as_mut_ptr(), length as usize);
bindings::MagickRelinquishMemory(blob as *mut c_void);
/// Set the image colorspace, transforming (unlike `set_image_colorspace`) image data in
/// the process.
MagickTransformImageColorspace => transform_image_colorspace(
colorspace: bindings::ColorspaceType)
// Sets the image to the specified alpha level.
MagickSetImageAlpha => set_image_alpha(alpha: f64)
// Control the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image
MagickModulateImage => modulate_image(brightness: f64, saturation: f64, hue: f64)
/// Set the image alpha channel mode.
MagickSetImageAlphaChannel => set_image_alpha_channel(
alpha_channel: bindings::AlphaChannelOption)
/// Reduce the number of colors in the image.
MagickQuantizeImage => quantize_image(
number_of_colors: size_t, colorspace: bindings::ColorspaceType,
tree_depth: size_t, dither_method: bindings::DitherMethod, measure_error: bindings::MagickBooleanType)
/// Reduce the number of colors in the image.
MagickQuantizeImages => quantize_images(
number_of_colors: size_t, colorspace: bindings::ColorspaceType,
tree_depth: size_t, dither_method: bindings::DitherMethod, measure_error: bindings::MagickBooleanType)
/// Discard all but one of any pixel color.
MagickUniqueImageColors => unique_image_colors()
/// Applies k-means color reduction to the image.
MagickKmeansImage => kmeans(number_colors: size_t, max_iterations: size_t, tolerance: f64)
get!(get_image_colors, MagickGetImageColors, size_t);
get_filename, set_filename, MagickGetFilename, MagickSetFilename
get_font, set_font, MagickGetFont, MagickSetFont
get_format, set_format, MagickGetFormat, MagickSetFormat
get_image_filename, set_image_filename, MagickGetImageFilename, MagickSetImageFilename
get_image_format, set_image_format, MagickGetImageFormat, MagickSetImageFormat
get_colorspace, set_colorspace, MagickGetColorspace, MagickSetColorspace, bindings::ColorspaceType
get_compression, set_compression, MagickGetCompression, MagickSetCompression, bindings::CompressionType
get_compression_quality, set_compression_quality, MagickGetCompressionQuality, MagickSetCompressionQuality, size_t
get_gravity, set_gravity, MagickGetGravity, MagickSetGravity, bindings::GravityType
get_image_colorspace, set_image_colorspace, MagickGetImageColorspace, MagickSetImageColorspace, bindings::ColorspaceType
get_image_compose, set_image_compose, MagickGetImageCompose, MagickSetImageCompose, bindings::CompositeOperator
get_image_compression, set_image_compression, MagickGetImageCompression, MagickSetImageCompression, bindings::CompressionType
get_image_compression_quality, set_image_compression_quality, MagickGetImageCompressionQuality, MagickSetImageCompressionQuality, size_t
get_image_delay, set_image_delay, MagickGetImageDelay, MagickSetImageDelay, size_t
get_image_depth, set_image_depth, MagickGetImageDepth, MagickSetImageDepth, size_t
get_image_dispose, set_image_dispose, MagickGetImageDispose, MagickSetImageDispose, bindings::DisposeType
get_image_endian, set_image_endian, MagickGetImageEndian, MagickSetImageEndian, bindings::EndianType
get_image_fuzz, set_image_fuzz, MagickGetImageFuzz, MagickSetImageFuzz, f64
get_image_gamma, set_image_gamma, MagickGetImageGamma, MagickSetImageGamma, f64
get_image_gravity, set_image_gravity, MagickGetImageGravity, MagickSetImageGravity, bindings::GravityType
get_image_interlace_scheme, set_image_interlace_scheme, MagickGetImageInterlaceScheme, MagickSetImageInterlaceScheme, bindings::InterlaceType
get_image_interpolate_method, set_image_interpolate_method, MagickGetImageInterpolateMethod, MagickSetImageInterpolateMethod, bindings::PixelInterpolateMethod
get_image_iterations, set_image_iterations, MagickGetImageIterations, MagickSetImageIterations, size_t
get_image_orientation, set_image_orientation, MagickGetImageOrientation, MagickSetImageOrientation, bindings::OrientationType
get_image_rendering_intent, set_image_rendering_intent, MagickGetImageRenderingIntent, MagickSetImageRenderingIntent, bindings::RenderingIntent
get_image_scene, set_image_scene, MagickGetImageScene, MagickSetImageScene, size_t
get_image_type, set_image_type, MagickGetImageType, MagickSetImageType, bindings::ImageType
get_image_units, set_image_units, MagickGetImageUnits, MagickSetImageUnits, bindings::ResolutionType
get_interlace_scheme, set_interlace_scheme, MagickGetInterlaceScheme, MagickSetInterlaceScheme, bindings::InterlaceType
get_interpolate_method, set_interpolate_method, MagickGetInterpolateMethod, MagickSetInterpolateMethod, bindings::PixelInterpolateMethod
get_iterator_index, set_iterator_index, MagickGetIteratorIndex, MagickSetIteratorIndex, ssize_t
get_orientation, set_orientation, MagickGetOrientation, MagickSetOrientation, bindings::OrientationType
get_pointsize, set_pointsize, MagickGetPointsize, MagickSetPointsize, f64
get_type, set_type, MagickGetType, MagickSetType, bindings::ImageType
impl fmt::Debug for MagickWand {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "MagickWand {{")?;
writeln!(f, " Exception: {:?}", self.get_exception())?;
writeln!(f, " IsWand: {:?}", self.is_wand())?;
self.fmt_string_settings(f, " ")?;
self.fmt_checked_settings(f, " ")?;
writeln!(f, "}}")