
461 lines
13 KiB

{ hostName, wireguardPrivateKey }:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
wan = "end0";
lan = "enp1s0";
bridge = "br-lan";
devices = "devices-vlan";
wifi = "wifi-vlan";
wg0 = "wg0";
sops.secrets.${wireguardPrivateKey} = {
format = "binary";
sopsFile = ../../secrets/${wireguardPrivateKey}.bin;
path = "/etc/wireguard-secret";
mode = "0400";
owner = "systemd-network";
group = "systemd-network";
restartUnits = [ "systemd-networkd.service" ];
boot.kernel = {
sysctl = {
"net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = 1;
"net.ipv6.conf.${bridge}.accept_ra" = 2;
"net.ipv6.conf.${devices}.accept_ra" = 2;
"net.ipv6.conf.${wifi}.accept_ra" = 2;
"net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding" = true;
"net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter" = 1;
"net.ipv4.conf.${wan}.rp_filter" = 1;
"net.ipv4.conf.${bridge}.rp_filter" = 0;
"net.ipv4.conf.${devices}.rp_filter" = 0;
"net.ipv4.conf.${wifi}.rp_filter" = 0;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
]; = {
wait-online.anyInterface = true;
netdevs = {
"10-${devices}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = devices;
Kind = "vlan";
vlanConfig.Id = 30;
"10-${wifi}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = wifi;
Kind = "vlan";
vlanConfig.Id = 40;
"20-${bridge}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Kind = "bridge";
Name = bridge;
"30-${wg0}" = {
netdevConfig = {
Kind = "wireguard";
Name = wg0;
MTUBytes = "1300";
wireguardConfig = {
PrivateKeyFile = "/etc/wireguard-secret";
ListenPort = 51820;
wireguardPeers = [
# firestar
PublicKey = "ppaJ0RAtdvFpdg0eJPkO0YnYnEMZhiwAlQJUHnC80EA=";
AllowedIPs = [ "" "2001:db8:5::10" ];
# graystripe
PublicKey = "+7NZi6XmZdJGXLgUe6Ne4Xxh8hyR+kO1OIMf0U8g/HQ=";
AllowedIPs = [ "" "2001:db8:5::11" ];
# squirrelflight
PublicKey = "utcnmBIFY5M6vXCeexiPkAHXwfv/8SQry0M30D3KYHc=";
AllowedIPs = [ "" "2001:db8:5::12" ];
networks = {
"06-${wan}" = {
matchConfig.Name = wan;
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "routable";
networkConfig = {
DHCP = true;
IPv6AcceptRA = true;
DNSOverTLS = true;
DNSSEC = true;
IPv6PrivacyExtensions = false;
IPForward = true;
LinkLocalAddressing = "ipv6";
"30-${lan}" = {
matchConfig.Name = lan;
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "enslaved";
networkConfig = {
Bridge = bridge;
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
VLAN = [ devices wifi ];
"40-${bridge}" = {
matchConfig.Name = bridge;
bridgeConfig = { };
address = [
networkConfig = {
IPv6SendRA = true;
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
ipv6Prefixes = [{
Prefix = "2001:db8:20::/64";
ipv6SendRAConfig = {
EmitDNS = true;
DNS = "2001:db8:20::1";
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "no";
"50-${devices}" = {
matchConfig = {
Name = devices;
Type = "vlan";
address = [
networkConfig = {
IPv6SendRA = true;
ipv6Prefixes = [{
Prefix = "2001:db8:30::/64";
ipv6SendRAConfig = {
EmitDNS = true;
DNS = "2001:db8:30::1";
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "routable";
"50-${wifi}" = {
matchConfig = {
Name = wifi;
Type = "vlan";
address = [
networkConfig = {
IPv6SendRA = true;
ipv6Prefixes = [{
Prefix = "2001:db8:40::/64";
ipv6SendRAConfig = {
EmitDNS = true;
DNS = "2001:db8:40::1";
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "routable";
"60-${wg0}" = {
matchConfig.Name = wg0;
address = [ "" "2001:db8:5::1/64" ];
networkConfig = { };
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "yes";
networking = {
inherit hostName;
useNetworkd = true;
useDHCP = false;
nat.enable = false;
firewall.enable = false;
nftables = {
enable = true;
checkRuleset = false;
ruleset = ''
define WAN=${wan}
define LAN=${lan}
define BRIDGE=${bridge}
define DEVICES=${devices}
define WIFI=${wifi}
define WG0=${wg0}
define HTTP_HOST=
define HTTP_HOST_V6=2001:db8:20::200
define FORGEJO_HOST_V6=2001:db8:20::201
define FORGEJO_SSH_PORT=2222
define DRAWPILE_HOST_V6=2001:db8:20::202
define DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT=27750
table inet filter {
set internal_access_tcp {
type inet_service; flags interval;
elements = { 22, 3128 }
set network_required_udp {
type inet_service; flags interval;
elements = { 53, 67, 68, 546, 547 }
set firewall_out_tcp_accepted {
type inet_service; flags interval;
elements = { 22, 53, 80, 443, 853 }
set firewall_out_udp_accepted {
type inet_service; flags interval;
elements = { 53, 123, 67, 68, 546, 547 }
chain global {
ct state { established, related } accept
ct state invalid drop
ip protocol icmp accept
ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 accept
chain reject_politely {
reject with icmp type port-unreachable
chain bridge_in {
tcp dport { 80, 443 } ip daddr $HTTP_HOST ct state new accept comment "Allow HTTP/S to http host"
tcp dport { 80, 443 } ip6 daddr $HTTP_HOST_V6 ct state new accept comment "Allow HTTP/S to http host"
tcp dport $FORGEJO_SSH_PORT ip daddr $FORGEJO_HOST ct state new accept comment "Allow ssh to forgejo"
tcp dport $FORGEJO_SSH_PORT ip6 daddr $FORGEJO_HOST_V6 ct state new accept comment "Allow ssh to forgejo"
tcp dport $DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT ip daddr $DRAWPILE_HOST ct state new accept comment "Allow drawpile traffic to drawpile"
tcp dport $DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT ip6 daddr $DRAWPILE_HOST_V6 ct state new accept comment "Allow drawpile traffic to drawpile"
chain bridge_out {
chain devices_in {}
chain devices_out {
udp dport 123 ct state new accept comment "Allow NTP from devices network"
tcp dport { 80, 443 } ct state new accept comment "Allow HTTP/S from devices network"
chain wifi_in {}
chain wifi_out {
chain wg_in {}
chain wg_out {
chain rate_limit {
flow table rate-limit-ftable { ip saddr limit rate 2/minute } accept comment "Allow rate limited"
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
jump global
oifname vmap {
$BRIDGE : jump bridge_in,
$DEVICES : jump devices_in,
$WIFI : jump wifi_in,
$WG0 : jump wg_in
oifname $WAN iifname vmap {
$BRIDGE : jump bridge_out,
$DEVICES : jump devices_out,
$WIFI : jump wifi_out,
$WG0 : jump wg_out
iifname $WG0 oifname $BRIDGE ct state new accept comment "Allow from wireguard to bridge"
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $WG0 ct state new accept comment "Allow from bridge to wireguard"
jump reject_politely
chain input {
type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
jump global
iifname lo accept
tcp dport @internal_access_tcp ct state new iifname vmap {
$BRIDGE : accept,
$WG0 : accept,
$DEVICES : jump reject_politely,
$WIFI : jump rate_limit,
$WAN : jump rate_limit
udp dport 51820 ct state new accept comment "Allow wireguard"
udp dport @network_required_udp ct state new accept comment "Allow internal network required stuff"
jump reject_politely
chain output {
type filter hook output priority 100; policy drop;
jump global
tcp dport @firewall_out_tcp_accepted ct state new accept
udp dport @firewall_out_udp_accepted ct state new accept
jump reject_politely
table ip nat {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
fib daddr type local tcp dport { 80, 443 } dnat to $HTTP_HOST
fib daddr type local tcp dport 22 dnat to $FORGEJO_HOST:$FORGEJO_SSH_PORT
fib daddr type local tcp dport $DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT dnat to $DRAWPILE_HOST
chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
oifname $WAN masquerade
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $BRIDGE ip daddr $HTTP_HOST tcp dport { 80, 443 } masquerade
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $BRIDGE ip daddr $FORGEJO_HOST tcp dport $FORGEJO_SSH_PORT masquerade
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $BRIDGE ip daddr $DRAWPILE_HOST tcp dport $DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT masquerade
table ip6 nat {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
fib daddr type local tcp dport { 80, 443 } dnat to $HTTP_HOST_V6
fib daddr type local tcp dport 22 dnat to $FORGEJO_HOST_V6:$FORGEJO_SSH_PORT
fib daddr type local tcp dport $DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT dnat to $DRAWPILE_HOST_V6
chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
oifname $WAN masquerade
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $BRIDGE ip6 daddr $HTTP_HOST_V6 tcp dport { 80, 443 } masquerade
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $BRIDGE ip6 daddr $FORGEJO_HOST_V6 tcp dport $FORGEJO_SSH_PORT masquerade
iifname $BRIDGE oifname $BRIDGE ip6 daddr $DRAWPILE_HOST_V6 tcp dport $DRAWPILE_TCP_PORT masquerade
services.openssh.ports = [ 22 3128 ];
services.resolved.enable = false;
services.dnsmasq = {
enable = true;
settings = {
server = [
# OpenDNS
# Quad9
# Cloudflare
domain-needed = true;
bogus-priv = true;
no-resolv = true;
# dhcpv6 stuff
enable-ra = true;
dhcp-authoritative = true;
strict-order = true;
cache-size = 1000;
dhcp-range = [
# format TAG,START,END,?MASK,?options,LEASE
interface = [ bridge devices wifi wg0 ];
dhcp-option = [
local = "/lan/";
domain = "lan";
expand-hosts = true;
no-hosts = true;
address = [
services.irqbalance.enable = false;