Create meeting on /widget_state, deal with dead/unknown meetings

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Morgan 2021-05-06 19:30:47 +01:00
parent 32d0bd3aec
commit a1e12f353a
4 changed files with 254 additions and 205 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ import { BigBlueButtonJoinRequest } from "../../models/Widget";
import { BigBlueButtonJoinResponse, BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeetingResponse, BigBlueButtonWidgetResponse } from "../../models/WidgetResponses";
import { AutoWired } from "typescript-ioc/es6";
import { ApiError } from "../ApiError";
import { sha1, sha256 } from "../../utils/hashing";
import { sha256 } from "../../utils/hashing";
import config from "../../config";
import { parseStringPromise } from "xml2js";
import * as randomString from "random-string";
* API for the BigBlueButton widget.
@ -24,6 +25,9 @@ export class DimensionBigBlueButtonService {
private authenticityTokenRegexp = new RegExp(`name="authenticity_token" value="([^"]+)".*`);
// join handles the request from a client to join a BigBlueButton meeting
// via a Greenlight URL. Note that this is no longer the only way to join a
// BigBlueButton meeting. See xxx below for the API that bypasses Greenlight
// and instead calls the BigBlueButton API directly.
// The client is expected to send a link created by greenlight, the nice UI
// that's recommended to be installed on top of BBB, which is itself a BBB
@ -166,6 +170,217 @@ export class DimensionBigBlueButtonService {
return {url: joinUrl};
* Clients can call this endpoint in order to retrieve the contents of the widget room state.
* This endpoint will create a BigBlueButton meeting and place the returned ID and password in the room state.
* @param {string} roomId The ID of the room that the widget will live in.
public async widget(
@QueryParam("roomId") roomId: string,
): Promise<BigBlueButtonWidgetResponse|ApiError> {
// Hash the room ID in order to generate a unique widget ID
const widgetId = sha256(roomId + "bigbluebutton");
const widgetName = config.bigbluebutton.widgetName;
const widgetTitle = config.bigbluebutton.widgetTitle;
const widgetAvatarUrl = config.bigbluebutton.widgetAvatarUrl;"BigBlueButton", "Got a meeting create request for room: " + roomId);
// NOTE: BBB meetings will by default end a minute or two after the last person leaves.
const createQueryParameters = {
meetingID: randomString(20),
// To help admins link meeting IDs to rooms
meta_MatrixRoomID: roomId,
// Create a new meeting.
const createResponse = await this.makeBBBApiCall("GET", "create", createQueryParameters, null);"BigBlueButton", createResponse);
// The password users will join with.
// TODO: We could give users access to moderate the meeting if we returned createResponse.moderatorPW, but it's
// unclear how we pass this to the user without also leaking it to others in the room.
// We could have the client request the password and depending on their power level in the room, return either
// the attendee or moderator one.
const attendeePassword = createResponse.attendeePW[0];
// TODO: How do we get the user dimension is actually running as?
const widgetCreatorUserId = "@dimension:" +;
// Add all necessary client variables to the url when loading the widget
const widgetUrl = config.dimension.publicUrl +
"/widgets/bigbluebutton" +
"?widgetId=$matrix_widget_id" +
"&roomId=$matrix_room_id" +
"&createMeeting=true" +
"&displayName=$matrix_display_name" +
"&avatarUrl=$matrix_avatar_url" +
"&userId=$matrix_user_id" +
`&meetingId=${createResponse.meetingID[0]}` +
`&meetingPassword=${attendeePassword}` +
return {
"widget_id": widgetId,
"widget": {
"creatorUserId": widgetCreatorUserId,
"id": widgetId,
"type": "m.custom",
"waitForIframeLoad": true,
"name": widgetName,
"avatar_url": widgetAvatarUrl,
"url": widgetUrl,
"data": {
"title": widgetTitle,
"layout": {
"container": "top",
"index": 0,
"width": 65,
"height": 50,
* Clients can call this endpoint in order to retrieve a URL that leads to the BigBlueButton API that they can
* use to join the meeting with. They will need to provide the meeting ID and password which are only available
* from the widget room state event.
* @param {string} displayName The displayname of the user.
* @param {string} userId The Matrix User ID of the user.
* @param {string} avatarUrl The avatar of the user (mxc://...).
* @param {string} meetingId The meeting ID to join.
* @param {string} password The password to attempt to join the meeting with.
public async createAndJoinMeeting(
@QueryParam("displayName") displayName: string,
@QueryParam("userId") userId: string,
@QueryParam("avatarUrl") avatarUrl: string,
@QueryParam("meetingId") meetingId: string,
@QueryParam("meetingPassword") password: string,
): Promise<BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeetingResponse|ApiError> {
// Check if the meeting is actually running. If not, return an error
let isMeetingRunningParameters = {
meetingID: meetingId,
const isMeetingRunningResponse = await this.makeBBBApiCall("GET", "isMeetingRunning", isMeetingRunningParameters, null);
if (isMeetingRunningResponse.running[0].toLowerCase() !== "true") {
// This meeting is not running, inform the user
return new ApiError(
{error: "This meeting does not exist or has ended."},
let joinQueryParameters = {
meetingID: meetingId,
password: password,
fullName: `${displayName} (${userId})`,
userID: userId,
// Add an avatar to the join request if the user provided one
if (avatarUrl.startsWith("mxc")) {
joinQueryParameters["avatarURL"] = this.getHTTPAvatarUrlFromMXCUrl(avatarUrl);
// Calculate the checksum for the join URL. We need to do so as a browser would as we're passing this back to a browser
const checksum = this.bbbChecksumFromCallNameAndQueryParamaters("join", joinQueryParameters, true);
// Construct the join URL, which we'll give back to the client, who can then add additional parameters to (or we just do it)
const url = `${config.bigbluebutton.apiBaseUrl}/join?${this.queryStringFromObject(joinQueryParameters, true)}&checksum=${checksum}`;
return {
url: url,
* Make an API call to the configured BBB server instance.
* @param {string} method The HTTP method to use for the request.
* @param {string} apiCallName The name of the API (the last bit of the endpoint) to call. e.g 'create', 'join'.
* @param {any} queryParameters The query parameters to use in the request.
* @param {any} body The body of the request.
* @returns {any} The response to the call.
private async makeBBBApiCall(
method: string,
apiCallName: string,
queryParameters: any,
body: any,
): Promise<any> {
// Compute the checksum needed to authenticate the request (as derived from the configured shared secret)
queryParameters.checksum = this.bbbChecksumFromCallNameAndQueryParamaters(apiCallName, queryParameters, false);
// Get the URL host and path using the configured api base and the API call name
const url = `${config.bigbluebutton.apiBaseUrl}/${apiCallName}`;
// Now make the request!
const response = await this.doRequest(method, url, queryParameters, body);
// Parse and return the XML from the response
// TODO: XML parsing error handling
const parsedResponse = await parseStringPromise(response.body);
// Extract the "response" object
return parsedResponse.response;
* Converts an object representing a query string into a checksum suitable for appending to a BBB API call.
* Docs:
* @param {string} apiCallName The name of the API to call, e.g "create", "join".
* @param {any} queryParameters An object representing a set of query parameters represented by keys and values.
* @param {boolean} encodeAsBrowser Whether to encode the query string as a browser would.
* @returns {string} The checksum for the request.
private bbbChecksumFromCallNameAndQueryParamaters(apiCallName: string, queryParameters: any, encodeAsBrowser: boolean): string {
// Convert the query parameters object into a string
// We URL encode each value as a browser would. If we don't, our resulting checksum will not match.
const widgetQueryString = this.queryStringFromObject(queryParameters, encodeAsBrowser);"BigBlueButton", "Built widget string:" + widgetQueryString);"BigBlueButton", "Hashing:" + apiCallName + widgetQueryString + config.bigbluebutton.sharedSecret);
// Hash the api name and query parameters to get the checksum, and add it to the set of query parameters
return sha256(apiCallName + widgetQueryString + config.bigbluebutton.sharedSecret);
* Converts an object containing keys and values as strings into a string representing URL query parameters.
* @param queryParameters
* @param encodeAsBrowser
* @returns {string} The query parameter object as a string.
private queryStringFromObject(queryParameters: any, encodeAsBrowser: boolean): string {
return Object.keys(queryParameters).map(k => k + "=" + this.encodeForUrl(queryParameters[k], encodeAsBrowser)).join("&");
* Encodes a string in the same fashion browsers do (encoding ! and other characters).
* @param {string} text The text to encode.
* @param {boolean} encodeAsBrowser Whether to encode the query string as a browser would.
* @returns {string} The encoded text.
private encodeForUrl(text: string, encodeAsBrowser: boolean): string {
let encodedText = encodeURIComponent(text);
if (!encodeAsBrowser) {
// use + instead of %20 for space to match what the 'request' JavaScript library does do.
// encodeURIComponent doesn't escape !'()*, so manually escape them.
encodedText = encodedText.replace(/%20/g, '+').replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
return encodedText;
* Perform an HTTP request.
* @param {string} method The HTTP method to use.
@ -216,171 +431,13 @@ export class DimensionBigBlueButtonService {
public async widget(
@QueryParam("room_id") roomId: string,
): Promise<BigBlueButtonWidgetResponse|ApiError> {
// Hash the room ID in order to generate a unique widget ID
const widgetId = sha256(roomId + "bigbluebutton");
private getHTTPAvatarUrlFromMXCUrl(mxc: string): string {
const width = 64;
const height = 64;
const method = "scale";
const widgetName = config.bigbluebutton.widgetName;
const widgetTitle = config.bigbluebutton.widgetTitle;
const widgetAvatarUrl = config.bigbluebutton.widgetAvatarUrl;
// TODO: What should we put for the creatorUserId? Also make it configurable?
const widgetCreatorUserId = "@bbb:localhost";
// Add all necessary client variables to the url when loading the widget
const widgetUrl = config.dimension.publicUrl +
"/widgets/bigbluebutton" +
return {
"widget_id": widgetId,
"widget": {
"creatorUserId": widgetCreatorUserId,
"id": widgetId,
"type": "m.custom",
"waitForIframeLoad": true,
"name": widgetName,
"avatar_url": widgetAvatarUrl,
"url": widgetUrl,
"data": {
"title": widgetTitle,
"layout": {
"container": "top",
"index": 0,
"width": 65,
"height": 50,
public async createAndJoinMeeting(
@QueryParam("roomId") roomId: string,
@QueryParam("fullName") fullName: string,
): Promise<BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeetingResponse|ApiError> {
// Check if a meeting already exists for this room..."BigBlueButton", "Got a meeting create and join request for room: " + roomId);
// Create a new meeting"BigBlueButton", "Using secret: " + config.bigbluebutton.sharedSecret);
// NOTE: BBB meetings will by default end a minute or two after the last person leaves.
const createQueryParameters = {
meetingID: roomId + "bigbluebuttondimension",
attendeePW: "a",
moderatorPW: "b",
// TODO: Contrary to the documentation, one needs to provide a meeting ID, attendee and moderator password in order
// for creating meeting to be idempotent. For now we use dummy passwords, though we may want to consider generating
// some once we actually start authenticating meetings.
const createResponse = await this.makeBBBApiCall("GET", "create", createQueryParameters, null);"BigBlueButton", createResponse);
// Grab the meeting ID and password from the create response
const returnedMeetingId = createResponse.meetingID[0];
const returnedAttendeePassword = createResponse.attendeePW[0];
const joinQueryParameters = {
meetingID: returnedMeetingId,
password: returnedAttendeePassword,
fullName: fullName,
// Calculate the checksum for the join URL. We need to do so as a browser would as we're passing this back to a browser
const checksum = this.bbbChecksumFromCallNameAndQueryParamaters("join", joinQueryParameters, true);
// Construct the join URL, which we'll give back to the client, who can then add additional parameters to (or we just do it)
const url = `${config.bigbluebutton.apiBaseUrl}/join?${this.queryStringFromObject(joinQueryParameters, true)}&checksum=${checksum}`;
return {
url: url,
* Make an API call to the configured BBB server instance
* @param {string} method The HTTP method to use for the request.
* @param {string} apiCallName The name of the API (the last bit of the endpoint) to call. e.g 'create', 'join'.
* @param {any} queryParameters The query parameters to use in the request.
* @param {any} body The body of the request.
* @returns {BigBlueButtonApiResponse} The response to the call.
private async makeBBBApiCall(
method: string,
apiCallName: string,
queryParameters: any,
body: any,
): Promise<any> {
// Compute the checksum needed to authenticate the request (as derived from the configured shared secret)
queryParameters.checksum = this.bbbChecksumFromCallNameAndQueryParamaters(apiCallName, queryParameters, false);
// Get the URL host and path using the configured api base and the API call name
const url = `${config.bigbluebutton.apiBaseUrl}/${apiCallName}`;
// Now make the request!
const response = await this.doRequest(method, url, queryParameters, body);
// Parse and return the XML from the response
// TODO: XML parsing error handling
const parsedResponse = await parseStringPromise(response.body);
// Extract the "response" object
return parsedResponse.response;
* Converts an object representing a query string into a checksum suitable for appending to a BBB API call.
* Docs:
* @param {string} apiCallName The name of the API to call, e.g "create", "join".
* @param {any} queryParameters An object representing a set of query parameters represented by keys and values.
* @param {boolean} encodeAsBrowser Whether to encode the query string as a browser would.
* @returns {string} The checksum for the request.
private bbbChecksumFromCallNameAndQueryParamaters(apiCallName: string, queryParameters: any, encodeAsBrowser: boolean): string {
// Convert the query parameters object into a string
// We URL encode each value as a browser would. If we don't, our resulting checksum will not match.
const widgetQueryString = this.queryStringFromObject(queryParameters, encodeAsBrowser);"BigBlueButton", "Built widget string:" + widgetQueryString);"BigBlueButton", "Hashing:" + apiCallName + widgetQueryString + config.bigbluebutton.sharedSecret);
// SHA1 hash the api name and query parameters to get the checksum, and add it to the set of query parameters
// TODO: Try Sha256
return sha1(apiCallName + widgetQueryString + config.bigbluebutton.sharedSecret);
* A
* @param queryParameters
* @param encodeAsBrowser
* @private
private queryStringFromObject(queryParameters: any, encodeAsBrowser: boolean): string {
return Object.keys(queryParameters).map(k => k + "=" + this.encodeForUrl(queryParameters[k], encodeAsBrowser)).join("&");
* Encodes a string in the same fashion browsers do (encoding ! and other characters).
* @param {string} text The text to encode.
* @param {boolean} encodeAsBrowser Whether to encode the query string as a browser would.
* @returns {string} The encoded text.
private encodeForUrl(text: string, encodeAsBrowser: boolean): string {
let encodedText = encodeURIComponent(text);
if (!encodeAsBrowser) {
// use + instead of %20 for space to match what the 'request' JavaScript library does do.
// encodeURIComponent doesn't escape !'()*, so manually escape them.
encodedText = encodedText.replace(/%20/g, '+').replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
return encodedText;
mxc = mxc.substring("mxc://".length).split('?')[0];
return `${config.dimension.publicUrl}/api/v1/dimension/media/thumbnail/${mxc}?width=${width}&height=${height}&method=${method}&animated=false`;

View file

@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ export function md5(text: string): string {
return crypto.createHash("md5").update(text).digest('hex').toLowerCase();
export function sha1(text: string): string {
return crypto.createHash("sha1").update(text).digest('hex').toLowerCase();
export function sha256(text: string): string {
return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(text).digest('hex').toLowerCase();

View file

@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ export class BigBlueButtonApiService extends AuthedApi {
return this.authedGet<FE_BigBlueButtonJoin|ApiError>("/api/v1/dimension/bigbluebutton/join", {greenlightUrl: url, fullName: name}).toPromise();
public createAndJoinMeeting(roomId: string, name: string): Promise<FE_BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeeting|ApiError> {
return this.authedGet<FE_BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeeting|ApiError>("/api/v1/dimension/bigbluebutton/create", {roomId: roomId, fullName: name}).toPromise();
public getJoinUrl(displayName: string, userId: string, avatarUrl: string, meetingId: string, meetingPassword: string): Promise<FE_BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeeting|ApiError> {
return this.authedGet<FE_BigBlueButtonCreateAndJoinMeeting|ApiError>(
{displayName: displayName, userId: userId, avatarUrl: avatarUrl, meetingId: meetingId, meetingPassword: meetingPassword},

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router";
import { WidgetApiService } from "../../shared/services/integrations/widget-api.service";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription";
import { ScalarWidgetApi } from "../../shared/services/scalar/scalar-widget.api";
import { CapableWidget } from "../capable-widget";
@ -24,6 +23,9 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
private conferenceUrl: string;
private displayName: string;
private userId: string;
private avatarUrl: string;
private meetingId: string;
private meetingPassword: string;
@ -71,7 +73,6 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
constructor(activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private bigBlueButtonApi: BigBlueButtonApiService,
private widgetApi: WidgetApiService,
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer,
public translate: TranslateService) {
@ -83,14 +84,14 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
this.createMeeting = params.createMeeting;
this.conferenceUrl = params.conferenceUrl;
this.displayName = params.displayName;
this.avatarUrl = params.avatarUrl;
this.meetingId = params.meetingId;
this.meetingPassword = params.meetingPassword;
this.userId = params.userId ||; // Element uses `email` when placing a conference call
// Create a nick to display in the meeting
this.joinName = `${this.displayName} (${this.userId})`;
// TODO: As of BigBlueButton 2.3, Avatar URLs are supported in /join, which would allow us to set the
// user's avatar in BigBlueButton to that of their Matrix ID.
console.log("BigBlueButton: should create meeting: " + this.createMeeting);
console.log("BigBlueButton: will join as: " + this.joinName);
console.log("BigBlueButton: got room ID: " + this.roomId);
@ -132,8 +133,8 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
// Make a request to Dimension requesting the join URL
if (this.createMeeting) {
// Ask Dimension to create the meeting for us and return the URL
// Ask Dimension to return a URL for joining a meeting that it created
} else {
// Provide Dimension with a Greenlight URL, which it will transform into
// a BBB meeting URL
@ -142,20 +143,20 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
// Ask Dimension to create a meeting (or use an existing one) for this room and return the embeddable meeting URL
private createAndJoinMeeting() {
console.log("BigBlueButton: joining and creating meeting if it doesn't already exist, with fullname:", this.joinName);
private async joinThroughDimension() {
console.log("BigBlueButton: Joining meeting created by Dimension with meeting ID: " + this.meetingId);
this.bigBlueButtonApi.createAndJoinMeeting(this.roomId, this.joinName).then((response) => {
this.bigBlueButtonApi.getJoinUrl(this.displayName, this.userId, this.avatarUrl, this.meetingId, this.meetingPassword).then((response) => {
console.log("The response");
if ("errorCode" in response) {
// This is an instance of ApiError
// if (response.errorCode === "WAITING_FOR_MEETING_START") {
// // The meeting hasn't started yet
// this.statusMessage = "Waiting for conference to start...";
// // Poll until it has
// setTimeout(this.joinConference.bind(this), this.pollIntervalMillis, false);
// return;
// }
if (response.errorCode === "UNKNOWN_MEETING_ID") {
// It's likely that everyone has left the meeting, and it's been garbage collected.
// Inform the user that they should try and start a new meeting
this.statusMessage = "This meeting has ended or otherwise does not exist.<br>Please start a new meeting.";
// Otherwise this is a generic error
this.statusMessage = "An error occurred while loading the meeting";
@ -193,25 +194,15 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
private embedMeetingWithUrl(url: string) {
this.canEmbed = true;
// Hide widget-related UI
this.statusMessage = null;
// Embed the return meeting URL, joining the meeting
this.canEmbed = true;
this.embedUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(url);
// Check if the given URL is embeddable
this.widgetApi.isEmbeddable(url).then(result => {
this.canEmbed = result.canEmbed;
this.statusMessage = null;
// Embed the return meeting URL, joining the meeting
this.embedUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(url);
// Inform the client that we would like the meeting to remain visible for its duration
}).catch(err => {
this.canEmbed = false;
this.statusMessage = "Unable to embed meeting";
// Inform the client that we would like the meeting to remain visible for its duration
public ngOnDestroy() {
@ -220,6 +211,8 @@ export class BigBlueButtonWidgetWrapperComponent extends CapableWidget implement
protected onCapabilitiesSent(): void {
// Don't set alwaysOnScreen until we start a meeting