2021-08-29 23:06:49 +02:00

104 lines
3.8 KiB

import { GET, Path, PathParam, QueryParam } from "typescript-rest";
import { LogService } from "matrix-js-snippets";
import * as url from "url";
import { promises as dnsPromises } from 'dns';
import { ApiError } from "../ApiError";
import config from "../../config";
import { Netmask } from "netmask";
import * as request from "request";
import { VERSION_DRAFT } from "../controllers/TermsController";
import TermsRecord from "../../db/models/TermsRecord";
import TermsTextRecord from "../../db/models/TermsTextRecord";
interface EmbedCapabilityResponse {
canEmbed: boolean;
interface MinimalTermsResponse {
name: string;
text: string;
* API for widgets
export class DimensionWidgetService {
public async getPolicy(@PathParam("shortcode") shortcode: string, @PathParam("language") language: string, @PathParam("version") version: string): Promise<MinimalTermsResponse> {
if (version === VERSION_DRAFT) {
throw new ApiError(401, "Cannot access draft versions of policies", "M_UNAUTHORIZED");
const terms = await TermsRecord.findOne({where: {shortcode, version}, include: [TermsTextRecord]});
if (!terms) throw new ApiError(404, "Not found", "M_NOT_FOUND");
const text = terms.texts.find(t => t.language === language);
return {
text: text.text,
public async isEmbeddable(@QueryParam("url") checkUrl: string): Promise<EmbedCapabilityResponse> {"DimensionWidgetService", "Checking to see if a url is embeddable: " + checkUrl);
const parsed = url.parse(checkUrl);
// Only allow http and https
if (parsed.protocol !== "http:" && parsed.protocol !== "https:") {
throw new ApiError(400, "Invalid scheme: " + parsed.protocol);
// Get the IP address we're trying to connect to so we can ensure it's not blacklisted
const hostname = parsed.hostname.split(":")[0];
let addresses = [];
try {
addresses = await dnsPromises.resolve(hostname);
} catch (err) {
LogService.error("DimensionWidgetService", err);
if (!addresses || addresses.length === 0) throw new ApiError(400, "Cannot resolve host " + hostname);
// Check the blacklist
for (const ipOrCidr of config.widgetBlacklist) {
const block = new Netmask(ipOrCidr);
for (const address of addresses) {
if (block.contains(address)) {
throw new ApiError(400, "Address blacklisted");
// Now we need to verify we can actually make the request
await new Promise<ApiError | void>((resolve, reject) => {
request(checkUrl, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
LogService.error("DimensionWidgetService", err);
return reject(new ApiError(400, "Failed to contact host"));
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) {
// 200 OK
const xFrameOptions = (response.headers["x-frame-options"] || '').toLowerCase();
if (xFrameOptions === "sameorigin" || xFrameOptions === "deny") {
return reject(new ApiError(400, "X-Frame-Options prevents embedding"));
} else {
LogService.verbose("DimensionWidgetService", response.body);
return reject(new ApiError(400, "Non-success status code returned"));
return {canEmbed: true};