
388 lines
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# pict-rs
_a simple image hosting service_
## Links
- Find the code on [gitea](https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs)
- Join the discussion on [matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#pictrs:matrix.asonix.dog?via=matrix.asonix.dog)
- Hit me up on [mastodon](https://masto.asonix.dog/@asonix)
## Usage
### Running
$ pict-rs -h
A simple image hosting service
Usage: pict-rs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
run Runs the pict-rs web server
filesystem Migrate from the provided filesystem storage
object-storage Migrate from the provided object storage
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-c, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
Path to the pict-rs configuration file
--old-db-path <OLD_DB_PATH>
Path to the old pict-rs sled database
--log-format <LOG_FORMAT>
Format of logs printed to stdout [possible values: compact, json, normal, pretty]
--log-targets <LOG_TARGETS>
Log levels to print to stdout, respects RUST_LOG formatting
--console-address <CONSOLE_ADDRESS>
Address and port to expose tokio-console metrics
--console-buffer-capacity <CONSOLE_BUFFER_CAPACITY>
Capacity of the console-subscriber Event Buffer
--opentelemetry-url <OPENTELEMETRY_URL>
URL to send OpenTelemetry metrics
--opentelemetry-service-name <OPENTELEMETRY_SERVICE_NAME>
Service Name to use for OpenTelemetry
--opentelemetry-targets <OPENTELEMETRY_TARGETS>
Log levels to use for OpenTelemetry, respects RUST_LOG formatting
--save-to <SAVE_TO>
File to save the current configuration for reproducible runs
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
$ pict-rs run -h
Runs the pict-rs web server
Usage: pict-rs run [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
filesystem Run pict-rs with filesystem storage
object-storage Run pict-rs with object storage
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-a, --address <ADDRESS>
The address and port to bind the pict-rs web server
--api-key <API_KEY>
The API KEY required to access restricted routes
--worker-id <WORKER_ID>
ID of this pict-rs node. Doesn't do much yet
--media-preprocess-steps <MEDIA_PREPROCESS_STEPS>
Optional pre-processing steps for uploaded media
--media-skip-validate-imports <MEDIA_SKIP_VALIDATE_IMPORTS>
Whether to validate media on the "import" endpoint [possible values: true, false]
--media-max-width <MEDIA_MAX_WIDTH>
The maximum width, in pixels, for uploaded media
--media-max-height <MEDIA_MAX_HEIGHT>
The maximum height, in pixels, for uploaded media
--media-max-area <MEDIA_MAX_AREA>
The maximum area, in pixels, for uploaded media
--media-max-file-size <MEDIA_MAX_FILE_SIZE>
The maximum size, in megabytes, for uploaded media
--media-max-frame-count <MEDIA_MAX_FRAME_COUNT>
The maximum number of frames allowed for uploaded GIF and MP4s
--media-enable-silent-video <MEDIA_ENABLE_SILENT_VIDEO>
Whether to enable GIF and silent video uploads [possible values: true, false]
--media-enable-full-video <MEDIA_ENABLE_FULL_VIDEO>
Whether to enable full video uploads [possible values: true, false]
--media-video-codec <MEDIA_VIDEO_CODEC>
Enforce a specific video codec for uploaded videos [possible values: h264, h265, av1, vp8, vp9]
--media-audio-codec <MEDIA_AUDIO_CODEC>
Enforce a specific audio codec for uploaded videos [possible values: aac, opus, vorbis]
--media-filters <MEDIA_FILTERS>
Which media filters should be enabled on the `process` endpoint
--media-format <MEDIA_FORMAT>
Enforce uploaded media is transcoded to the provided format [possible values: jpeg, webp, png]
--media-cache-duration <MEDIA_CACHE_DURATION>
How long, in hours, to keep media ingested through the "cached" endpoint
-h, --help
Print help information (use `--help` for more detail)
Try running `help` commands for more runtime configuration options
$ pict-rs run filesystem -h
$ pict-rs run object-storage -h
$ pict-rs run filesystem sled -h
$ pict-rs run object-storage sled -h
See [`pict-rs.toml`](https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs/src/branch/main/pict-rs.toml) for more
#### Example:
Run with the default configuration
$ ./pict-rs run
Running on all interfaces, port 8080, storing data in /opt/data
$ ./pict-rs run -a filesystem -p /opt/data/files sled -p /opt/data/sled-repo
Running locally, port 9000, storing data in data/, and converting all uploads to PNG
$ ./pict-rs run -a --media-format png filesystem -p data/files sled -p data/sled-repo
Running locally, port 8080, storing data in data/, and only allowing the `thumbnail` and `identity` filters
$ ./pict-rs run -a --media-filters thumbnail --media-filters identity filesystem -p data/files sled -p data/sled-repo
Running from a configuration file
$ ./pict-rs -c ./pict-rs.toml run
Migrating to object storage from filesystem storage
$ ./pict-rs filesystem -p data/sled-repo object-storage -a ACCESS_KEY -b BUCKET_NAME -r REGION -s SECRET_KEY
Dumping configuration overrides to a toml file
$ ./pict-rs --save-to pict-rs.toml run object-storage -a ACCESS_KEY -b pict-rs -r us-east-1 -s SECRET_KEY sled -p data/sled-repo
#### Docker
Run the following commands:
# Create a folder for the files (anywhere works)
$ mkdir ./pict-rs
$ cd ./pict-rs
$ mkdir -p volumes/pictrs
$ sudo chown -R 991:991 volumes/pictrs
$ wget https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs/raw/branch/main/docker/prod/docker-compose.yml
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
###### Note
- pict-rs makes use of the system's temporary folder. This is generally `/tmp` on linux
- pict-rs makes use of an imagemagick security policy at
#### Docker Development
###### With Arch
$ cargo build
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v "$(pwd):/mnt" archlinux:latest
# pacman -Syu imagemagick ffmepg perl-image-exiftool
# cp /mnt/docker/prod/root/usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.1.0/config-Q16HDRI/policy.xml /usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.1.0/config-Q16HDRI/
# PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/vendor_perl RUST_LOG=debug /mnt/target/debug/pict-rs run
###### With Alpine
$ cross build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v "$(pwd):/mnt alpine:3.15
# apk add imagemagick ffmpeg exiftool
# cp /mnt/docker/prod/root/usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.1.0/config-Q16HDRI/policy.xml /usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.1.0/config-Q16HDRI/
# RUST_LOG=debug /mnt/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/pict-rs RUN
### API
pict-rs offers the following endpoints:
- `POST /image` for uploading an image. Uploaded content must be valid multipart/form-data with an
image array located within the `images[]` key
This endpoint returns the following JSON structure on success with a 201 Created status
"files": [
"delete_token": "JFvFhqJA98",
"file": "lkWZDRvugm.jpg",
"details": {
"width": 800,
"height": 800,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"created_at": "2022-04-08T18:33:42.957791698Z"
"delete_token": "kAYy9nk2WK",
"file": "8qFS0QooAn.jpg",
"details": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"created_at": "2022-04-08T18:33:42.957791698Z"
"delete_token": "OxRpM3sf0Y",
"file": "1hJaYfGE01.jpg",
"details": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"created_at": "2022-04-08T18:33:42.957791698Z"
"msg": "ok"
- `POST /image/backgrounded` Upload an image, like the `/image` endpoint, but don't wait to validate and process it.
This endpoint returns the following JSON structure on success with a 202 Accepted status
"uploads": [
"upload_id": "c61422e1-9294-4f1f-977f-c696b7939467",
"upload_id": "62cc707f-725c-44b6-908f-2bd8946c3c29"
"msg": "ok"
- `GET /image/download?url={url}&backgrounded=(true|false)&ephemeral=(true|false)` Download an image
from a remote server, returning the same JSON payload as the `POST /image` endpoint by default.
if `backgrounded` is set to `true`, then the ingest processing will be queued for later and the
response json will be the same as the `POST /image/backgrounded` endpoint.
if `ephemeral` is set to true, the downloaded image will be marked as a "cached" image, and
automatically removed from pict-rs N hours after its last access. The duration is configurable
with the `--media-cache-duration` run flag, or the `[media] cache_duration` toml option.
- `GET /image/backgrounded/claim?upload_id={uuid}` Wait for a backgrounded upload to complete, claiming it's result
Possible results:
- 200 Ok (validation and ingest complete):
"files": [
"delete_token": "OxRpM3sf0Y",
"file": "1hJaYfGE01.jpg",
"details": {
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"created_at": "2022-04-08T18:33:42.957791698Z"
"msg": "ok"
- 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation or otherwise failure):
"msg": "Error message about what went wrong with upload"
- 204 No Content (Upload validation and ingest is not complete, and waiting timed out)
In this case, trying again is fine
- `GET /image/original/{file}` for getting a full-resolution image. `file` here is the `file` key from the
`/image` endpoint's JSON
- `GET /image/details/original/{file}` for getting the details of a full-resolution image.
The returned JSON is structured like so:
"width": 800,
"height": 537,
"content_type": "image/webp",
"created_at": "2022-04-08T18:33:42.957791698Z"
- `GET /image/process.{ext}?src={file}&...` get a file with transformations applied.
existing transformations include
- `identity=true`: apply no changes
- `blur={float}`: apply a gaussian blur to the file
- `thumbnail={int}`: produce a thumbnail of the image fitting inside an `{int}` by `{int}`
square using raw pixel sampling
- `resize={int}`: produce a thumbnail of the image fitting inside an `{int}` by `{int}` square
using a Lanczos2 filter. This is slower than sampling but looks a bit better in some cases
- `resize={filter}.(a){int}`: produce a thumbnail of the image fitting inside an `{int}` by
`{int}` square, or when `(a)` is present, produce a thumbnail whose area is smaller than
`{int}`. `{filter}` is optional, and indicates what filter to use when resizing the image.
Available filters are `Lanczos`, `Lanczos2`, `LanczosSharp`, `Lanczos2Sharp`, `Mitchell`,
and `RobidouxSharp`.
- `resize=300`: Produce an image fitting inside a 300x300 px square
- `reizie=.a10000`: Produce an image whose area is at most 10000 px
- `resize=Mitchell.200`: Produce an image fitting inside a 200x200 px square using the
Mitchell filter
- `resize=RobidouxSharp.a40000`: Produce an image whose area is at most 40000 px using the
RobidouxSharp filter
- `crop={int-w}x{int-h}`: produce a cropped version of the image with an `{int-w}` by `{int-h}`
aspect ratio. The resulting crop will be centered on the image. Either the width or height
of the image will remain full-size, depending on the image's aspect ratio and the requested
aspect ratio. For example, a 1600x900 image cropped with a 1x1 aspect ratio will become 900x900. A
1600x1100 image cropped with a 16x9 aspect ratio will become 1600x900.
Supported `ext` file extensions include `png`, `jpg`, and `webp`
An example of usage could be
GET /image/process.jpg?src=asdf.png&thumbnail=256&blur=3.0
which would create a 256x256px JPEG thumbnail and blur it
- `GET /image/process_backgrounded.{ext}?src={file}&...` queue transformations to be applied to a given file. This accepts the same arguments as the `process.{ext}` endpoint, but does not wait for the processing to complete.
- `GET /image/details/process.{ext}?src={file}&...` for getting the details of a processed image.
The returned JSON is the same format as listed for the full-resolution details endpoint.
- `DELETE /image/delete/{delete_token}/{file}` or `GET /image/delete/{delete_token}/{file}` to
delete a file, where `delete_token` and `file` are from the `/image` endpoint's JSON
The following endpoints are protected by an API key via the `X-Api-Token` header, and are disabled
unless the `--api-key` option is passed to the binary or the PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY environment variable is
A secure API key can be generated by any password generator.
- `POST /internal/import` for uploading an image while preserving the filename as the first alias.
The upload format and response format are the same as the `POST /image` endpoint.
- `POST /internal/purge?alias={alias}` Purge a file by it's alias. This removes all aliases and
files associated with the query.
This endpoint returns the following JSON
"msg": "ok",
"aliases": ["asdf.png"]
- `GET /internal/aliases?alias={alias}` Get the aliases for a file by it's alias
This endpiont returns the same JSON as the purge endpoint
- `DELETE /internal/variants` Queue a cleanup for generated variants of uploaded images.
If any of the cleaned variants are fetched again, they will be re-generated.
- `GET /internal/identifier` Get the image identifier (file path or object path) for a given alias
On success, the returned json should look like this:
"msg": "ok",
"identifier": "/path/to/object"
Additionally, all endpoints support setting deadlines, after which the request will cease
processing. To enable deadlines for your requests, you can set the `X-Request-Deadline` header to an
i128 value representing the number of nanoseconds since the UNIX Epoch. A simple way to calculate
this value is to use the `time` crate's `OffsetDateTime::unix_timestamp_nanos` method. For example,
// set deadline of 1ms
let deadline = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc() + time::Duration::new(0, 1_000);
let request = client
.insert_header(("X-Request-Deadline", deadline.unix_timestamp_nanos().to_string())))
## Contributing
Feel free to open issues for anything you find an issue with. Please note that any contributed code will be licensed under the AGPLv3.
## FAQ
### Question: I want to configure it with yaml instead of toml
Answer: That's not a question, but you can configure pict-rs with json, hjson, yaml, ini, or toml.
Writing configs in other formats is left as an exercise to the reader.
## License
Copyright © 2022 Riley Trautman
pict-rs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
pict-rs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This file is part of pict-rs.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pict-rs. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).